The most powerful mobile phone ever

Chapter 204Chapter 203 Molested?

Chapter 204 Chapter [-] Molested?

But it's hard to say anything more, so Xu Feng could only say:
"Okay, I'm getting up then."

"No, I want to stay with you for a while longer." Shuwan said, resting his head in the hollow of his neck.

Xu Feng is really very, very helpless, how come he is so familiar with him, and he is so himself, is it really okay?
But he thinks so in his mind, his body is still very weak, and the morning is the time when his energy and blood are most vigorous.

But it's very tight.


Xu Feng was helpless, and said, "Jiujiu, what are you going to do?"

"What do you want to do, I just want to hug you, hee hee." The voice is cute and sweet, with childlike innocence.

"..., why do you speak to me as if we are very familiar, but didn't we meet for the first time last night?" Xu Feng really admired this person.

"That's right, but some people know each other for a night, it's like knowing each other for a lifetime. You have such an existence for wine. No matter how long you know someone who doesn't love you, they are just strangers. Don't you think so?"


Xu Feng was convinced again, and even had to admit in his heart that what she said made sense.

"Then I'm asking you a question, and you can choose not to answer it."

"Hee hee, you can ask, Jiu Jiu will answer everything he knows.",

"Uh...that's..." Xu Feng didn't know how to stop his words for a while, "that'"

After asking, Xu Feng quickly changed his words: "I didn't mean that..., don't get me wrong, in fact, I don't care at all, I actually want to ask, don't you do live broadcasts? You rewarded others before Is it the same with the people in the world? Uh...I you say that to them...uh...actually I want to ask...was what you said just now...or the truth...sigh know I didn't mean that..."

Ten thousand thoughts rushed through Xu Feng's heart, what happened to him?Why ask so many questions to a 'strange' girl?How is she doing? What does it matter to me?
Jiu Wan was silent for a while, then suddenly burst out laughing, trembling, and said after a long time: "Brother Feng, why do you ask people these questions? Oh, I see, are you interested in me? Hee hee."

"..." Xu Feng had nothing to say. It seemed that this girl was really special. If ordinary girls were asked this kind of question, they would immediately get hairy.

"Hee hee, if you say you are, will you believe it?" As she spoke, she raised her head and looked up at Xu Feng.

Xu Feng looked at this face close at hand, and her innocent eyes, and nodded for some reason.

"Hee hee, you are so kind. In fact, this is the first time I have taken the initiative. I don't know what's wrong with me. I just want to be close to you. It may be love at first sight. Alas, Jiuwan has fallen in love with you hopelessly. ,what to do?"

"...Uh..." Xu Feng was speechless again, and he found that he was completely helpless in the face of it.

Jiuwan continued: "Ask people if they did the same to other people who tipped Jiujiu before, of course not, Jiujiu has met those people before, but usually they will automatically give me a lot of money when they see me, They are just using their money, and they won't make peace, you don't know how disgusting some of them are."

Then Jiujiu began to open up and chatted with Xu Feng about her previous experiences.

Her parents are both ordinary city citizens. She was pampered and raised since she was a child. It can be said that she has not suffered much. Moreover, she has been very cute and beautiful since she was a child. It can be said that she has always been loved by thousands of people.

Later, she went to Yanjing to go to university, and then she started to get in touch with live broadcasts, and slowly used her own strengths to have sufficient understanding, and she also studied how to please, and those special dances, she also figured it out for fun.

For Xu Feng yesterday, it was her own masterpiece based on that song.

But even though she has such a personality, but because she has received too much love since she was a child, it is difficult for ordinary men to catch her eyes. Although she often goes on dates, she always earns their money with a game mentality.

As for her body, she would never betray her. Fortunately, she is still a little clever, but nothing happened to her.

Even she came to Jiangcheng this time to accompany someone to play, she told it without reservation.

Xu Feng listened quietly all the time, wondering if it was true that she just said that she fell in love with him?Then what should I do?
"Then you should stop doing this in the future. If those rich people really harbor evil intentions towards you, you, a little girl, cannot resist." Xu Feng still advised her.

"Hey, I know, I usually examine them very carefully before meeting."

"You're lying again. I asked you to come to dinner today. Why did you arrive in 10 minutes? Then how did you inspect me?"

"Uh, today is an exception. I don't know what's going on. Anyway, there's a kind of intuition. It seems that God wants me to get to know you impatiently."

"Okay, whatever you say makes sense, I've convinced you. Can you get up now?"

"Hmm... that..." Jiuwan said, and suddenly said, "Is there any problem? you want to help you..."

As he spoke, his voice became smaller and smaller, and his face was slowly stained...

I was shocked again in my heart, this little girl really can't use common sense, she can do all kinds of things that break through common sense.

Generally speaking, it is true, but in this situation, do you think you have been turned into a little girl like her?

(End of this chapter)

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