Chapter 203 Climb Up
Jiuwan sat down, Xu Feng poured her a glass of wine, then lowered his head and ate by himself.

To be honest, although there is a superb product sitting across from him, Xu Feng's heart is not fluctuating. Sometimes he doubts his own saint mode
But for some strange women, it is really difficult for him. Sometimes he thinks, is it the sequelae of being hurt before?

He had just entered university, but he was full of passion. He pursued it on his own initiative, and it took him two years to pursue it.

But in the end..., even the trajectory of my entire life has changed because of this.

Shaking his head, he no longer thinks about these things. Recently, he has tried hard to hide these distant memories in the deepest corner of his heart, so let them slowly fall into the dust and become the past.

Seeing Xu Feng keeping his head down while eating, Jiuwan felt his heart pounding, she really felt excited, but at the moment when the person on the opposite side didn't speak, she was a little hesitant.

She is also very strange about her own state. Normally, she is a veteran in the field of love, and she has long been accustomed to these things, but she did not expect that her mind is blank now, and all the routines and moves have disappeared.

She thought for a long time, but couldn't think of anything, so she greeted in the most clumsy way:
"Hello, may I ask what your real name is?"

After asking, she immediately regretted it, thinking what was wrong with her mind, how could a rich man reveal her identity so easily, and she asked such a sensitive question as soon as she opened her mouth, she really did her best.

But as soon as the words left the mouth, they reached the other party's ears, like water that was spilled, and could no longer be taken back.

"I, my name is Xu Feng."

Xu Feng didn't think much about it. He had nothing to keep secret about his identity. After all, in this world, he was confident that he was the person who was least afraid of assassination.

Unexpectedly, the local tyrant actually told his real name, he was overjoyed, and quickly introduced himself: "My name is Qin Jiujiu, you can call me Jiujiu, hehe."


Xu Feng responded lightly, without further reaction, raised his glass as a signal, and took a sip by himself.

Jiuwan also quickly picked up the wine glass and took a big sip, her little face immediately burst into a smirk, making her look even more gorgeous.

Just like this, the two started drinking, and Xu Feng's mood was still a little affected because he remembered the unbearable past, although he didn't know it.

The two bottles of 82 Lafite were unknowingly drunk by the two of them. Of course, Xu Feng drank most of it, but Jiuwan also drank a lot to keep Xu Feng company.

These wines exceeded the maximum amount she had ever drank, and she passed out immediately.

Seeing Jiuwan lying on the table, Xu Feng wondered what he had done to accidentally take one, but he didn't have any unreasonable thoughts about her.

But since the other girl was drunk to accompany him, Xu Feng naturally wouldn't leave her alone, and the meal was almost finished, so he went directly to hold Jiuwan.

"Get up and go."

But Jiuwan was really seriously drunk, her whole body was terribly soft, and she couldn't stand up straight, Xu Feng hugged her, feeling the smell of wine mixed with the scent of women coming from her body, and.

Not surprisingly, X.

Xu Feng was a little helpless, now he wondered if this wine pill was drunk on purpose, but it was impossible to leave her alone, so he had to hug her princess by himself.

In this way, in the eyes of other people in the hotel, holding this peerless, swaggeringly.

But as soon as he got to the door, the staff of the hotel stopped him, saying that he hadn't paid the money.

It was only then that Xu Feng remembered that he really didn't pay for the meal, and couldn't help but think that he was a little confused by this little girl.

But after looking around, I found that I didn't have a bank card with me.

There was no other way, facing the fiery eyes of the hotel staff, Xu Feng had no choice but to take out his mobile phone and call Lu Manxue.

When Lu Manxue heard that it was Xu Feng who called, she naturally called the hotel manager without saying a word. After a while, Xu Feng left under the surprised eyes of the hotel staff.

He didn't care what method Lu Manxue used to make him leave, and now he just wanted to go home and sleep.


In the villa, after Xu Feng opened the door, he threw the dog onto the bed, and said:
"You call wine, but get drunk so easily, is it worthy of your name?"

But Jiuwan was soundly asleep at this time, and Xu Feng's forceful throw just now didn't wake her up, so she groaned and turned over.

The clothes on the chest are a little bit, and Yao's eyes hurt.

Her little face was as red as a ripe little apple, and the double ponytails on her head were a little messy, in short, everything was wrong.

Xu Feng was helpless, thinking that this girl was too strange, she actually drank so much the first time she saw her, if she was a bad person, wouldn't she have already done so?

And since she is an anchor, and she is so eager for rich people, maybe she doesn't care about these long ago?
Shaking her head, she laughed at herself, thinking when did she have such leisure time, and still worry about other people's leisure time, what kind of person she is, what kind of life she has, has nothing to do with me.

Just sleep for one night and let her go tomorrow.

So Xu Feng left the bedroom, took a shower and tidied himself up.

Then went to bed too.

The villa he bought is very large, with thirty or forty rooms, and the most important thing is the room.

I slept very well that night, and I slept until dawn.

Stretching, I opened my eyes, then turned over, only to meet a big shining eye, staring at me.

Xu Feng reacted for a long time before he realized that the person in front of him was actually Jiuwan.

And it was actually in his bed!

Just looking at him with her big eyes open innocently, what the hell was Xu Feng thinking, but he didn't notice it, did he really sleep so deeply last night?
"Morning, hee hee."

"Um, good morning, um, why are you here with me, huh?"

"I don't know, I was drunk last night, and I saw you when I woke up."


Xu Feng knew it was absolutely impossible. Last night he obviously put her in another room, and then found a random room to sleep in. He must have woken up this morning and touched her.

(End of this chapter)

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