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Chapter 184 Boarding Show

Chapter 184 Boarding Show
After everyone gathered, they set off towards the beach together. Including Xu Feng, there were a total of eight people, but they were divided into five groups when they walked. Xu Feng, Nie Fengbu Jingyun and Wuming walked together, while the other four People keep their distance and guard against each other. Obviously, no one will trust others easily.

After a while, everyone came to the edge of the beach, but at a glance, there was nothing on the shore, Huangying had a bad temper, and immediately started scolding: "His grandma is a hero, where is the boat? Are you kidding me? "

The others were also a little puzzled, but Xu Feng was not in a hurry. Sure enough, after waiting for a while, a ship's shadow appeared on the distant sea. It was small at first, and then gradually grew larger.

This is a huge sea ship, about thirty feet high, and several tens of feet in length and width. It looks mighty and domineering, like a giant sea beast, and it really deserves to be written by Xiongba.

But the boat stopped a dozen miles away from the shore, and could not go any further.

Seeing this, Xu Feng said: "Everyone, go to the big stone. There are several fishing boats there. Let's go there by fishing boat. This boat is too big to touch the shore."

Naturally, everyone went there together as promised, but there were two fishing boats, Xu Feng and the others naturally used one, but the other four did not like each other, and it would be a disaster if they wanted to make them a boat.

That Huangying kicked the fishing boat directly into the sea, and then jumped onto the boat. He actually wanted to go on the boat alone.

How could the other three people agree? Duanlang reacted the fastest. He stepped on tiptoe and followed Huangying onto the boat. Seeing him coming up, Huangying yelled, "Huangmao boy, how dare you grab the boat with your grandpa?" .”

When the voice fell to the ground, he slashed out with a knife. The wind of the knife was icy, and the cold light was dazzling. It is indeed a shock!
But Duanlang was not afraid at all, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, he put his hand on the hilt of the sword, and Huolin came out of its sheath, like a startled rainbow, as fast as lightning, directly attacking Huangying's neck at a tricky angle.

He didn't defend himself with this move, but attacked the enemy that must be saved. The Huolin Sword was launched later but at a faster speed. If Huangying didn't accept the move, the two of them would probably die together.

Huangying didn't expect that the young boy in front of him was so hot and fearless. Although he was a martial idiot, he was not an idiot. He knew that if he died with this boy, he would laugh out loud.

So in the nick of time, his knife stopped sharply, only a few millimeters away from the top of Duanlang's head, and Duanlang on the other side also stopped his sword at the same time, only a hair's length away from Huangying's throat.

The two confronted each other for a while, each putting away their weapons.

The fight between the two of them allowed each of them to figure out the details, knowing that none of these people is easy to mess with, so the remaining two, Po Jun and Huai Kong, also boarded the boat and ignored each other safely.

It is in response to that sentence that peace is achieved. Only by showing one's own strength, or knowing the opponent's strength, can a balance be reached.

Xu Feng and the others had been on the other boat. During this process, they tacitly did not make a move or make a sound. Seeing that the matter was resolved, they started rowing towards the big boat.

After a while, I came to the foot of the big ship. When I got closer, I could feel the giant of the ship in front of me. The hull was more than 30 feet high, the draft was about ten feet, and there were nearly twenty feet on the water. Much higher than ordinary city walls.

However, with such a high hull, how to get on it was a problem. After a while, a rope hung down from the bow.

Obviously they were asked to climb up along the ropes, but all the people present were the top martial arts masters, who would like to climb up like ordinary people, not to mention there are other people watching from below. Not to make people laugh out loud.

But without climbing the rope, what better way to get there?Use light work?Everyone was evaluating in their hearts whether their lightness could leap over the twenty-foot-high boat.

For a while, no one made a move first, and everyone stood still on the boat.

Xu Feng felt amused in his heart. Seeing that no one was moving, he took a step forward and said, "Seniors, since everyone is giving in, how about letting the boy go up first? Don't make Chief Xiong wait in a hurry."

Naturally, the others had no objection. Some of them wished that he would come to the muddy water, and some wanted to learn from others.

But when they saw Xu Feng's method, they were all dumbfounded. Xu Feng kicked his legs, grabbed the rope with both hands, and then stepped on the hull of the boat, climbing up step by step.

Although the speed is not too slow, it is indeed the most common method, even ordinary people who have never learned martial arts can do it.

After Xu Feng climbed up, he didn't have time to care what other people thought. He actually did it this way on purpose.

With his current cultivation skills, he can directly fly into the air, not to mention the distance of twenty feet, but he is unwilling to use it. One must know how to hide one's clumsiness and keep one's trump card.

With Xu Feng's first start, Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun Wuming followed Xu Feng's example and climbed onto the boat, but their posture was much more graceful and their speed was much faster.

They obviously don't care about the reputation of being fearless in the competition.

The remaining four people looked at each other in blank dismay.

Po Jun was the first to rush forward, he didn't climb the rope, but directly jumped more than ten feet high, what is rare is that the boat under his feet didn't shake greatly.

When he reached more than ten feet, the power of this jump was exhausted, and his figure was about to fall, and then he slapped his palm into the air behind him, the air produced a huge explosion, and his figure climbed again, In this way, he clapped three palms in total and boarded the bow.

His hand can be said to be very beautiful, and it can be seen from it that his skill is well-deserved.

And then Huangying also roared, imitating the routine of breaking the army, and rose to the top of the boat in the same way.

Duanlang snorted, and didn't bother to copy other people's methods. He also kicked one leg to rise more than ten feet, and then when his body was about to fall, he quickly pulled the rope with his hand, and with the help of pulling force, he quickly climbed up. Next, also to the bow.

Huai Kong was left, he was worthy of being a monk, and he didn't have the heart to fight, so he was the last one to get on the boat, and he used the same method of climbing ropes as honestly as Xu Feng.

Everyone is a master, but when a group of masters get together, sometimes there may be counterproductive effects, because everyone is arrogant, not convinced by each other, there is no cooperation with each other, and even internal friction.

So for masters, it is not easy to superimpose them.

Xu Feng was a little worried. Among these people, except for Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun, there was no possibility of cooperation among these people. Will the dragon slaying be successful then?

(End of this chapter)

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