Chapter 210

Xu Feng was helpless, thinking about the brain circuit of this little girl, "Hey, you haven't answered me yet."

"Me, hee hee, Jiu Wan also came here with someone, no, it should be said that he invited me to come here, hehe." He said with a proud face.

At this time, the young man who just greeted Xu Feng not far away, his eyes are straight at this moment, he can be regarded as having seen countless girls, but he is sure that the girl in front of him, no matter her figure or face, They are definitely the best of the best he has ever seen, and the best of the best.

I don't know how much better than the Miss Su that I accompanied.

He couldn't help looking at Xu Feng with envy, thinking why couldn't he find such a beautiful woman to take care of him?
But after thinking about it, why don't I go up and say hello, what if this top quality can take a fancy to me?

So he brought up the wine and said:

"Haha, excuse me, my name is Miker, how are you?"

Jiuwan turned his big eyes to look at him and said, "Who are you, do I know you?"

The Miker smiled awkwardly and said, "I just greeted this brother, right?" He said and motioned to Xu Feng, "Because we both have the same job."

Speaking with an ambiguous smile.

"You have the same job as Brother Feng?" Jiuwan said, looking at Xu Feng curiously, "Brother Feng, is what he said true? Jiujiu doesn't even know what job you do."

"," Xu Feng said with embarrassment. What's wrong with this young man? Is it the same as his job? "I'm a vagrant. Where's the job?"

In this way, talking about the young man's embarrassment, he coughed and said, "Yes, that's what I meant. I'm also a vagrant."


Jiuwan stopped looking at him as he said that, but continued to hold Xu Feng in his arms, asking questions.

At this moment, Lu Manxue came over from a distance, and when she saw Jiuwan holding Xu Feng's arm, she felt jealous for some reason, and slowly came to her and said:

"Who is this girl?" He said and looked at Xu Feng, "You are fast enough to hook up such an excellent girl so quickly."

Xu Feng looked embarrassed, and just wanted to explain, but Jiumaru did not expect to speak first:

"Brother Feng, who is this woman, why should she interfere with your affairs? Hmph."

As he spoke, he turned to Lu Manxue and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? Brother Feng didn't hook up with anyone. Obviously I was hooking him up. Can't you see it?"

When she said this, not only Xu Feng was sweating, but Lu Manxue was also confused.

And what was even more surprising was that Miker who had been secretly watching from the side. He didn't expect that this kid would have two women fighting for him, and even that top-notch girl would actually say that she was hooking up with him?

Miker really wondered if his ears heard it wrong. At this moment, he couldn't help comparing his own face with Xu Feng's face carefully, wondering if the difference is really that big?

Being in the center of the flames of war, Xu Feng had no choice but to come out to put out the fire, "Xue'er, don't get me wrong, Jiujiu is just one of mine...well, friend, she saw me coming to say hello."

"Ah, brother Feng, you actually call her Xue'er, what is your relationship with her, woo woo woo." Jiuwan pursed his mouth as he spoke, as if he was about to cry.

Xu Feng is helpless, but he has slowly adapted to it now. This Jiujiu seems to have such a personality, and he can always break through people's common sense.

"Shuwan, don't make trouble, she is also my friend, and you are also my friend, you understand?"

Xu Feng had no choice but to say this. He thought to himself, what is this called? Strictly speaking, there is nothing to argue between these two, after all, neither of them is his real girlfriend.

My girlfriend is doing an experiment at school right now, and you two are also good actors, alas, there are indeed many things about women.

Jiujiu heard what Xu Feng said, so he didn't say anything else, a sly light flashed in his eyes, and he said with a smile: "So it's Sister Xueer, did you accompany Brother Feng to the reception? Hello, my name is Qin Jiujiu, you can call me Jiujiu."

But Lu Manxue obviously didn't intend to greet her, and ignored her directly, but said to Xu Feng:
"I came to see it. I was afraid that you would be bored by yourself. It seems that I was too worried. Then you can continue to play here. I will go there first. There are still a few people over there who want to meet."

After saying that, Ping Ping Ting Ting walked away.

"Don't mind, she has that temper." Xu Feng said, there is really no way, after all, Lu Manxue can even hate him, you know, he is the boss.

With such a proud employee, his boss is also very helpless.

"It's okay, hee hee, Jiu Wan doesn't mind." He said as if thinking of something, "By the way, brother Feng, that...can I tell you something..."

"What's the matter? Tell me." Xu Feng was a little curious, this little girl was sometimes embarrassed.

"Well... that's... my night..."

Before he finished speaking, he was suddenly interrupted by a thick male voice:

"Jiujiu, why are you here? I've been looking for you everywhere, come quickly." The person who spoke was a middle-aged man in his 40s or [-]s. He was very strong and full of toughness.

Xu Feng looked at him, and said to Jiuwan, "Jiujiu, do you know him?"

"Well, he invited me here." He said to the man, "What do you want from me?"

The man didn't answer Qin Jiujiu's question, but turned to look at Xu Feng and said, "Who are you? How dare you touch my Wang Dagang's woman?"

"I'm Xu Feng."

"I'm CNM a target, you fucking ate the bear's heart and leopard's guts, huh?" Wang Dagang was furious, "I see you as a petite, who is a pet boy, call me your master, and see if I don't punish you today. "

"What nonsense are you talking about? Brother Feng is not." Jiuwan argued anxiously, "Wang Dagang, don't go too far."

"Jiujiu, get out of the way, is this kid seducing you? See how I deal with him."

"Who do you say is the little boy?"

The voice was faint, without the slightest fluctuation, Xu Feng stared at Wang Dagang coldly, as if staring at a dead person.

Stared at by Xu Feng, Wang Dagang felt that his blood was about to congeal, and he actually felt a trace of fear in his heart.

He, Wang Dagang, started his business from scratch. With the spirit of not fearing death, he insisted on making a fortune in Jiangcheng's real estate market. He even took a few lives on his hands.

But at this moment, facing the gaze of this young boy, he actually felt fear.

"No, it must be an illusion, Wang Dagang, how can you be so cowardly, even a little boy can scare you?"

After pumping himself up in his heart, he stiffened up again, and said loudly:
"The little boy is talking about you, MD doesn't have long eyes and bullied me," he said, turned to face the hall, and shouted again: "Whose boy is this? If you don't come and take it away, I will be rude to him." gone."

(End of this chapter)

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