The most powerful mobile phone ever

Chapter 223 One move to defeat the enemy

Chapter 223 One move to defeat the enemy

Seeing that Kou Zhong brought the conflict to himself again, Yu Wenhuaji was furious, but he didn't dare to make any small moves.

He is very tormented in his heart at this moment, his own life and death are in the hands of others, is this what it feels like?He had never felt like this in his life.

He has always been in control of the fate of others. Those subordinates who did wrong in the past, when they stood in the court and listened to their confession, they probably felt what they were feeling at the moment.

He couldn't guess the origin of Xu Feng. He himself was the top master in the world. In the entire martial arts world, except for those legendary figures, he had seen everyone else.

Even for Ning Daoqi, Master Yijian, and Tiandao Song Que, the three great talents in today's martial arts, the gap between himself and them is not too big, and it takes at least three hundred moves to see the difference.

And among those three people, two of them he had seen them shoot, but he silently compared Ning Daoqi and the others in his heart, and found that they were not on the same level at all.

The people around me just now can repel the existence of hundreds of people in an instant, and those who can serve as bodyguards in Ouchi are not ordinary people, and they are at the second-rate level in the arena.

It is unheard of to subdue more than 100 second-rate masters with one move.

That's why Yu Wenhuaji had no intention of resisting, but did this person come to kill Yang Guang?Or is there another purpose?Can I survive today?
Just when Yu Wenhua was uneasy, Xu Feng finally spoke slowly: "Master Yuwen, if you say it, you may be disappointed. I'm not interested in that foolish lord. I'm here just for you today."

"Come here for me?" Yu Wenhuaji thumped in his heart, and said cautiously: "I don't know why the hero is looking for this old man? As long as I can do it, I will definitely do it."

"Well," Xu Feng said with a smile, "it's actually very simple, I just want to borrow something from Mr. Yuwen."

Yu Wenhuaji breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, "It's easy to say, hero, as long as it is what Yu Wenhuaji has, you can use it at will, so why not borrow a word."

"Really? I really didn't expect Lord Yuwen to be such a generous person, so I'm not welcome, I want to borrow the head of the Lord's item!"

As Xu Feng said, he sucked in his hand, and a knife on the ground next to him flew into his hand, and then swung it out casually, slashing at Yu Wenhuaji's neck.

Yu Wenhuaji was so frightened that his heart was broken, but he would not sit still after all. Seeing Xu Feng's attack without hesitation, he decided to fight to the death, gathered all his strength, and rushed out of the pavilion.

The potential inspired by this glimpse of life and death is indeed terrifying, but in the blink of an eye, his figure is about to disappear into the rockery in the garden.

The speed that broke out at this time can be said to be the fastest run in his life.

It's a pity that what he met was Xu Feng, a person who didn't belong to this world, a system holder, a person who went beyond the rules of the world.

Xu Feng swung the knife in his hand, and he was still in the pavilion for a second, but when he stepped out casually, the ground seemed to shrink, the sky and the earth seemed to shrink, and within a single step, he was at the back of Yu Wenhuaji.

The knife kept cutting, and Yu Wenhua gritted his teeth and tried his best, preparing to turn around and fight Xu Feng for the last desperate fight.

However, it was slow, his body had only turned halfway, but his head had already landed on the ground.

Even after his head fell to the ground, his body still rotated in a circle along the inertia. ,

A generation of heroes died in this way.

The moment Yu Wenhuaji was cut down, the system sounded a prompt on time:

"Congratulations on completing the mission, and you will get a mysterious reward, which can only be opened after leaving the world."

Xu Feng was already familiar with the system, so he didn't care, and turned back to the pavilion.

At this moment, Yang Guang had already taken the opportunity and didn't know where he had gone, and Xu Feng didn't care about it, he just wanted to complete the task of the system.

As for whether Yang Guang is stupid or not, he doesn't want to worry too much about it. History has its own logic.

Outside the pavilion, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling stood up with each other's support. Although they were seriously injured by Yu Wenhuaji's beating, the formula of longevity was miraculous after all. After such a short time, their injuries had already improved greatly.

The two of them stepped forward and clasped their fists at Xu Feng, "Thank you so much for saving your life, and thank you so much for avenging our brothers, please accept our respect!"

As he was about to kneel down, Xu Feng raised his hand slightly, holding the two of them with a wave of true energy, "You two brothers don't need to be too polite, after all, this is still the palace, let's leave first and then make plans."

Kou Zhong found that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't bend his body a bit. He knew that the person in front of him was so powerful that his two brothers could not compete with it.

At the moment, he no longer insisted on saluting, "We listen to benefactor, let's go."

"Wait!" A clear and timid voice suddenly appeared from the corner of the pavilion, "You guys are going...can you take me away..."

The one who spoke was the court lady who had just been molested by Yang Guang.

It was only then that Xu Feng looked at the maid carefully. Before that, he had always ignored her. He saw that the girl's skin was as white as snow, her nose was small, and her beautiful eyes were clever and spirited. She didn't look like a maid at all.

Some people believed that she was a fairy, Xu Feng only felt that this girl was not inferior to the Wan Wan he saw yesterday, but the two had different styles.

But for some reason, Xu Feng felt that the maid's aura was very familiar, it seemed to be...

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were also startled for a moment by the maid's beautiful face, but they quickly returned to normal.

Xu Ziling said: "Grandfather, this maid has already offended Yang Guang. If she stays in the palace, she will surely die. Let's take her along."

Xu Feng was [-]% sure in his heart, and he didn't expose it immediately, because after all, he still had the task of capturing the heart of a beautiful woman, so he could see what tricks this witch was up to.

"Okay, then take her with you."

A group of people, led by Xu Feng, walked in the palace, as if they were invisible. Unless the guards looked directly at them, they would not be able to detect them at all.

Because Xu Feng used his divine sense to isolate all the breath of the group.

With seven turns and eight turns, they came to the palace wall. Although Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were injured, they could use each other's strength to climb over the wall.

The maid could only look at Xu Feng pitifully.

Xu Feng stared at her eyes carefully, trying to find clues about the witch.

But the eyes in front of her eyes are so pure, weak and innocent, attracting protection, there is nothing more.

Without the cunning and charm of that demon girl.

Xu Feng was also full of curiosity, what method did this demon girl use to be able to look like a completely different person.

If it wasn't for my own spiritual sense to investigate carefully, I'm afraid I wouldn't be sure.

He stretched out his hand to wrap around the willow waist of the maid, and flew across the wall.

The group did not stay in the city, but went straight out of the city.

(End of this chapter)

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