Chapter 215
Early the next morning, Xu Feng left the inn and started to wander around.

Yangzhou has been a prosperous place since ancient times. Its prosperity can be said to have begun in the Sui Dynasty. Since Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty built the Grand Canal, Yangzhou has been prosperous and prosperous because of the canal.

At this time, it was the end of the Sui Dynasty, and the canal had just been built not long ago, but the atmosphere of Yangzhou City could already be seen and changed.

The people who come and go in the city are all merchants. The prosperity of business brings people, food and sex.

Yangzhou has always been the most famous place among brothels in later generations. Du Mu's "Yangzhou dream once in ten years, won the rare fame of brothels" explains everything.

There is also Xiaobao in the story of the deer and cauldron, which is also from Lichunyuan in Yangzhou.

The Slender West Lake and Shaoyao in Yangzhou are also the most beautiful scenery for a while.

At this time, I was fortunate to come to Yangzhou, which has just become prosperous, so Xu Feng naturally wanted to take a good look around.

After all, for him, traveling to different worlds and completing tasks is one aspect, but if people only give up all other enjoyments for these purposes, then life will be too boring.

So Xu Feng basically regards each trip as a kind of travel, a kind of travel in another world, seeing different scenery, seeing different human feelings, seeing all over the world, this is also Xu Feng's wish.

Passing by a bridge, this stone bridge is very delicately built, it is erected on the canal, and the boats in the river are very busy.

The bridge was full of pedestrians, and Xu Feng was about to go on the bridge, but unexpectedly, the crowd who were going on the bridge suddenly swarmed down.

Xu Feng turned around deftly, avoided the crowd, and went to the bridge, only to see a piece of white silk flying out of the bridge head, and then a barefoot girl in white landed on the stone pillar on the bridge with the white silk. superior.

When Xu Feng looked around, he could only vaguely see her side face, but just this side face was shocking to heaven.

This is an indescribable beauty, like a fairy from heaven and earth, and like a princess of Hades, the faces of angels and demons are concentrated on her alone.

Barefoot in white clothes, white silk in hand, fluttering in the breeze, as if wanting to ride the wind to go home.

She has an exquisite figure and is well-proportioned. In short, everything is perfect. When you see her, you will marvel at the greatness of the Creator, but at the same time feel embarrassed by the eccentricity of the Creator. Why concentrate all the good things on one person.

Xu Feng was stunned and stared blankly.

At this time, on the bridge, that beautiful stunner was already surrounded by seven or eight people.

These seven or eight people were dressed in various clothes, some were dressed as scribes in green shirts and held folding fans, some were bald and dressed as monks, some were dressed as Taoist priests, and some were dressed in ordinary strong clothes.

It can be seen that all of them have extraordinary skills and are not young, they are all around middle age.

"Demon girl, let's see where you are going to escape this time, if you are not Susu, you will be caught without a fight." It was the man in the scribe's green shirt who spoke.

The woman smiled coquettishly: "You let people catch you, you are so bad, why do you want to catch people?"

The sound is like a silver bottle bursting and water squirts out, like the sound of nature, which makes people feel soft after hearing it.

When the scribe heard this voice, the old man's face also turned red, as if his mind had been exposed by someone, he became angry from embarrassment and said: "Stop talking nonsense, witch, don't try to confuse people's hearts, this old man will not be deceived by you."

"is it?"

As the woman spoke, her figure moved, like a goose feather, floating lightly and beautifully towards the green-clothed scribe.

The scribe was momentarily at a loss and didn't know what to do. At this time, the woman's body was already lying sideways in his arms.

Seeing this, the others shouted, "Brother Wen, don't be fooled, run away."

But the scribe saw the snowy skin of the person in front of him, that peerless face, under the white and tender skin, even tiny blood vessels could be seen, and that light smile.

He couldn't help but fell, and stood there blankly, doing nothing.

Allowing the woman to lie down in his arms, his eyes were dull, looking at the person in his arms, he suddenly wanted to stretch out his mouth to kiss.

Everyone was stunned when they saw his action, especially his accomplices, who yelled loudly.

"Brother Wen, you actually did such a thing..."

"Brother Wen, you have fallen, wake up quickly, turn your back on the shore, Amitabha."

The woman was lying in his arms, looking at the mouth that was getting closer and closer to him, she smiled coquettishly, and suddenly her body flew away from his arms like a butterfly.

And the scribe who was standing there was motionless, as if he had been stunned.

A Taoist priest closest to him came up to pat him and said, "Brother Wen, what's wrong with you?"

But all of a sudden he fell straight to the ground, blood slowly flowed out from the seven holes in his ears, he was already dead!

The others were shocked and scattered away. One of the monks said: "Everyone, guard your mind and don't be fooled by this witch again. My Buddha is merciful to such a monster. Let's go together, don't hesitate any longer."

When the others heard this, they didn't hesitate any longer. They took out their weapons and greeted them, and the woman fought with them.

With her weak body, she did not lose the slightest bit against so many people, and every move and style was like the most beautiful dance, giving the audience a beautiful enjoyment.

But from the evasion of other people, we can know that behind these wonderful moves are endless murderous intentions. If you relax your vigilance because of this, you may be lying on the ground in the next second.

Xu Feng, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, was also amazed, and he already had a vague guess in his heart. In the world of Tang Dynasty, this woman is so beautiful and has such high martial arts, and she is also called a witch. Wan Wan, who else could it be?
Looking at this beauty, Xu Feng thought to himself, is Xu Ziling in the book really blind?How could she have the heart to turn a blind eye to such a stunner and push her away again and again.

If I were myself, I would definitely make enemies of the world for such a woman, so what?

The people's congress on the bridge was very lively, and the lively crowd on the street had already dispersed. At this moment, apart from their fighters, only Xu Feng, an unexpected spectator, was left.

At the beginning of the bridge, it was indeed Houhou who had the advantage, but after a long time, the seven people were not mediocre, and their martial arts were very solid, and they were stable.

Houhou is gradually at a disadvantage. After all, she is still too young, and her skills are still incomparable to these people, let alone a small-to-many wheel battle.

Although several of the besiegers had been injured, the decline of Houhou gradually became clear.

Seeing that he was invincible, Hou Wan's white sleeves flew up and caught a weeping willow on the bank, and he was about to leave.

But how could those few people be unprepared, one of them took the opportunity to throw a dart from his bosom, interrupting Bai Ling, Wan Hou flew on the way, had to fall, and was surrounded again.

(End of this chapter)

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