Chapter 187

Huang Ying was concentrating on opening the way, but he didn't expect an attack, but he was also an old man, so he reacted quickly, and blocked the arrow with a quick turn of the knife.

But this was just the beginning, following that arrow, followed by a rain of arrows overwhelming the sky.

Everyone panicked and took up weapons to defend themselves.

Xu Feng's weapon is the Dementor, which he never took out, and the longquan sword, which was originally a conventional weapon, was also smashed to pieces in the last duel with Huo Qilin.

So facing the rain of arrows, he had no choice but to catch the arrows with both hands, or dodge with his body skills.

Seeing this, Nie Feng, who was next to him, took the initiative to expand his saber circle, and Xueyin's saber danced, forming an airtight protective cover, and no arrows could be shot in.

The rain of arrows poured down for a while, probably because it had no effect, and finally disappeared slowly.

Xiong Ba said: "It seems that there are still people living on this island, let's be careful."

Xu Feng's heart moved, and he finally understood what he had overlooked or forgotten, that is, there were people on this island.

He completely remembered that there was a group of people living on the island. They called themselves the Dragon Guard Clan—the Shui Clan, and they were dedicated to guarding dragons.

The dragon is on this island, and they regard it as their totem and holy beast, and they worship it very much.

So if my group of people wanted to slay the dragon, they would definitely be stopped by this group of people.

In the original book, it seems that in the end the Shui tribe was directly wiped out by the dragon slayers.

Xu Feng thought that he might not be spared today, but there was no need to exterminate the clan. If they were determined to stop them, they could just beat all their young men to the ground.

After the rain of arrows, everything returned to calm. Everyone raised their vigilance and moved forward cautiously again.

On the road ahead, they encountered various obstacles, sometimes attacked by poisonous snakes, and sometimes various annoying traps. This complex rainforest environment provided good cover for the attackers.

From the beginning to the end, Xu Feng and the others didn't see a trace of the Shui people.

However, Xu Feng himself sensed them through his divine sense. There were not many people on the other side, only about 20 people, and they were all middle-aged men with primitive attire.

The traps along the way, if it is an ordinary martial arts master, may also be caught, after all, it is too difficult to guard against.

It's a pity that all the people present are good people, and their martial arts are more perverted than the other, so they are all safe and sound in the face of these.

The island was only that big, and soon everyone walked out of the rainforest and came to the middle of the island.

There is a hill in the middle of the island, about a few hundred meters high, and there are some simple houses at the foot of the hill. At this time, there are about 100 people standing in front of these houses, all of them are strong and strong adult men.

Some of them hold bows and arrows in their hands, and some hold homemade grass. The clothes on their bodies are a simple combination of animal skins and leaves.

Most of the places are naked. Seeing them, Xu Feng felt very similar to those Indian tribes in the Amazon forest on the modern earth.

There are so many of them, and they all have a look of death on their faces, because they probably understand in their hearts that although the number of these people in front of them is small, there are so many traps, insects, snakes and beasts along the way just now. These people did not lose a cent.

They knew it in their hearts, so the men of the whole clan were dispatched.

"Interesting, what do these natives want? Seeing from their appearance, they regard us as enemies?" Huang Ying laughed.

Xiong Ba took a step forward and said: "Everyone, we came to the island only for the dragon, do you know if there are dragons on this island?"

But those natives still stared at them without saying a word.

I don't know if it was because they didn't understand, or because they kept quiet on purpose, but the two sides were at a stalemate.

"Guangzhu, talk nonsense with them, just kill them, dare to block our way."

As Duan Lang said, he drew out the Huolin Sword with a bang, and was ready to kill. His face was full of excitement. He was indeed affected by the Huolin Sword. It was his last thought to encounter this kind of killing. like.

"No, they are innocent, we are only here for the dragon, why should we hurt more lives." Nie Feng was the one who stopped him.

Xu Feng watched from the side, feeling a little funny in his heart, Nie Feng and Duanlang are like the yin and yang of Tai Chi, one south and one north, and their personalities are completely opposite, like two mirrors of human nature.

"Oh, don't kill? Then can you get these idiots out of the way?" Duan Lang sneered.


Nie Feng was choked and had nothing to say, but he was not reconciled to this, and turned to look at the natives who regarded death as their home.

He resolutely stepped forward and came to them step by step. Seeing him approaching, the natives bowed and raised their bows one after another, ready to attack at any time.

But Nie Feng didn't take any precautions as if he didn't see it. He walked ten steps away from them and said slowly: "Everyone, I know that we have invaded your territory and offended your homeland. It's our fault, but we came from the Central Plains and came to your land because we heard that there are dragons here, and we hope to use the dragon's dragon element to help our Central Plains escape a catastrophe."

"In short, I'm sorry for the trouble you have caused by intruding rashly. I apologize to you here. Can you please make way for your clansmen. We really didn't mean to offend you. We just came to look for the dragon."

After a long time, one of the natives finally stood out. His head was decorated with colorful feathers, and his figure was also tall and mighty, with a strong back and a strong waist.

" came here to kill the dragon? Do you know that this dragon is the holy beast of our clan and our patron saint."

What he said was actually the Chinese of the Central Plains, but the accent was a bit strange, but he could barely understand it.

When Nie Feng heard that the dragon was actually their clan's guardian holy beast, he thought in his heart that if this was the case, it would be reasonable for them to stop his group.

Knowing that he was being unreasonable, Nie Feng was ashamed to speak any more, he cupped his hands at the person who stood up, and retreated.

Duan Lang saw Nie Feng retreating back in a state of embarrassment, and said mockingly: "How is it? Is he accepting your kindness? To deal with these uncivilized people like them, just kill them."

As Duan Lang said, holding the Fire Lin sword, he walked towards the natives against Nie Feng, and said as he walked: "You stupid pariahs, return your holy beasts, get out of the way if you are sensible, or you will all die. The fire lin is already very hungry and thirsty, it hasn't drunk fresh human blood for a long time."

The person who stood up, the leader of the Shui clan, knew that the person in front of him would not let it go, so he waved his hand, and those clansmen who were on full alert launched an attack on Duanlang one after another.

The rain of arrows was like locusts, and the shadow of spears was like a forest. These hundreds of people, acting in an orderly manner, surrounded Duanlang like a small army.

(End of this chapter)

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