Chapter 213
After getting into Lu Manxue's car, Xu Feng said, "Thank you."

"No, who told you to be the boss." Lu Manxue said angrily, "I can't see it, you can actually hook up with girls. I thought you were a pretty honest person before."

"..., I'm an honest person, didn't you see everything that happened yesterday?" Xu Feng was helpless. Could it be that his image has become a playboy now?

"Forget it, let's not talk about this. The company's affairs are bothering you. You can raise your salary. Well, I may have to leave again in a few days. I won't be here."


Back at the villa, Xu Feng asked Lu Manxue to come in and sit down, but was rejected.

Xu Feng knew that she might be afraid of seeing the wine pill inside, so he didn't force it.

Sure enough, as soon as he entered the door, a soft body rushed forward, Xu Feng was full of tenderness, and he knew it was Jiuwan because of the breath and the touch.

"Brother Feng, you're back. It's great that you're fine. Jiuwan was worried about you all night. Come and have breakfast. Jiujiu has already made a rich breakfast for you to come back."

When I came to the table, it really was the breakfast on the table, which was very nutritious.

Xu Feng ate happily, letting go of the mold in his heart.

Seeing Xu Feng eating happily, Qin Jiujiu was also happy, and the two enjoyed a warm breakfast.

A good day starts in the morning. A good breakfast can bring people a good mood and vitality for the day, so no matter how busy you are, you must have breakfast.

After eating, Xu Feng said, "Let's go, let's take you to visit Jiangcheng."

Of course, Jiuwan happily agreed, so Xu Feng drove Jiuwan around all the scenic spots in Jiangcheng that day, and then accompanied her to the shopping mall.

When he came back at night, Xu Feng said: "Jiujiu, that Wang Dagang won't die yet. I'm afraid he will be bad for you when he recovers. You'd better leave Jiangcheng early and go home."

Jiujiu originally came to Jiangcheng to play temporarily, and her home is not in Jiangcheng. Xu Feng thought of this, and letting her go home is the best way.

And I will leave this world in a few days, so I can't take care of her.

"No, Jiujiu wants to stay with you for a while longer."

"Hey, I'm going on a business trip in a few days, so you can leave early tomorrow morning. Next time I come back from a business trip, I will contact you again."

"Then... well, then you promise me that you must tell others as soon as you come back."

"Yes, I will."

The next day, Jiuwan made breakfast as usual in the morning, and the two finished their last breakfast.

After packing her luggage, Xu Feng personally sent her to the airport, watching her get on the plane, he really felt a little bit of reluctance in his heart, she is a nice girl.


When he got home, Xu Feng was really tired, life was very boring.

For some reason, he suddenly lost his enthusiasm for life, felt that everything was boring, there were too few variables in life, and there were too few things worth pursuing.

There will always be some strange thoughts in my mind, thinking that people live a lifetime, although they are different from ants and have their own thoughts, but for most people.

What is the point of a mediocre life?What value is there to the entire human race, to the world?
In order to survive, to have enough food, to have a house, and to do all kinds of miscellaneous things all his life, in just a few decades, he passed away in a hurry, and his life passed by like a fleeting horse, without leaving any traces.

Sometimes he thinks again, in the history of mankind, those mysterious majority of people are just the cannon fodder base for producing a few outstanding people.

Li Bai, who wrote the poems of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, and Einstein, who invented the theory of relativity, these people have left either spiritual or scientific legacy to mankind. As for the general public, they just live to live.

In short, these nihilistic things that have already denied the meaning of life suddenly popped up in my mind.

Xu Feng didn't know what was wrong with him, maybe he was too tired?Maybe it's been a long time since I met something that makes my heart move and love me?

Could this symptom be that he had some kind of mental illness?
He was so tired that his mind was about to explode, so Xu Feng had no choice but to stop thinking about it for the time being and force himself to sleep.

Many times, when facing many things, sleeping can be a good solution.

This sleep lasted for a day and a night, and when he woke up the next day, Xu Feng felt that everything had returned to normal.

Even in his own mind, it became clearer. After trying the divine sense, it was much stronger than before. He was puzzled, thinking that the distracting thoughts in his mind at that time were the gigabytes of his mental power breakthrough?
In short, the current state of mind and the strengthening of spiritual thoughts are all good things.

However, Xu Feng also secretly paid attention to it. It seems that when the divine sense breaks through, various distracting thoughts will arise in the human mind.

Thinking about it now, that decadent, gloomy state of losing hope for the whole life and life is really scary.

Even if he couldn't resist, maybe he couldn't help but commit suicide.

Could this be the legendary heart demon?
Legend has it that when a monk breaks through the realm, he will encounter bottlenecks and demonic obstacles. If a monk cannot survive successfully, he will generally die.

"It seems that you have to be careful when you break through again in the future. It's simply too dangerous. It's a fluke that you broke through in a daze this time."

In the blink of an eye, it was the weekend, and Tang Shining was finally liberated and came back from the busy state.

Xu Feng was naturally happy, and the two soon got tired of being together again, almost staying together 24 hours a day.

And it will not feel boring, this may be the state of men and women in love.

Accompanied Tang Shining to the amusement park, then ate a big meal with her, and took her to travel around other cities in China.

An obvious advantage of having money is that your life is more free, you can do whatever you want, and you never have to think too much about it.

Playing well with Tang Shining for a week is considered compensation.

At this moment, the two were lying on the sofa in the villa, Tang Shining was resting her head on Xu Feng's lap, watching a soap opera on TV.

And Xu Feng was holding his mobile phone, looking at the world he was going to go to next.

Back on Earth, it has been a month in the blink of an eye, and now everything that should be done has been done, and he can no longer relax, so he is going to go to the next world soon.

Novels, movies, anime, in fact, there are many choices.

Each is an independent world, but because there are too many, Xu Feng has actually never seen most of them, which means that he is very ignorant of these worlds.

So if you rush to a world that you are not familiar with, it is definitely not the best choice.

So it seems that there are many choices, but in fact there are not many. The only choices he can choose are those he has seen and knows.

In fact, life is like this. At first you think you have many choices, just like when your teacher asked you what your dream is when you grow up, some people fill in scientists, some people fill in ***, and some people fill in stars.

But later, you realized how ignorant you were when you were young, and how the teacher weaved such a dream for you.

Can people choose what they want to be?

Later, you will find that many things are really predestined, and there are very few things you can choose and change.

(End of this chapter)

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