Chapter 192
Holding the dragon yuan in his hand, Duanlang laughed loudly: "Let me hand over the dragon yuan? You are dreaming!"

As he said that, he didn't like to fight, and he just moved towards the beach, obviously wanting to escape.

But Bu Jingyun happened to be on the other side of the sea, so how could he let him escape easily, rushed forward and pushed out with a palm.

This palm was like a torrential ocean wave, continuous and unstoppable, making people breathless, Duanlang was blocked, so he had to exchange a palm with Bu Jingyun.

The two completed more than a dozen moves in the blink of an eye, taking advantage of this time, other people had already surrounded him, Duan Lang held the dragon yuan in his hand, and naturally became the target of the fire, everyone greeted him.

In this way, Duanlang was under the enemy's back and forth. Although he was good at martial arts, how could he withstand the siege of other people, and he received several blows solidly on his body in the blink of an eye, so he had no choice but to throw the dragon yuan out of his hand.

The crowd followed Long Yuan to rob again.

Then the dragon yuan was in the hands of Huai Kong again, it is said that Huai Kong did not snatch it deliberately, but it happened that Duan Lang threw it closer to him.

Seeing Huaikong's hand, Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun slowed down and stopped snatching it. After all, Huaikong is also a master of a generation, and it is impossible to monopolize the dragon yuan like Duanlang.

But Po Jun and Huang Ying didn't see it that way, they still surrounded him and started fighting without saying a word.

Huaikong was one against two, and was soon injured, but his kung fu was more defensive, so he was able to withstand it.

Seeing Huai's empty hand, Wuming also joined the battle, and said: "Don't fight any more, you two, let's divide this dragon element equally, why bother to fight again."

But Huang Ying and Po Jun are not willing to listen, especially Huang Ying, he is really a martial idiot, he has always wanted to compete with Wuming, and of course he will not let go of such a good opportunity at this moment, so he will fight against Wuming directly up.

Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun saw that the situation on the field was already balanced, so they didn't add any more.

And Duanlang on one side was seriously injured in the siege just now, and he couldn't participate in the battle anymore. He sat cross-legged on the side to heal his injuries, and Long Yuan had no chance with him.

Xiongba didn't do anything during this process, and stayed aside as a bystander, and Xu Feng was the same.

So the current situation is still very strange, the final ownership of Long Yuan, and the balance of strength on the field.

Xu Feng analyzed it quickly in his mind, and found that his chances of winning were still high. As long as the decisive battle between Huangying, Pojun, Wuming and Huaikong was decided, the next thing would be easy.

The situation on the court was still unclear for a while, Huangying and Wuming fought each other, while Pojun faced Huaikong.

They are all the top masters in the world, and they are all famous in the martial arts for a long time. It should be said that it is difficult to find such an evenly matched opponent, so they all tried their best.

Their respective weapons are also the top in the world, and everything is the most luxurious configuration.

If there is a person who has just started in martial arts at this moment, watching these two fights will definitely gain a lot, because it is so exciting and classic.

The use of every trick, every evasion, and every temptation is a classic among classics.

Xu Feng also watched with relish. Although his own martial arts are far superior to everyone present, he still has a lot to learn in terms of actual combat experience and some skills in facing the enemy.

Moreover, Xu Feng also roughly judged in his heart that Wuming and others' martial arts, if judged by the level of Jade Immortal World, these people are almost at the level of the third level of Taiqing, and in actual combat and the use of moves, It is even much stronger than the monks on the third floor of Taiqing.

The level of battle is similar, so it is difficult to make a quick decision. The competition between top experts is actually who makes mistakes first. In this kind of high-intensity battle, whoever makes mistakes first and who reveals his flaws first is not far from defeat. .

The victory or defeat is usually within a hair's breadth, but before this flaw comes out, everyone's fights are actually testing, consuming, and waiting for the other party to make a mistake.

Because no one has the strength to crush the opponent.

After three hundred moves, although Huaikong's skills tend to be defensive, he is a monk after all, he has compassion in his heart, and often does not want to kill.

But Po Jun didn't care about these things, and finally after a move, when Huai Kong held back his hand again, Po Jun caught the opening and punched Huai Kong's ribs directly.

Huai Kong tried his best to shrink back with his chest, but he still couldn't completely counteract this move. He was hit like a dilapidated sandbag and flew far away. After landing, he rolled a few times and couldn't get up for a while.

Nie Feng hurried up and said, "Senior Huaikong, are you alright?"

Huaikong struggled to sit up, barely crossed his legs, and started to heal his injuries: " problem."

Long Yuan thus entered Po Jun's hands, while Huangying and Wuming on the other side hadn't decided the winner yet, and the two were fighting vigorously, as if they didn't care about Long Yuan's affairs at all.

Po Jun got the Longyuan and walked towards Xiongba.

Xiongba couldn't help showing a trace of excitement on his face, he had already reached a secret agreement with Po Jun earlier, Po Jun helped him snatch the dragon yuan, he just wanted to have one more person to help, but he didn't expect it to be beyond his expectations, no need He snatched Longyuan by breaking the army by himself.


A cold voice came out, and the voice landed, a figure was blocked between Po Jun and Xiong Ba, it was Bu Jingyun.

"Hand over the dragon yuan."

Bu Jingyun's eyes were cold and his face was expressionless.

Holding the dragon yuan in his hand, Po Jun sneered and said, "Young boy, speak out loud, I will teach you a lesson today."

He put Long Yuan in his arms, then held Tanlang in his hand, and rushed towards Bu Jingyun.

Bu Jingyun held a peerless sword in his hand, his aura was terrifying, he stood in place and waited for Pojun's charge.

The two exchanged hands in the blink of an eye, and the fight was inseparable again.

However, the battle between Po Jun and Huai Kong just now actually consumed a lot of physical strength, and Bu Jingyun, although young, is a leader among the younger generation, and his skills are actually not weaker than Po Jun.

In addition, he played in a good condition, so he had the upper hand from the beginning, and Po Jun fell into a passive position everywhere.

Moreover, the Peerless Sword has an advantage over the Greedy Wolf who breaks the army. Although the Seven Weapons are some of the top weapons in the world, it does not mean that there are no advantages or disadvantages among them.

The peerless sword can be said to be the absolute king among them. As the Sword Forging Villa, it was originally cast for the purpose of slaughtering Qilin.

Weapons plus good condition, these have a great impact in the duel.

After dozens of moves, Po Jun retreated steadily.

At this moment, Xiong Ba made a move.

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(End of this chapter)

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