The most powerful mobile phone ever

Chapter 219 Can You Hold It?

Chapter 219 Can You Hold It?
Although he understood all of Houhou's motives, Xu Feng didn't expose it, but said indifferently: "It's okay, I'm next door, you can call me if you have anything to do, I can hear any movement, and I will be there as soon as possible." came here."

After finishing speaking, he said good night, and then went straight out of the room.

He really felt that women were too scary, and he didn't want to be in the same room with her anymore, either because his rank was much higher than hers, or he would have been used directly without knowing it.

I can't help but think that in the original book, Houhou is indeed such a person. It's not unreasonable why she is called a witch.

Although she loved Xu Ziling in the original book, every time she wanted to achieve her goal, she did not hesitate to deceive and use Xu Ziling.

Xu Ziling didn't go with her in the end, of course there was a reason why he was too rigid, because he was constrained by the difference between good and evil, but did he never have his heart moved from the beginning to the end?

No, Xu Feng thought that Xu Ziling had been tempted in the process of reading the book, but that accidental heartbeat had already been wiped out by her repeated use.

What's more, beside Xu Ziling, there are women who can choose who are more in line with his values, so everything is doomed.

But in fact, everything can’t be blamed on Houhou, she is the most involuntary in the book, she supports the Yinkui faction with all her strength, and often the decisions she makes cannot be willful based on her personal emotions.


When Xu Feng came to the next room, all he could imagine in his mind was the changeable, enchanting and cunning Houhou. At this time, she was next door to him. Can he hold such a woman?
But it's one thing to hold it or not to hold it. You must first find a way to win her heart.

To be honest, Xu Feng has never had any experience in pursuing girls. The only girlfriend he pursued was finally together through long-term unremitting efforts.

But in the end, the two broke up so unhappy.

Xu Feng understood a truth from this, that twisted melons are not sweet, and the feelings between people are actually very subtle, and they can be reciprocated.

After you take action from the very beginning, and the feedback the other party gives you, you probably know whether it will be possible or not.

If you feel bad, but you don't give up and keep stalking, you may succeed in the end, but at that time, the girl who is with you may not necessarily be because she likes you.

It may be that you can't save face, or you may be moved by your behavior, but no matter what the situation is, it is the worst, because it is not love, so it is destined to be separated in the end.

Doomed to tragedy from the start, it might as well not start.

Strictly speaking, pursuing girls is a false proposition.

Because she doesn't like you, no matter how hard you try, it's useless. She has a good impression of you, and the pursuit is just a matter of course.

Of course, all these theories are vague concepts formed by Xu Feng himself through logical thinking, hearing other people's experiences, and reading online.

He didn't know if it was correct, but it seemed to make a little sense.

So how can I make Houhou fall in love with me?
Difficult, the witch's mind is too difficult to guess, and emotional matters are too mysterious, it seems that there is only one step to take.

In love, Xu Feng is actually a novice.

Lying on the bed, the exercises in Xu Feng's body were automatically running. Now all the acupuncture points and meridians in his body have been opened up, and the spiritual energy is running in the body, so there is no need to deliberately meditate.

It can be said that the energy in his body is running automatically all the time, even if he falls asleep, the exercises are still working as usual.

However, sleep is still necessary for Xu Feng, because although the exercises will automatically run in the body during the day, people have to move around and do various things during the day.

All of these will affect the running speed of the exercises, so the state during the day is not optimal.

Only during sleep, when all external activities of the body are stopped, can the functions of the body start to perform exercises wholeheartedly.

In one night, the operating efficiency can be equivalent to more than twice that of the day.

So Xu Feng still wanted to keep a regular sleep every night like an ordinary person.

In fact, for monks, the concept of sleep does not exist, and sleep can be replaced by meditation and practice.

A monk who is in the state of cultivation is in a deeper state than sleep, so it can be understood that a master who has been in seclusion for ten or eight years can also be understood as sleeping for ten or eight years.

As the night got darker, Xu Feng also got better and better, entering a deep "sleep".

It can be seen that in the dark room, the entire periphery of his body is shrouded in a layer of white light.

The light was very faint, and if you looked carefully, you could still see some white light spots in the air, constantly floating towards Xu Feng's body.

In the world of Tang Dynasty, the aura is still very strong. In fact, in any other world, the aura is much better than the modern earth.

The modern earth has actually taken a completely opposite path to the world of self-cultivation because of the development of industry and technology.

The polluting exhaust gas produced by those industries has polluted the aura of the entire modern earth.

The modern earth has spiritual energy, but it is polluted spiritual energy. If a monk takes this polluted spiritual energy into his body, it will be a slow suicide.

In short, there is no benefit to continue, but there will be a lot of disadvantages.

Therefore, the modern earth is no longer suitable for cultivation. Of course, there are still some paradises or some deep mountains and old forests, some places that no one has visited, and there may be some pure spiritual energy.

But in the "Great Tang" in a different time and space, there is no such problem at all. Since there is no pollution, the aura is very pure, so it can be absorbed boldly.

But in general, the concentration of aura in different worlds is still different.

In this Great Tang world, the concentration of aura is not bad, and it can be ranked at the middle level among all the different worlds Xu Feng has been to.

The world Xu Feng has been to, in terms of the concentration of aura, is undoubtedly the world of Jade Immortals, and the other higher ones are Qiannv and Fengyun.

Generally speaking, the stronger the different world, the higher the concentration of aura.

Xu Feng faintly felt that there was a level gap between these different worlds, and the overall energy and strength levels of different worlds were different.

These are the random thoughts of Xu Feng's subconscious in his sleep. When people sleep, the brain will rest, but the subconscious is still active, maintaining people's perception of the outside world.

Just as Xu Feng was thinking about it subconsciously, he suddenly heard a scream from the next door.

"Not good, are those people really here?"

Xu Feng immediately woke up from deep sleep, his body instantly recovered to its peak state, and then he got up from the bed and flew directly to the wall of the room with a catapult.

It was too late to leave the door, and with a punch, Xu Feng directly pierced through the partition wall between the two rooms and entered the room of Houhou.

(End of this chapter)

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