The most powerful mobile phone ever

Chapter 214 Perverted Mission

Chapter 214 Perverted Mission
You can only choose what you have already mastered.

So Xu Feng chose for a long time, and finally chose a novel that he had read in high school, "The Legend of Double Dragon of the Tang Dynasty".

He has read not only the novel, but also the TV series, so he is quite familiar with it.

The story took place at the end of the Sui Dynasty and the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, the era when warlords fought for hegemony in troubled times, and the era of turbulent wind and clouds, he was fascinated by watching it at that time.

The whole book has beauties, profound martial arts, wars, demon sects, powers and schemes, and all the beauties and martial arts are cooked in one pot. It is a world that people yearn for.

Now that you have this opportunity, why not go for it?How about fulfilling the dream I had when I was young?

It is rare for people to have dreams, and the dreams that people have when they are young are especially rare. Unfortunately, most of them have no chance to realize their dreams.

And Datang World, generally speaking, should have what you need, which is a better choice.

After thinking about it, he was about to say hello to Tang Shining first: "Shi Ning, I may be on a business trip again tomorrow, and this time it may take more than a month."

"Ah? Has it been so long?" Tang Shining was enjoying the soap opera at first, but when she heard this, she immediately turned her head and stared at Xu Feng pitifully: "Why did I go for so long? I can't see you for so long. , I'm going to go crazy."

"I don't want to, but I can't help it." Xu Feng could only smile wryly. In fact, he didn't know when he would come back, even more than a month away. Who knows?

Tang Shining also knew that it was impossible for her to keep Xu Feng. Although she didn't want her lover to leave her in her heart, she was a rational girl, not those shrews who made trouble out of no reason.

"Okay, then husband, you must come back quickly, I will always wait for you, you know?"

"Well, I will. I will come back as soon as the matter is finished."

As Xu Feng said, he gave her a kiss affectionately. What could be happier than a woman who trusts herself?
The ancients said that if you want to achieve great things, you must first start a family, cultivate yourself, organize your family and govern the country. This order also makes sense.

You are more empowered when you have someone behind you.

When you are far away and know that someone is always waiting for you, you are like a ship on the sea, you will not lose your way, because the person waiting for you at home is your lighthouse and will guide you home.

Of course, if there is an unfortunate relationship or marriage, it will also have the opposite effect.

Human beings are so wonderful. Mutual assistance between people will produce an effect of 1+1 greater than 2, but at the same time, if they fight among themselves, it will also cause immeasurable damage.

It is even very possible that the destruction of human beings in the future will not be due to natural disasters or the invasion of aliens, but it is very likely that human beings will destroy themselves.

"Thank you dear for your understanding."


After spending a weekend with Tang Shining, she went back to school and Xu Feng started to prepare for his itinerary.

In fact, everything is very familiar, and there is nothing that needs to be brought to the ancient times. The force value in the Tang Dynasty is also fully capable of handling it.

So after a little preparation, Xu Feng got up and spent 5000 system coins to directly open the world of Legend of the Tang Dynasty.

A burst of spatial fluctuations, in the world of Tang Dynasty, Xu Feng appeared out of thin air on a busy street.

But even though it was a busy city, everyone was paying attention to what was in front of them, and although Xu Feng appeared suddenly, no one paid attention to him.

Xu Feng was used to this kind of stimulation, but luckily it didn't cause any sensation.

I thought this is indeed the Sui and Tang Dynasties. Although it should be the troubled times at the end of the Sui Dynasty, the culture is still very inclusive. I wear short hair and wear modern sports clothes, but the people around me don't pay much attention to me.

But after all, this is still not very good, so Xu Feng went to a clothes shop first, and changed his attire into that of this era.

Then I went back to the street and asked someone to inquire about it, only to find out that this is Yangzhou.

Xu Feng had some clues in his heart, Yangzhou was the place where Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were born and grew up.

In this era, Yangzhou was one of the most prosperous cities. Although the Sui Dynasty was in turmoil at the moment, it did not lose its prosperity at all.

But this time should not be Kou Zhong's youth, Xu Feng roughly calculated that Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling should have grown up by now.

After all, it's impossible for the system to trick me over and over again. If they were teenagers, wouldn't I have to wait in this place for a long time to let them grow up?
After finding a hotel to stay in, Xu Feng is ready to make a good plan for his future in this world.

As soon as I lay on the bed in the inn, a system voice came from my head:
"Mission [-]: Kill Yu Wenhuaji with your own hands."

"Task [-]: Get Wanhou's heart. The reward is unknown."

"Mission [-]: Kill Concubine Xuan. The reward is unknown."

"Mission [-]: Get Li Xiuning. The reward is unknown."

"Task Five: Give Xu Ziling a green hat. The reward is unknown."

"Mission [-]: Let Kou Zhong win the final competition and become the master of the world. The reward is unknown."

Seeing these inexplicable tasks, Xu Feng was speechless for a while:
"System, what's going on? Ah, you mess with me, you can see for yourself what tasks these are?"

"Love to do or not to do."

"I tm..., okay, why did you suddenly give me so many tasks related to women? Your sister, are you trying to make me stinky? Do you think I am such a playful person? You are doing it on purpose tarnish my image."

"Sorry, these tasks are automatically generated based on your inner subconscious thoughts."


Xu Feng has nothing to say this time. Could this really be his subconscious?

Forget it, I can’t manage that much, but I’m not a fool:

"Okay, I won't talk about this with you, then tell me why all the rewards are unknown? You can at least tell me what the reward is, or else I will spend energy to complete it, what should I do if I get tricked by you? "

"Whether you like to do it or not, reward content, no comment."

" can do it, ah, you are really good at it, labor and management will one day want you...uh huh, you know..."

Xu Feng could only verbally threaten to have a good time, and then began to think carefully about these tasks. In fact, the difficulty did not seem to be that great?

Except for a few tasks, you have to sacrifice your body, but for the revolutionary cause, you must have the spirit of not being afraid of sacrifice and suffering.

In order to be able to complete the task as soon as possible, in order to liberate these cute and beautiful girls, what is it worth sacrificing one's own hue and body?
Thinking of this, Xu Feng's face was full of righteousness, he was really inspired by his own theory.

So go to sleep with peace of mind, and start to do things after waking up.

(End of this chapter)

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