Chapter 186
Xu Feng was watching and drinking a cup of tea. He believed that Nie Feng could solve it, but he didn't expect the situation to change too fast. More importantly, he knew that Duanlang was shameless, but he still underestimated his shamelessness degree.

Seeing that Nie Feng was about to be injured, it was too late to rush over, so Xu Feng had no choice but to throw the teacup lid in his hand as a hidden weapon.

The toss seemed ordinary, but in fact Xu Feng had already enhanced the power of his true essence. The speed of the cup cover directly exceeded the speed of sound, and it hit his palm before breaking the waves.

The speed of the cup cover was too fast, Duanlang didn't have time to react at all, he was hit squarely, which directly broke his palm.

One must know that Duanlang attacked with all his strength, uneasy and kind, his palms were full of true energy, and a tea cover thrown by Xu Feng from a hundred meters away still broke his defense and injured his hand. Throwing power.

Nie Feng took the opportunity to get out of Duanlang's attack range with his calligraphy and painting in his arms.

Duanlang's hand was injured, so he stopped chasing him, but turned his head to look at Xu Feng who was standing in the distance. Seeing Duanlang's gaze, Xu Feng in the distance just smiled slightly and raised the teacup in his hand.

The gloomy light in Duanlang's eyes kept flickering, but in the end he entered his room without saying anything.

He knew in his heart that this Xu Feng was definitely not simple, and he didn't seem to go out of the room very much these days, but he was also aware of the intimate relationship between Xiongba and Xu Feng, and Xu Feng often went in and out of the captain's room. From this information, It can be seen that Xu Feng is definitely not simple.

It's definitely not the Xu Feng he knew when he was in Tianxiahui.

This is just a small twists and turns in the journey, and it passed quickly, and most of the time it was uneventful.

Under Xu Feng's guidance, the ship was getting closer and closer to the target island.

On this day, the ship has entered the deep sea, the wind and waves are huge, the clouds in the sky are very low, and the wind is howling.

Although the sea ship was tall, it was like a piece of dust in the vast sea.

The heavens and the earth began to show their mighty power. In the face of the divine power of nature, although the people on board were all masters among human beings, they all felt their own insignificance and helplessness.

This helplessness is deeply hidden in the depths of human genes, because human beings have faced floods and various natural disasters since the moment they were born in this world.

In these difficulties and challenges, human beings grow slowly, but they have never been defeated.

In the turbulence of the wind and waves, the boat moved forward with difficulty, and suddenly a small dot faintly appeared in front of it.

Slowly the point is getting bigger and bigger, it is just a small island.

The people on the boat haven't seen the land for a long time. Seeing the small island at this time really feels very kind.

When Xu Feng saw this small island, he knew it was the island where the dragon was.

Because the island is so distinctive, like the teeth of a giant beast, it is exactly in line with the memory.

There is absolutely no mistake, but the trouble is that the closer the island is, the stronger the wind, waves and rain, and even thunder falls from the sky.

It was noon at this time, but the whole sky was completely dark, and it was already the same as night.

Seeing this situation, Xu Feng was a little worried, could this boat really hold up?

All the masts on the ship were lowered, and everyone hid in the cabins.

The entire ship is like a rocking chair, and the shaking angle can reach 180 degrees.

Xu Feng and Xiongba stood together in the captain's cabin. The captain's cabin had several windows made of colored glass, allowing one to see the situation outside.

Seeing through the window, Xu Feng felt that the situation was very bad.

Xiongba also had a gloomy face, very unattractive.

The captain is trying his best to control the direction, he actually wants to go back, but he knows exactly what kind of person Xiong Ba is, if he runs away at this time, he will only die.

So I can only grit my teeth and hold on. After all, there may be a chance of survival after fighting the storm?
The boat resisted the storm tenaciously and approached the small island. Every time the boat thought it was about to capsize, but in the end it was always able to restore its balance.

In this way, without any danger, the island is getting closer and closer.

Finally, the ship finally entered the range of the small island, and then all the storms and thunder disappeared instantly, and the sky was restored.

It is only a few kilometers away from the beach of the small island, and the sea is calm and calm.

The boat sailed to a place a few hundred meters away from the island, and everyone sat in a small boat, and then boarded the island one by one.

The maids and the crew stayed on board.

Together with Xiongba, a group of nine people set foot on this unnamed island.

The island is five or six kilometers long from east to west, and more than ten kilometers long from north to south, so its area is not small.

All the tall trees grow on the island, which feels like a virgin forest and is lush.

"Everyone, hard work pays off. We finally landed on this island successfully. Since this island has no name yet, I, Xiongba, will give it a name. It will be called Long Island."

Xu Feng secretly laughed, thinking that the name of Xiong Ba is really simple and rude.

"Okay, now that we have successfully landed on Long Island, I believe everyone knows what to do next. I don't need to repeat the purpose of calling everyone here this time. Now let's go to Long Island. location."

No one spoke, everyone had their own thoughts, and everything ahead was unknown.

The ancient trees are towering, but with Huangying in front holding Jingji and cutting the road, it is not too easy.

Xu Feng felt something was wrong, he felt as if he had forgotten an important thing, could it really be so easy to find where the dragon is?

What have you forgotten or neglected?

It's a pity that I really can't remember what happened in my head, so it's hard to remind others, but I silently raised my vigilance, released my spiritual thoughts, and everything within ten meters away from me is clear.

Maybe it was about seeing the dragon. Everyone was more excited. Huangying opened the way more and more smoothly, and the speed was getting faster and faster. dragon.

The woods are dense with weeds, dark and damp, although there is a road opened by Huangying, but every time you step down, you will still be deeply sunk in the humus, which is formed by the rotting leaves over the years.

Moreover, through divine thoughts, Xu Feng was able to observe everything within a radius of ten meters. He found that it was indeed a rainforest, and there were many types of creatures in it, and from their shapes, it could be seen that most of them were highly poisonous. .

If ordinary people stray into this island by mistake, they will definitely not be able to walk three steps in this rainforest.

Fortunately, everyone on this trip is a master of martial arts, and those poisonous insects and beasts are no longer a threat to Xiongba at this level.

But when everyone's vigilance was relaxed, suddenly an arrow flew towards Huang Ying's right hand holding the knife.

(End of this chapter)

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