The most powerful mobile phone ever

Chapter 194 One Punch Kill

Chapter 194 One Punch Kill
In the blink of an eye, Xu Feng's palm had already reached Xiongba's eyes. Although Xiongba instinctively wanted to avoid it, his rationality overcame his instinct.

He gathered all the power in his body and condensed it into a super-sized energy ball. This move can be said to be the most powerful move of his three-point return to vitality.

Xu Feng's silent punch met Xiongba's most powerful punch.

At this time, Nie Feng had just rushed over, and happened to see Xiongba condense his strongest punch.

He couldn't help but exclaimed: "Be careful, don't fight hard with him."

Nie Feng saw Xiongba's strength from this punch, but Xu Feng's punch was mediocre, he was so anxious, why did he have to be so tough with Xiongba?
But the result was beyond his expectation, and also beyond the expectation of Po Jun who was watching the battle from the sidelines.

When the two fists intersected, Xiongba's seemingly mighty punch disappeared the moment it touched Xu Feng.

As for Xiongba himself, he was directly thrown back by Xu Feng's seemingly simple punch, and his body kept retreating, and he retreated dozens of meters before he could barely stop.

But as he stopped, he spit out a mouthful of blood, and his whole face became sluggish. It could be seen that Xu Feng's punch, just one punch, had already caused serious internal injuries to Xiongba.

On the other hand, Xu Feng stood where he was, without even moving the corner of his clothes, as if he was completely fine.

Looking at this unbelievable result, Nie Feng would never have thought that Xu Feng would be so strong that he could defeat Xiongba with one move, and this was when Xiongba's skill was greatly improved compared to before.

On the field, Xu Feng had a calm expression on his face, and he had already arrived in front of Xiongba, and slowly stretched out his hand and said, "Give me the dragon yuan, boss!"

"'re really good at hiding..." Xiongba said, spitting out some blood again, with a self-deprecating and wry smile all over his face, "Old man... I have nothing to say..."

As he spoke tremblingly, he took out the Dragon Yuan from his bosom, its light was still so dazzling that people couldn't open their eyes.

Xiongba stretched out his hand very full, his eyes were full of reluctance, he knew that as long as he handed over this dragon yuan, then he would be finished.

Ambition and hegemony, without Longyuan, everything is nothing but a castle in the air.

There was a lot of reluctance and unwillingness in his heart, but he knew that he had no chance to resist.

With that punch just now, he knew that he had been seriously injured, his internal organs were severely injured, and even if he could recover, his skill would be damaged. At this moment, any resistance is useless.

Xu Feng didn't have time to pay attention to Xiongba's heart. Seeing that Xiongba seemed reluctant to hand over Longyuan, he didn't show mercy, and took Longyuan from Xiongba without mercy.

Longyuan is warm and moist in the hand, similar to jade, but it is warm, as if it is alive. Holding it, you can feel the terrifying energy contained in it.

Xu Feng didn't have time to study it carefully, and with a direct thought, he took Long Yuan into the portable space.

Xiongba saw the dragon yuan disappearing from Xu Feng's hands, his eyes were straightened, he opened his mouth slightly, and after a long time he slowly muttered: "My dragon yuan..."

After saying this, Xiong Ba, a generation of heroes, burst into tears like no one else, no one expected this, Xu Feng was also quite surprised.

But Xiong Ba is not a beautiful little girl after all, Xu Feng is not so perverted that he has any pity for him, so naturally he will not comfort him.

At this time, other people all arrived on the beach one after another, Duanlang clutched his chest, Bu Jingyun seemed to have recovered a lot from his injuries, Wuming held his arms, and Huangying looked decadent, it should be the final loser. Gave no name.

After all, Wuming is worthy of being a martial arts myth.

They were latecomers, completely unaware of what had happened, and when they arrived, they saw Xiongba crying like a child.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Xu Feng didn't want to cause trouble, even though these people added together, they would not be his opponent.

You Ruo, is the only regret. I am afraid that I will never come to this world again, and I will say goodbye to You Ruo forever.

Could she have imagined that parting would be forever?Will I ruin her life by doing this?Xu Feng was full of contradictions and doubts about himself.

No one can be ruthless than grass and trees. After staying with You Ruo for such a long time, and a person who loves you so sincerely, to be honest, even if there is no love, you will still be moved.

But after all, I have to let down the beautiful woman, and I have to let down this period of time.

I may never have a chance to repay it, so let myself bear it and keep going.

Life is hard to be complete, Xu Feng can only comfort himself in this way.

He called the system from his mind. To be honest, he hadn't heard the system's voice for a long time, and he hadn't actively looked for the system for a long time.

He didn't forget the existence of the system, but he consciously didn't look for it and forced himself to reduce his dependence on it.

I didn't expect this system to be very individual. If I don't look for it, it will never make a sound, as if it never existed.

But Xu Feng's call, it responded immediately as if it had been on standby all the time:

"Host, what can you do with me?"

"My mission in this world has been completed. I'm going home. Send me back." Xu Feng said, looking at these people in front of him, thinking of saying goodbye forever.

Nie Feng saw Xu Feng standing there without speaking after getting the Longyuan, thinking that Xu Feng had also suffered some injuries, so he came over and asked concerned: "Brother Xu Feng, are you okay?"

Xu Feng smiled slightly, and suddenly embraced Nie Feng forcefully, and hugged him forcefully. This was a farewell hug.

Nie Feng didn't know what happened, but his body was stiff the whole time.

"Senior Brother Feng, I'm leaving. It's a pleasure meeting you in this world. I will always remember you as a friend."

"Brother Xu Feng, what nonsense are you talking about? Aren't you doing well? We can meet each other often in the future. If you don't mind, when we stop Juewushen from invading the Central Plains, you can take your little junior sister with you. Hide away with us."

Xu Feng sighed, and patted Nie Feng's back lightly. He couldn't tell anyone here why.

Let go of Nie Feng, and then waved to Bu Jingyun in the distance, but Bu Jingyun looked blank, and also didn't know what Xu Feng meant.

At the same time, in Xu Feng's mind, he had already given the system the order to return.

"Roger that!"

After the system answered, a cell phone shining with bright stars appeared in Xu Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, and its entire screen displayed the entire galaxy, the endless galaxy.

The galaxy rotates, space fluctuations suddenly occur between the sky and the earth, and the mutation occurs in an instant.

Xu Feng's figure disappeared into the world, leaving only the astonished crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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