Chapter 220 Yin Yang
Xu Feng entered Wanwan's room, his figure was swift, and when he came to the bed and lifted the curtain, it was Wanwan's face that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, with beautiful eyes looking forward.

The body was half covered in the silk quilt, and all that was outside was snow-white skin.

Xu Feng knew that he was deceived by this little witch, but he couldn't say anything, so he said: "Can you stop making such a joke, you see, I have broken the wall, and I have to pay for it."

"Ah, what are you talking about? Why did you suddenly run into other people's room? Are you trying to cheat on me?" Wanwan said cutely with wide innocent eyes.

"You..., weren't you calling just now?" Xu Feng said speechlessly.

"Yeah, I saw a bug on the bed, so I can't be afraid."


Xu Feng was completely defeated. He found that he was really no match for the witch. He couldn't help being an honest person for a long time, and he was often at a loss when facing women.

"Well, I misunderstood it, then since you're fine now, I'm leaving."

Xu Feng found himself a step down, and was about to quit, staying with this kind of woman he couldn't control, sometimes the pressure was really great.

Thinking about it now, I really underestimated the system and myself too much. I thought the few tasks this time were very simple, but looking at it now, it is simply abnormally difficult.

For a woman that I can't control at all, a woman whose rank is much higher than myself, how to capture her heart?

One word, difficult!Two words, difficult!Disaster!

A woman is a weird creature, you can't overwhelm her, you can't subdue her, and you're basically doomed to not have her.

As a woman, it is in her nature to like excellent opposite sex.

"Are you sure you want to go...?" Wanwan's voice suddenly seemed to be laced with honey, changing from crisp to soft.

Xu Feng's spirit was shaken again, and he was secretly startled, knowing that the enchantress had activated the enchanting magic skill again.

I have to say that the effect of this exercise is pretty good, it can actually shake my own sea of ​​consciousness, coupled with this peerless face in front of me, I am almost about to fall.

But reason tells me that this demon girl has absolutely no good intentions and must not fall into a passive position.

So although his eyes were blurred for a moment, they became clear again in an instant.

"Of course I'm sure, why should I stay?" Xu Feng said, ignoring her, and went back to his room directly through the damaged wall hole.

At this time, Wanwan on the bed, although she was calm on the surface, her heart was already full of turbulent waves.

She is clearly aware of the power of her Heavenly Demon Art. Among the younger generation of the Yinkui Sect, she is already the most accomplished person. She is the most talented person in the Yinkui Sect for thousands of years.

As the top skill of the Yinkui Sect, Tianmo Gong contains everything in it. What she showed Xu Feng just now was the coquettish technique of Tianmo Gong.

In such a close distance, and he was fully prepared, he still couldn't control him.

In the afternoon, when Xu Feng was feeding herself, she used it on him on a whim. At that time, Xu Feng acted as if nothing had happened. Although she was shocked at the time, she thought that she didn't use all her strength.
And the scene was wrong.

So just now she not only deliberately put it on, but also used auxiliary special spices, and then pretended to be shouted to lure Xu Feng in.

But she didn't expect to fail in the end. This was her first failure.

She has used it on countless men before, and all of those men immediately fell under her skirts, and then said a lot of nice words, but she was not interested in those men at all.

In her eyes, those men are just lowly ants, her playthings, not even playthings, but her dogs.

She thought that all men in the world have such virtues, they are all creatures, and she flattered her only because of her beauty.

So she actually looks down on men from the bottom of her heart, and even has a natural aversion to men.

Of course, the reason for this is also inseparable from her master's perennial influence. Zhu Yuyan, Queen of Yin, was abandoned by the evil king Shi Zhixuan back then.

Abandoned women generally leave a psychological shadow on men, not to mention the evil characters like Yinhou, who have a violent and bursting personality, so naturally all men in the world are hated by her.

As the pro-disciple of Queen Yin, Wanwan couldn't resist the influence of this female devil. In addition, when she wandered around the rivers and lakes, all the men she met were licking her knees and licking her tongue.

Gradually, she became convinced of this, but today she encountered setbacks, and she tasted the taste of failure.

This Xu Feng, this man, is actually able to not be influenced by him, he is not fake to himself, he is not flattering to kneel and lick him.

Even if he took the initiative to seduce him, he was still indifferent. Is there such a person in this world?
There is actually a man she can't handle?
Aren't all men like that?Are there really exceptions?

Wanwan had a lot of doubts and curiosity in her heart, and she wanted to find Xu Feng face to face and ask him clearly.

But she can only think about it, her pride will not allow herself to ask these questions.

Lying on the bed, Wanwan's thoughts were tossed, and finally she just uttered a sentence slowly and softly: "I will definitely conquer you!"

As he spoke, he clenched his small fist and waved it in the air, as if to cheer himself up.

On the other side, Xu Feng returned to his bed, of course he was completely ignorant of what Wanwan was thinking.

At this moment, Xu Feng was full of disappointment, because he felt that there was no hope for him to complete this task.

But what he didn't know was that Wanwan had developed a strong interest in him at this time.

Things in the world are so wonderful, you can never accurately predict what will happen in the next second, who you will meet, and what kind of story will happen.

But it is precisely because of these coincidences and these unknowns that life is full of infinite fun and makes people feel that tomorrow will be better.

If everything in the world is reasonable, predictable or arranged by fate, then life will be too boring.

At that time, the world will also become a pool of stagnant water, so some people say that if there is a God or God created the universe.

He is also created according to random numbers, and the subsequent development of the universe is also in the form of randomly throwing dice.

The Creator God himself cannot predict the direction of the universe.


After this night, there were no more disturbances, and those people did not chase after them during the day, and they passed away safely.

In the early morning of the next day, before Xu Feng got up, the waiter in the shop came in to deliver washing water and saw the damaged wall.

With a cry of wow, Xu Feng was awakened from his sleep.

The shop clerk still said with a confused face: "Master, are you okay, did a thief break into your place at night, did you hear anything?"

Xu Feng stretched his waist and said: "There are no thieves, I broke the wall, and I will pay you later."

(End of this chapter)

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