The most powerful mobile phone ever

Chapter 191: Long Yuan is Present

Chapter 191: Long Yuan is Present
Xu Feng thought of going to a museum when he was in college, and saw an ancient mural, which showed a group of humans wearing animal skins, holding self-made spears, hunting mammoths much bigger than himself.

The feeling he had when he saw the mural was so similar to the scene in front of him.

After this kind of attrition battle, the effect was obvious. Everyone present had good lightness skills. Although the tyrannosaurus was furious and kept sweeping its tail, it didn't hit a single hit after that.

On the contrary, the bushes on the side were all swept away by its tail, and an open space with a radius of [-] meters was cleared around it, and there were even cracks in some places. You can imagine how terrifying the whipping force of its tail is.

As time passed by every minute and every second, the speed of the tyrannosaurus obviously slowed down.

It was like a trapped beast, its eyes slowly turned red, and it kept roaring.

The wounds on his body were constantly accumulating. Although each wound was small, the accumulation was already terrifying.

The original skin color of the tyrannosaurus was that kind of earthy blue, but now the skin is gradually covered with red blood, and it has turned into a red tyrannosaurus.

This makes it look more ferocious and more ferocious.

"Everyone, be careful, it's almost dying, so prevent its dying counterattack."

Ants shake elephants, as long as you have patience, you can succeed in the end.

Xu Feng understood that what he had to do now was to continue dragging, so that the tyrannosaur's physical strength would be further drained.

But he also has another calculation in his mind, that is, since the dragon is not the legendary Chinese dragon, what will the last dragon yuan look like?What form will it appear in?

And the tyrannosaurus is about to die, and everyone will definitely move. The more this time, the more dangerous it is, and we must not relax our vigilance at all.

The blood-red tyrannosaurus was probably also aware of its passivity and the cunning of the group of humans in front of it. It suddenly roared, and the speed of its tail suddenly increased sharply.

Continuously pumping towards everyone, after such a long time of consumption, everyone's physical strength has actually decreased a lot, such a sudden critical attack, caught off guard, everyone hurriedly avoided.

At this moment, when everyone was in a hurry, there was a loophole in the encirclement, and the Tyrannosaurus suddenly accelerated and ran towards the entrance of the cave, and it was about to escape!
"Quick, stop it, don't let it go back into the hole!"

Po Jun, Huang Ying, and Wuming were the closest to it, and immediately rushed to its front, and then the three of them flew up together, stabbing its eyes with their swords.

To stop such a huge dragon, the only way to temporarily stop it is to attack its eyes.

Sure enough, the tyrannosaurus had to lower its head, but it still didn't stop, wanting to just crash into it.

But how could the three of them let it succeed? The sword was like a gangrene attached to the bone. As it lowered its head, it also fell together, always facing its eyes.

The Tyrannosaurus had no choice but to turn around, swung its tail out, and then ran in another direction without looking back.

It actually found that it couldn't go back home, so it chose a random direction to escape.

Several other people immediately chased after it, and it was only the last step. The Tyrannosaurus rushed left and right, which showed that it was really close to the end of its rope.

It's a pity that although the tyrannosaurus is tall and has long legs, its speed is still not as fast as everyone else's. Nie Feng and the others easily caught up with it, constantly falling on it, and constantly adding new wounds to its body.

The Tyrannosaurus then chose several directions to escape, but the result was still the same, it was useless, and it was completely impossible to escape.

Maybe this tyrannosaurus didn't even think about it, how could he, a carnivore and the top of the food chain, be disgusted by this group of little "flies"?

It kept getting angry, its tail kept sweeping, many cracks appeared on the ground, many large stones on the surrounding mountains were directly split by its tail, and the stones flew horizontally.

It was like landslides and ground cracks, but this was just the last dying struggle. The more it was like this, the faster its physical strength would be consumed, and the more blood would ooze from the wound on its body.

The battlefield has moved from the original cave to the foot of the mountain, and the Tyrannosaurus rushed all the way to the rainforest on the island.

Those towering trees fell one after another under its impact, and it was simply more efficient than ordinary bulldozers.

And Xu Feng and the others were not far behind it. This was the last moment of the trapped beast.

Sure enough, the tyrannosaurus kept colliding, falling countless trees along the way, but the speed became slower and slower, and finally fell when it was about 500 meters away from the sea.

Everyone hurriedly followed, dispersed, and surrounded it again.

The fallen tyrannosaurus was like a small mountain of meat. Although it fell, it was not dead yet. Its chest was heaving and falling, and its eyes were wide open, staring at the people in front of it full of hatred and unwillingness.

It can be said that there is really not a piece of good meat on its body at this time. It is all wounds, all over the body, and blood is flowing everywhere. On the ground where it is lying, a small stream of blood is slowly leaching.

Although the eyes of the Tyrannosaurus were full of hatred, at this moment it was completely helpless, it couldn't even stand up, it knew that its life had come to an end.

The breath of the tyrannosaur is gradually weakening, and the life is slowly passing away.

And the people around kept still and didn't take any action, because no one wanted to take any risks, besides, they didn't know what that dragon yuan looked like or where it was, so they were all prepared to wait and see what happened.

After about an hour like this, the Tyrannosaurus' heartbeat became slower and slower, and suddenly without warning, a ball of glowing balls came out of its mouth.

The light is too dazzling, especially after such a long battle, it is now close to evening, this light ball flying out of the Tyrannosaurus's mouth is like a small sun, directly illuminating the whole world.

And all the people waiting at the side were waiting for the last moment. The moment Long Yuan appeared, everyone's body was in a riot.

Duanlang is the closest to the Tyrannosaurus Rex's mouth, so when Long Yuan flew out, he had the most advantage. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the flying Long Yuan.

It was too late for the others to see, and Long Yuan was about to fall into Duanlang's hands.

Huang Ying roared anxiously: "Boy, what are you doing?"

As he said that, he directly threw the Jingji in his hand towards Duanlang, Duanlang had to stop and dodge, just because of this delay, all the people arrived at the same time.

Huang Ying was the fastest, grabbing Long Yuan and laughing loudly: "The Long Yuan is mine now."

But before he finished speaking, he was slapped hard on the back by someone who was Po Jun. This time, Huang Ying vomited blood from the blow, and the dragon yuan in his hand flew out.

Duanlang seized the opportunity to snatch it, and Nie Fengbu surprised them on the other side. Naturally, he knew that no matter what, Longyuan could not fall into the hands of these wicked people.

As soon as Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun dispersed, they directly surrounded Duanlang in the center, "Duanlang, hand over Longyuan."

(End of this chapter)

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