Chapter 218
"Your hand is injured, why don't you let Xiao Er bring the things in?" Xu Feng asked tentatively.

"Hmm... well, it's up to you." Hou Hou sat down again bouncing around, turning a pair of big smart eyes and staring at Xu Feng, like a cute animal waiting to be fed.

There was really no resistance to such gazes, so Xu Feng went downstairs and started ordering food.

Hou Hou was injured, and the patient couldn't eat too greasy food, but at the same time he had to eat some good supplements, so he ordered some soup with great supplements.

Of course, black fish soup is indispensable. The meat of black fish helps to heal the wound, and the meat is delicious, which is the most suitable.

After a while Xiaoer was ready and brought it in, Wanhou took a sniff with her little nose and said, "It smells so good, what is it?"

As soon as Xiao Er put down and exited, she quickly picked up the spoon and wanted to drink the soup. It seemed that she was really hungry.

Xu Feng quickly stopped him with his hand, and said, "Don't worry, be careful not to burn your mouth."

Wan Wan smiled foolishly, so he blew carefully, and continued to drink.

Her right hand was injured, and she could only hold the spoon with her left hand, which was not very smooth and convenient to use.

And the spoon can only drink soup, as for other things, she can't handle it.

Xu Feng looked at her so difficult to use her left hand, and was worried for her, thinking that it is really not easy to have a meal.

"Hey, just watch from the side, don't you want to help others?" Wan Wan said coquettishly with her mouth pouted.

"Uh... well..."

Xu Feng wanted to help at first, but he didn't propose because they didn't know each other too well. She didn't expect her to speak up first. What does that mean?
As expected of a witch, this kind of character is what Xu Feng likes very much. It is pure and unaffected. If it is an ordinary woman, she will never open her mouth.

For ordinary women, it is usually duplicity, no matter how much you think in your heart, you just don't say it, or what you say is ironic.

They need men to guess, to guess their minds, which is actually an invisible challenge for most men.

But like Wan Wan, who goes straight to the point and has the temperament to say anything, he is upright.

Xu Feng is not a hypocritical person, so he picked up the chopsticks and began to feed Houhou.

Hou Wan is also well-behaved, Xu Feng feeds her, and she eats.

Wan Wan kept staring at Xu Feng during this process, and Xu Feng felt a little uncomfortable physically and mentally.

"Well, don't keep staring at me, okay, I'm under a lot of pressure."

"Pfft, why are you so shy, why have you never been stared at by women?" Wan Hou said jokingly.

"No...but it's really weird to be watched all the time."

"Really?" Wanwan's face was full of doubts, "Then you keep looking at me and try, and I'll see if I feel it."

"Okay, let's see."

As Xu Feng said, his eyes kept staring at Houhou's face openly. This face is a magical face, a magical face, the kind of face that will never get tired of looking at it, even Can't take my eyes off of it.

Hou Hou also stared at Xu Feng, the two just stared at each other, the scene was very strange for a while, Xu Feng didn't look at the things with his chopsticks, but relied on his feeling.

After a while like this, everything was still as usual, and I didn't feel anything, but Xu Feng couldn't bear it anymore.

There is no way, he was convinced that he lost, the heart of the person in front of him was a piece of jade, she didn't have any distracting thoughts in her heart, and she didn't have any wild and complicated thoughts.

So she is not afraid of looking at each other, nor is she afraid of other people's eyes.

The reason why Xu Feng couldn't do it was because his heart was not pure. As a man, when he looked at Houhou, he inevitably had thoughts and thoughts in his mind.

In this way, psychological things will make you lose face to continue watching.

So sometimes, people's eyes can't deceive people. Sometimes I always hear people say, look into my eyes and say it again. At this time, there is a very high possibility of whether you have done something wrong in your heart. See it through the eyes.

It must be said that it is not efficient to feed one and feed the other, but neither of them is in a hurry.

"By the way, I don't know your name yet?" Wan Wan said after taking a sip of the soup.

"Yes, we haven't introduced each other yet, my name is Xu Feng."

"Hee hee, hello, my name is Wan Wan."

Xu Feng thought to himself that he had been ignoring this all the time. He had always known the name and identity of Wan Wan, but to Wan Wan, he was just a stranger.

She didn't even know her own name, so why did she get so close to herself just now, believed in herself so much, and even asked herself to feed her?
As expected of a witch, everything is so difficult to guess, but this is the fun.

After spending more than an hour, I finally finished serving Wanhou and finished eating, and then Xu Feng started to eat by himself. Of course, most of them were leftovers from Wanhou's meal, but Xu Feng didn't mind.

After eating, it was getting late. In fact, it was about three o'clock at night.

Although Hou Hou slept for a long time in the afternoon, she was injured after all and lost a lot of blood, so she needed a good rest, and now she started to want to sleep again.

"I'm full, I'm so sleepy, I want to sleep, but where do you sleep at night?" Wan Hou said with her eyes wide open.

"Eh..., when I went down to order food, there was already an extra room, it's next door, you can call me if you need anything."

"Ah, won't be with her anymore, what if she's afraid?" Wan Hou said pitifully.


Xu Feng felt very strange. This demon girl seemed to have a different way of thinking from ordinary people. Why did she talk to herself like this? Could it be that she was really so charming and had already succeeded in impressing her?
No, no, this Houhou shouldn't be so nympho, it's only been a while since I saw myself.

But if you are not interested in yourself, why would you act like a baby to yourself?

I really can't figure it out, Xu Feng recently found that when facing creatures like women, his brain is always not enough.

"Why don't you talk? Don't you care about others? What if the bad guys from the daytime come to see them at night? If they hurt their hands, they can't beat them." Houhou continued to act like a spoiled child.

There seems to be a kind of magic in her voice, and people can't help but agree to all her requests.

Xu Feng felt a kind of wave sweeping across his sea of ​​consciousness, causing waves of fluctuations. He was startled, and understood that this witch had actually used a spiritual illusion on him.

If I were an ordinary person, or an ordinary martial artist, I might not be able to resist this kind of illusion, and I would unconsciously follow what she said.

It's a pity that my sea of ​​consciousness has long been far superior to that of ordinary people, and that little breeze can't make big waves in my sea of ​​consciousness.

Combined with the content of the words, Xu Feng finally understood why the demon girl said such things to him. It turned out that he was really too self-indulgent.

This witch is just using her all the time. She is injured now, and she wants to let herself be her bodyguard, which is why she has a series of previous performances.

Once you understand this key point, all behaviors that you don’t understand will become clear.

(End of this chapter)

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