Chapter 224 Where to Go
After the group left the city, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling seemed to be very familiar with the outside of Yangzhou City. Under their suggestion, they came to a valley with beautiful mountains and rivers.

A mountain stream falls from the sky like a jade belt, the sound of the water gurgling, hitting the pebbles in the stream, ding ding dong dong, like a natural symphony, and unknown birds chirping in the forest, like Proud singer.

When they came to the stream, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling couldn't hold on any longer and lay down on the ground.

This time they narrowly escaped from death, the two of them were naturally in a state of ups and downs, not to mention that they saw their enemy Yu Wenhua and the head fell to the ground with their own eyes.

Thinking of this, Kou Zhong endured the pain all over his body, but still struggled to get up, and bowed to Xu Feng: "Thank you, Mr. En, for helping my two brothers to avenge this great revenge, and even saved my two brothers' lives. My brother The two really don't know what to repay."

Xu Feng shook his hands, "Don't be polite anymore. I killed Yu Wenhua for my own reasons, which have nothing to do with you. As for saving you, it's just a matter of convenience, so don't take it to heart."

The little girl at the side, Shui Lingling rolled her eyes, she seemed to be thinking of something.

"You are all my saviors, if it weren't for you, I guess today... just...," said the three of them, and then said to Kou Zhong: "Grandpa, you were also killed by Mr. Yuwen for me. The thief injured me, let me help you treat the wound."

After saying that, he got up and went up, trying to untie Kou Zhong's clothes.

After all, Kou Zhong is a young man in his twenties, he could bear such treatment there, his face turned red like a boiled crab, he backed away repeatedly to protect his clothes with his hands, and said, "No need,... no, I can do it myself, girl."

The little girl couldn't see it, she saw Xu Ziling who was still lying on the ground, so she changed her target and went towards Xu Ziling.

Poor Xu Ziling was injured even more seriously, lying on the ground even if he wanted to resist, he had no strength left.

He could only weakly yell no, people who didn't know really thought he was being raped.

The little girl took off Xu Ziling's coat, and then washed the blood on his body in the stream, tore off her snow-white skirt and carefully bandaged his wounds.

No, Xu Ziling yelled no at first, but slowly fell into this tenderness, the end of the nose was the pleasant smell from the girl, occasionally the wind blew a few strands of hair, itching on the end of the nose, the wound It doesn't seem to hurt that much anymore.

On the other side, Kou Zhong struggled to bandage his own wound hastily, looking at Xu Ziling here, he began to regret in his heart, why did he refuse just now, was he stupid?

Xu Feng looked at all this, but he was thinking about other things in his heart. The landscape is perfect, the beautiful girl and the young man, if not for his own involvement, maybe this plot is really wonderful.

He has also been staring at the rescued little girl, because he has been doubting her identity. When he was in the palace, he was only 80.00% sure.

But after carefully observing her every move and demeanor just now, he is now [-]% sure that this little girl is none other than Wanwan who suddenly disappeared.

Although she didn't know how to change her appearance, and even her height and body were a little different, but it was hard to hide that soul aura.

Of course, it's hard to conceal that for Xu Feng, his mental power is strong enough, and he already has some magical effects in the dark. For example, for a person's memory, it is no longer all the characteristics on the surface, but can feel Some imprints on the spirit and soul.

It seems that everyone's soul, or spiritual body, is unique, and it cannot be changed when the strength is not enough.

Seeing through the identity of the woman, some doubts in Xu Feng's heart were also solved.

This Wanwan's main purpose has always been to obtain the "Secret of Longevity" from Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling. Although she doesn't know why she secretly disguised herself and ran to the palace to lurk by Yang Guang's side, but at the moment she is obviously doing it consciously. carry out her plan.

But these have nothing to do with him now, what he has a headache now is the tasks given by the system.

"Mission [-]: Kill Yu Wenhuaji with your own hands." "Mission [-]: Obtain Wanhou's heart. The reward is unknown." "Mission [-]: Concubine Xuan. The reward is unknown." "Mission [-]: Get Li Xiuning. The reward is unknown." "Task Five: The reward is unknown." "Task Six: Let Kou Zhong win the final competition and become the master of the world. The reward is unknown."

The first mission has been completed, but from mission two to five, all of them are missions to recruit girls. The system really doesn't know what kind of evil it is, am I that kind of person?Is that the kind of abusive scumbag?

Xu Feng had a real headache, not a normal one, because these tasks had begun to go against his nature.

He had to start to reflect on his behavior all the time, since he came into contact with the system, has he changed?Are you still the same person you used to be?
Don't forget your heart, you have to always.

What is your original intention?I think the reason for everything at the beginning was just an emotional fluctuation, and I was dumped.

At that time, although it was painful to feel that the whole world had collapsed, and that life had collapsed, fortunately, I encountered this system at that time, allowing myself to swim in a different world, slowly experiencing the world, experiencing other people's lives, and seeing other people's lives and deaths He has seen the cruelty of the last days, and also seen the darkness in which people and ghosts are inseparable under the troubled times. All these things really broadened his horizons.

Gradually, without even realizing it, I have already walked away from all that. Now that I think about it, breaking up in love is really not a big deal.

Even if the other party is sorry for you and dumps you, it can only be said to have seen a person clearly earlier. Your hysteria, all self-harm and self-harming behaviors will have no effect on the other party. Similarly, if you And it is not advisable to want to hurt your former object. It is the best choice to break the love and leave and forget to start a new life.

But I haven't changed fundamentally. Regarding feelings, I don't want to be so sentimental, although there are many beautiful women in the world, and there are many good-looking women.

But I really don’t have the idea of ​​possessing any one of them. A perfect one is actually a proud work of God. It is more about holding an attitude of appreciation, an attitude of appreciating the artworks of the Creator, to go to Look at those beautiful opposite sex.

But at this moment, the system has given me these unimaginable tasks that make me go against my heart. Do I really have to follow them honestly?
Xu Feng has been defending himself in his heart. He doesn't know what will happen if he really defies the system. Since the system can give him everything, it is easy to take it back.

Where to go?

(End of this chapter)

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