Chapter 208
"Well done, die!"

Qing Yunzi was overjoyed, but what he was afraid of was that it would not come out, and now that it was brought to him, he wanted to deal with it with one move.

The flying sword grew bigger rapidly, and slashed towards the dragon. The moment it flew out, it was divided into ten parts, completely blocking all the escape routes of the dragon from different directions.

However, Jiaolong seemed to be unaware of the danger in front of him, and he slapped Qing Yunzi's protective shield without hesitation. This blow directly sent Qingyunzi flying far away. During the flight, the protective shield suddenly shattered up.

At the same time, those flying swords also killed Jiaolong!
Since Qingyunzi's mask was broken, there was no light source in the picture, so it was plunged into pitch blackness.

The people watching the battle didn't know what happened to the final result. Could it be that these two guys died together?
Xu Feng was also curious and waited, but he had a hunch that Qing Yunzi should not be dead yet.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the screen was always black. Some viewers couldn't bear it and left directly.

The number of people in the live broadcast room was directly reduced from more than 1 to about 5000.

Waiting for half an hour, the number of people in the live broadcast room is constantly decreasing:

"It's gone, it's gone, it seems that there is no play"

"Yeah, it seems that this Qing Yunzi failed to pretend to be coercive and has already died."

"Brother Qingyunzi, woo woo woo, are you okay, you'll be fine"

"This matter depends on Su and us, it's okay, don't pretend to be a fucking fool, no, if you don't pretend to be forced, you will lose your life"


But Xu Feng didn't say anything, the feeling in his heart became stronger and stronger, Qing Yunzi should not be dead yet.

Sure enough, there was a sudden change in the pitch-black screen. The pitch-blackness was slowly fading away, and gradually the entire screen became brighter, revealing the sky outside the pool.

And at the same time, Qing Yunzi appeared on the screen, but at this moment he was already very embarrassed, his whole body was drenched and had many wounds.

As soon as he climbed out of the pool, he fell down on the cobblestone ground and took a long time to catch his breath and said:

"Fellow daoists, I, Qingyunzi, are back, haha" he said and raised his left hand, "Look, this is the tendon of that beast, it has been slaughtered by me..."

Before he could finish speaking, his hand fell down. Obviously, he didn't even have enough strength to raise his hand.

Those who insisted on not leaving, all exclaimed one after another, and the gifts were all swiped.

Xu Feng was not stingy either, and directly swiped more than 100 big flying swords.

This can be said to be a very exciting fight, and it is a battle that far exceeds his current level of strength. After watching it, his realm and vision have improved.

But what else?
Xu Feng was still very depressed, he quit the live broadcast room, and then ordered a few more.

It turned out that all kinds of weird live broadcasts could be seen in the live broadcast room.

There are live broadcasts of sect sweeping, some live broadcasts of alchemy, some live broadcasts of refining weapons, and many live broadcasts of beating monsters like that Qing Yunzi.

It seems that they all belong to a fairy world, but what use are these to me?

Xu Feng was depressed, he could see the live broadcast from another world, but so what?I'm not that boring, so I watch these things often, what's the benefit to me?

"The system comes out."


"Don't play around with me, can you just tell me how to play this live broadcast software?"

"Just watch the live broadcast and give rewards"

"A reward? Then what else? Is there anything else?"

"No more, I will give you [-] million coins every day, spend it as you like, you are the richest person on this live broadcast software, isn't that enough?"


Xu Feng is really speechless, so what if he is the strongest local tyrant in the Ten Thousand Worlds on this virtual software, anyway, he doesn't feel any benefit at the moment.

I had no choice but to give up exploring temporarily. If there are no other changes in the future, this app can at most be used to watch the battles of those masters from other worlds and see if there is any reference for myself.

Putting down the phone, Xu Feng was really bored, so he drove out for a drive.

First came to Tang Shining's school.

The campus is always a paradise in this world, and once you enter it, you can calm your mind a lot.

All the students who walked by were young students with young clothes and immature faces, Xu Feng could only envy them.

I called her, but this time Tang Shining answered. She was very happy to hear that Xu Feng came to the school to find her.

After a while, Xu Feng saw Tang Shining, who was wearing a cute white T-shirt, came out of the laboratory building. She bounced over and put her arms around Xu Feng's arm and said:

"How did you come? I'm really busy these days."

"I can see that your face is very haggard. Let's go," Xu Feng said, pulling her outside the school, "Go and have a good meal with me, and make up your body."

"Ah, no way," Tang Shining stopped, "It's a waste of time, let's go to the cafeteria, huh?"

Talking and looking at Xu Feng with a small face, he has been acting cute to please.

Xu Feng originally wanted to insist, but seeing the little girl's appearance, he couldn't bear it anymore, so he had to compromise and said: "Okay, you, don't try too hard, can I still afford you?"

Seeing Xu Feng let go, Tang Shining's face was full of joy, and he said, "Husband, you are the richest, I know I don't have to do anything, and you can support me, but I really like my major ,You know."

"You," Xu Feng pampered her head, he was very pleased that she could find what she loved.

To be honest, housing and food are the most basic problems in this world. As an intelligent creature, human beings will never be satisfied with these.

In fact, most people still want to pursue a meaningful life if possible.

It's a pity that the current high housing prices have destroyed the dreams of many young people. When they leave the campus, they only see money and houses.

Don't you know that the house they are pursuing is the most meaningless thing in the world. When they look back when they are old, they should be full of regrets when they look at their life.

Of course, this matter is not the fault of individuals, it is caused by various factors in the whole society.

Xu Feng can't change these things, but he can see his beloved and be free to pursue his hobbies. He still feels satisfied, which shows that his efforts were not in vain.

When the ability is not enough to take care of the world, take care of your own small family first, and take care of the people around you first, this is Xu Feng's request to himself.

The two were walking on campus, attracting all kinds of attention. After all, they were handsome and pretty, so seductive.

Tang Shining was still a little shy, she lowered her head slightly, but her hands were still tightly holding Xu Feng's arm.

Xu Feng smiled slightly, he was fine with these gazes, after all, he had a thick skin.

After eating, there was no time to be gentle, Tang Shining was going to start work again, her little face was full of reluctance:

"I promise it will only be like this this week. After this busy week is over, I will be with you every day."

"Okay, go, take care of yourself." Xu Feng patted her head.


(End of this chapter)

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