The most powerful mobile phone ever

Chapter 193 Who is the Oriole

Chapter 193 Who is the Oriole
Seeing that Po Jun was no match, Xiong Ba decided to make a move. He knew that if Long Yuan fell into Bu Jingyun's hands, it would be troublesome to snatch it back.

Because of the current situation on the field, the two lost their fighting power, Wuming and Huangying couldn't get away from the fight, and Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun were left, both of them were his deadly enemies.

Although his skill has recovered now, and his skill has actually improved a lot compared to before he abolished his martial arts, but if Fengyun and Yun join forces, his situation is still not good.

So after some analysis in his mind, Xiong Ba decisively chose to make a move while Long Yuan was still on Po Jun.

He was like a fierce tiger that had been watching for a long time, he was extremely quick when he made a move, and the timing of his choice was also very mysterious, basically no one reacted to it.

Xiongba didn't use a weapon, but directly used his special skill of three-point return to vitality, and condensed an "energy ball" in his palm, which contained very terrifying power.

His movement is as agile as a tiger, he bullied Jinjin Yun's side in an instant, and then pushed him out with a single palm.

It was too late for Bu Jingyun to dodge, everything happened too fast, he had no choice but to turn the blade of his sword, and use the broad blade of the peerless sword to resist Xiongba's blow.

But the whole person was still shocked and flew tens of meters away. Nie Feng was watching the battle, but he didn't expect Xiong Ba to riot suddenly.

In fact, except for Xu Feng, everyone thought that Xiongba's martial arts hadn't recovered yet. When he was slaying the dragon just now, Xiongba had never made a move from the beginning to the end. I have to say that he hid it very well and almost deceived everyone.

Nie Feng's figure flashed past, caught Bu Jingyun before he landed, and then stepped back three steps in succession to dissipate the force.

Fortunately, the blade of the peerless sword blocked most of the power, and Bu Jingyun was only slightly injured.

Over there, Xiongba took Long Yuan from Po Jun's arms, lifted it up, laughed loudly and said, "Long Yuan, Long Yuan, I, Xiong Ba, finally got you. With you, no one can stop me from unifying the martial arts world." dominance."

His laughter came out endlessly, shaking the surrounding trees to rustle.

After laughing, he looked at everyone on the field and said: "You guys play slowly, the old man will go first."

As he spoke, he moved and ran towards the beach, with Po Jun closely following behind him.

Bu Jingyun was about to catch up, but his chest hurt and he couldn't lift it up, so he had to say to Nie Feng who was supporting him: "Junior Brother Feng, leave me alone, go and stop Xiongba, we must not let Long Yuan fall on him hand!"

"But Senior Brother, your injury..."

"I'm fine, go!" Bu Jingyun almost yelled, then turned to Xu Feng and said: "Brother Xu Feng, please go and help, the dragon yuan must not fall into the hands of Xiongba, if you want otherwise……"

Before he finished speaking, he coughed up a mouthful of blood. It seems that Xiongba's sneak attack still caused damage to his internal organs.

But Xu Feng already understood what he meant, and without saying a word, he chased after Xiongba, and Nie Feng had no choice but to let go of Bu Jingyun and follow Xu Feng.

However, Xiongba had gone far away, Xu Feng knew something was wrong, so he stopped hiding his strength, unfolded at full speed, and immediately changed his figure, as if teleporting, and chased after Xiongba.

Nie Feng also tried his best to develop his lightness kung fu, but he was left far behind by Xu Feng. He looked at Xu Feng's back and was shocked. Although when he competed with Xu Feng, all three of his brothers lost. I gave it to him, but it wouldn't be so abnormal.

On the other side, when Xu Feng spread out at full speed, although he started late, he still intercepted Xiongba on the beach.

The two were confronting each other on the beach. At this time, on the distant sea, a round of red sun was about to sink, and the entire sea was illuminated by red ripples.

Imprinted on people's faces, it is also red, and the setting sun is like blood, but that's it.

Xiongba looked at Xu Feng and said, "Feng'er, why do you want to stop me?"

"Guangzhu, I didn't want to stop you, but since getting the dragon yuan is a joint effort, I think everyone should share the dragon yuan equally. I'm afraid it's inappropriate for you to monopolize it like this."

"Haha, Feng'er, what nonsense are you talking about, how could I take it all to myself? Have you forgotten our agreement? I will definitely give you half of it. In the future, I will leave this world, this country and mountains to you, and you Ruo, she is waiting for you, come quickly, let's get on the boat together."

When Xiongba said these words, his face was unexpectedly sincere. He was facing the sea, so the setting sun just shone on his face, and he really looked like a kind elder.

Xu Feng looked at Xiongba, trying to find out his true thoughts from his eyes, maybe Xiongba really wanted to marry You Ruo to him?Or did he really want to see himself as his successor?
If I were an ordinary person in this world, I would definitely be tempted by such a temptation.

But now, even if what Xiongba said is true, everything is unrealistic to me after all, the purpose of coming to this world is for Long Yuan, how could I stay here?
I can only sigh: "Master, Feng'er, thank you for your great love. In fact, you have always been very good to me. Feng'er actually doesn't want to disappoint your expectations. And You Ruo, I am not worthy of her love, I'm sorry."

As Xu Feng said, he sincerely bowed to Xiongba. No matter what, he felt guilty about You Ruo after all, but I'm afraid he won't have the chance to see her again after he got the Long Yuan this time.

"Master, when you see You Ruo, tell her for me that I, Xu Feng, are the ones who are sorry for her. Let her forget about me."

"Feng'er, why are you saying such stupid things, come on, come on board with me and go back to the Central Plains, you go and talk to You Ruo yourself."

Xu Feng didn't want to say any more, and said directly: "Master, Feng'er offended."

Then he shot directly, the figure disappeared from the spot like a ghost, the next moment he stood in front of Xiong Ba, and then he punched out without any surprise.

This punch looked ordinary on the surface, without any fancy, and without any energy leakage, even from the perspective of a bystander, one would think that this punch was made by someone who does not know martial arts.

But only Xiong Ba, who faced the punch directly, knew its horror.

He felt that if he was a tiger, then Xu Feng in front of him might be a giant dragon, just like the Tyrannosaurus just now, no, it was even more terrifying than the Tyrannosaurus.

There is no thought of fighting in my heart, I just want to escape, this is a call from instinct.

Xiongba never dreamed of what all this was going on, Xu Feng had shown his martial arts before, he naturally noticed it, he even knew that Xu Feng must be hiding his strength, so he never underestimated Xu Feng's strength, In his heart, he has always considered Xu Feng and Bu Jingyun on the same level of strength.

He even considered Xu Feng's betrayal. Although what he said was so emotional just now, if Xu Feng didn't cooperate, what he planned in his heart was to get rid of Xu Feng without mercy.

After all, having Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng is enough to make him unlucky. If there is another Xu Feng in the future, even if he controls the world, he will feel very uncomfortable. After all, these three are too young, and they all have unlimited potential in the future of.

But he counted everything, including Xu Feng's betrayal, but he didn't count that Xu Feng's hidden strength would be so terrifying, it made him despair.

(End of this chapter)

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