The most powerful mobile phone ever

Chapter 209 Meeting Her Again

Chapter 209 Meeting Her Again
Xu Feng wandered aimlessly in his car, and there were fewer and fewer things in the real world that moved his heart. It seemed that after a few days of preparation, he still had to go to another world.

And the most important point is that the efficiency of cultivation on the earth is too low, the aura in the air is thin and polluted, it is simply a nightmare for practitioners.

I plan in my heart, I can choose a world carefully these few days, and find a world that suits my current strength to venture into.

Suddenly the phone rang, and Xu Feng saw that it was Lu Manxue who called:

"Hey, Xue'er, thank you for helping me pay the bill that day."

"...Am I familiar with you? Don't call me Cher."

"Are we not familiar yet? You are in charge of my company now, and I have handed over all my property to you. You actually said that we are not familiar. Alas, my heart hurts." Xu Feng said jokingly.

"Okay, I won't talk to you anymore," Lu Manxue changed the subject angrily, "I called you to ask, there will be a reception among the upper class circles in Jiangcheng tomorrow night, since you are here, do you want to to participate?"

"Reception?" Xu Feng didn't want to talk about it at first, but he remembered that he was just bored and had nothing to do these few days, so he went to see it to relieve boredom, so he said: "Okay, it's also good to go and have a look."

"Okay, then I'll come pick you up tomorrow night, and we'll go there together."


The next night, Lu Manxue drove her Maserati to Xu Feng's villa.

The villa that Xu Feng bought is located in the best area of ​​Jiangcheng, it can be said that it is the most high-end luxury residential area, and it is also the first time for her to visit Xu Feng's home.

When I saw Lu Manxue, I saw that she was wearing a low-necked evening dress. The lines on her chest were very charming. Although her breasts were not big, they looked in harmony with her whole body.

With light makeup on her face, her overall temperament is still acceptable, at least it is different from when Xu Feng recruited her.

And Xu Feng was only wearing ordinary casual clothes, because he found that he didn't have any clothes specially prepared for this kind of party. After all, he didn't participate much in the past, and he usually wore sportswear because it was comfortable.

Seeing Xu Feng's clothes, Lu Manxue frowned and said:

"Are you going to wear this? That's the upper class in Jiangcheng, they are all low-minded."

"It's okay, I don't have the right clothes? Let them see what they want." Xu Feng said indifferently, and now he has the confidence to say this.

" about we go buy you some clothes first." Lu Manxue was still worried.

"It's really unnecessary, it's unnecessary, and it's not too late. Didn't you say it starts at seven? Let's go."

Let's talk, Xu Feng opened the car door and got in, but found that Lu Manxue drove here by himself, without a driver, so he said, "Let me drive, I don't feel at ease with your female driver."

Not allowing Lu Manxue to refute, she got out of the car and re-entered the driving seat.

The car went directly out of the city from the third ring road, and then drove for more than half an hour, and came to a holiday manor. These rich people had a reception, and it was also hidden.

After arriving at the manor, Xu Feng followed Lu Manxue to the reception hall after the car was fixed.

There were luxury cars passing by everywhere along the way, there were countless handsome men and beautiful women, and many people greeted Lu Manxue along the way.

As a senior executive of the Xu Group, naturally many people know her, and more importantly, she is young and beautiful, so those rich second generations are very attentive to her.

They naturally ignored Xu Feng who was next to her. Some looked at Xu Feng's handsome face, but he was dressed casually, and smiled maliciously at Lu Manxue.

Some simply joked: "Mr. Lu, is this your little boyfriend? He's quite handsome."

Lu Manxue blushed, and wanted to explain Xu Feng's identity out loud, but the teaser had already walked away.

Xu Feng didn't care, but watching the feasting scene brought back some unpleasant memories for him.

Last time, at this kind of reception, I had a conflict with Ye Xiner and that Song, and now it can be said that things are different.

After entering the infield, more and more people came to say hello to Lu Manxue. It's no wonder that the current Xu Group is the top in the entire Jiangcheng, and even has a great influence in the entire China.

Xu Feng motioned for Lu Manxue to socialize with them, he brought a glass of red wine himself, and stood in the corner quietly.

how to say?Originally, I wanted to take a look because I was bored, but after I came here, I realized that I was jumping into a fire pit. This kind of reception is simply more boring than being in a daze.

Everyone is wearing a mask and smiling, wearing gorgeous clothes and heavy makeup. It's like a big show. Everyone is an actor on this stage, and they all get together to perform the show well.

"Boring, boring head."

Xu Feng muttered, raised his head and took a sip of wine.

"Yo, buddy is drinking alone, which lady did you come with?"

Xu Feng was a little surprised. Looking back, he saw a handsome young man in a suit greeting him.

"you are?"

Xu Feng really didn't expect that someone would take the initiative to say hello to him. After all, his clothes were incompatible with the people present, and those who came to this reception were not good people, and who didn't want to build some more powerful relationships.

It's normal for someone like him to be ignored.

"Hey, I'm the same as you. I also came here with Miss, don't you?"



Then the two were relatively silent, and the young man secretly despised Xu Feng, after all he felt that Xu Feng must be the same as himself, but he still pretended to be aggressive.

Xu Feng was staring blankly into the distance, actually not looking at anything, and the young man was also standing not far from Xu Feng, both of them looked equally bored.

It's just that the young man is a duck, but Xu Feng is not.

Just as Xu Feng was wandering in a daze, he suddenly heard a very familiar voice:

"Wow, I'm not mistaken, Brother Feng, it's really you, haha."

Immediately afterwards, a soft body bumped into his arm. With this familiar touch and that voice, although Xu Feng hadn't seen the person yet, he had already guessed the identity of the owner.

Sure enough, when he looked back, a pair of big watery eyes were staring at him, his hair was disheveled, and his face was peerless and alluring. Who else could it be if it wasn't Jiuwan?
"Jijiu? Why are you here?"

"Hmph, you answer my question first, I asked you first." Qin Jiujiuqiong wrinkled her nose cutely.

"Um... well, I came with someone." Xu Feng said awkwardly, this little girl is still so difficult.

"Accompanied by someone? Who is it, a woman? Where is she?" Jiumaru looked around and punched his head as he said, as if he was really looking for someone.

(End of this chapter)

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