Chapter 226
" world...?"

Although Kou Zhong has rough and rough thoughts in his heart, he has some vague thoughts of not being willing to be ordinary, but he never dares to think about the world.

His mind was in shock for a long time, and Ziling beside him was also very confused. He was originally very Buddhist, and he never thought of it.

On the other hand, there was a flash of light in her eyes, which was like a shooting star, very dazzling.

She has always felt that Xu Feng is extraordinary, but she never thought that this person is so daring to think, that he has thoughts about the whole world?Then why didn't he do it himself?And to encourage this Kou Zhong?

Kou Zhong opened his mouth, and after a long time, under the blowing of the breeze, he came back to his senses, he stuttered and said: "Brother Xu, the world is too far away for me, I'm just a gangster in Yangzhou City, I ..."

"Don't think so much," Xu Feng waved his hand to prevent Kou Zhong from continuing to deny himself, "There is nothing difficult in the world, everything is difficult, why not choose the most challenging one? Now that the world is in troubled times, Yang Guang is dead. It is the time when heroes are competing for the throne. Heroes rise from the grass. Hundreds of years ago, Chen Sheng said that princes and generals would rather have kindness? Man, I believe that Kou Zhong can do it once in this world. OK."

When Kou Zhong heard these words, his blood really surged, he suddenly felt that the road ahead was open, yes, he was a little bastard with nothing, so why not dare?The big deal is death, what's the pity if you fail?Just do it.

But remembering that Xu Feng was on the side, he suddenly calmed down again, scratched his head and said to Xu Feng, "Brother Xu, why don't you do such a big thing yourself? If you do, I will follow to the death."

Xu Feng shook his head, "Like I said, I don't have that heart, I'm afraid of being tired, but Kou Zhong, you have a fire in your heart, so go and release it."

Kou Zhong got up and bowed down, "Brother Xu, please teach me, if it works, where will we go?"

Xu Feng had already planned many things in his heart. The troubled times at the end of the Sui Dynasty ended in the hands of Li Yuan's family. If Kou Zhong went to join him, he would probably become a general of the Li and Tang Dynasty for the rest of his life.

As for others who have the opportunity to compete for the world, Wagangzhai was full of talents in the early days, including Dou Jiande from Hebei and Wang Shichong from Shanxi.Among them, Wagang Village is very suitable. It has a good chance. Under the leadership of Li Mi, he surrendered to Li Shimin.

"Have you ever heard of a place called Wagangzhai? Then you should be able to help you get things done."

"Wagang Village?" Kou Zhong remembered that he really had a vague impression. He had heard it from a storyteller in Yangzhou City. It seemed that they were a group of rebels. What was the name of the leader, and he couldn't remember more. clear.

"Okay, since benefactor gave me advice, there must be nothing wrong with it. When I recover from my injuries, I will go to this Wagang."

Xu Feng smiled and said nothing, suddenly found that there seemed to be an eye staring at him all the time, and when he looked up, he saw that Wan Wan, who was disguised as a court lady, was looking at him, his eyes seemed to see through him, and seemed to be full of doubts .

Kou Zhong was so excited that it was hard to describe, imagining all kinds of things in the future.

"Kou Zhong, are you really going to Nawagang Village?" Xu Ziling, who was silent for a long time, asked the question. When Xu Feng and Kou Zhong were communicating, he had been listening silently without interrupting.

He faintly felt resistance in his heart, but his good brother seemed to be sincerely yearning for it.

"Of course, Ziling, didn't you listen to what benefactor said? Go there, I can make a big splash, manly man, in the world, naturally I want to build a career," Kou Zhong pulled Xu Ziling excitedly, "Ziling , you can go with me, we two brothers can definitely make things happen together."

"I..." Xu Ziling faltered, he was extremely entangled in his heart at this time, since he was a child, he grew up with Kou Zhong, the relationship between brothers is very deep, but it seems that he is really interested in fighting for hegemony. no feelings?But if my brother wanted to do this, how could he refuse?
He had no choice but to smile wryly, "Okay, I'll go with you."

Kou Zhong laughed loudly, "That's great!" He patted Xu Ziling heavily.


Xu Ziling cried out in pain, "Be careful, why did you hit him so hard, he was seriously injured." Hou Hou reprimanded Kou Zhong, and stepped forward to examine Xu Ziling's wound carefully.

Knowing that he was excited, Kou Zhong accidentally slapped his brother's wound, so he scratched his head embarrassedly and smiled silly.

After late at night, everyone slept by the fire in their clothes and had a rest for the night.

the next day.

Xu Feng said goodbye to the two brothers.

"Brother Xu, are you really unwilling to go with our brothers? Your martial arts and knowledge are much better than our two brothers, I believe..."

"Okay, don't talk anymore," Xu Feng interrupted with a smile, "You can't change my mind, let's just leave now, you go to Wagang, we will meet again in the future."

After saying that, Xu Feng was about to turn around and leave.

"Wait, you're leaving just like that?" Wan Hou stared angrily.

"Ah, I forgot to say goodbye to the girl. I was rude, girl, and we will meet again in the future."

"'re so mad at me, do you just want to leave me alone like this?" Wan Hou didn't know where she got such a temper, and she didn't know where her courage came from. She knew that Xu Feng must have recognized him a long time ago. From the look in her eyes last night, she was sure.

But this person didn't expose himself, and didn't talk to him too much, he just treated himself as a transparent person, completely ignoring his own existence.

She felt wronged for some reason in her heart. Could it be that she was so annoying?
"Uh, leave you alone?..." Xu Feng was also having a headache at the moment, he naturally recognized Hou Hou a long time ago, but in order to avoid trouble, he really pretended not to know him on purpose.

But leave you alone?You are a devil girl, what do you want me to do.

"Ahem, girl, I took you out of the palace yesterday, and now you are free, you can go home or find your own way out."

"Wuwu, I don't have a family. I used to worry about food and clothing in the palace. Now that I am a weak woman, in this troubled world, I will definitely starve to death."

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling at the side saw it, and Kou Zhong said, "Girl, why don't you go to Wagang Village with our two brothers?"

Unexpectedly, Houhou was completely ungrateful, "Whoever wants to go to that bandit den with you is full of stinky men, woohoo, I won't go, and I don't want to fight. Woohoo, don't worry about me, you all go, let me It’s better to die here alone, and there is no need to collect the body, just let the birds and beasts eat me.”

The more you talk, the more pitiful you become. At first, it was still a fake whining, but later I really shed tears, so pitiful.

Xu Ziling's heart was soft, seeing this appearance, he said to Xu Feng: "Enggong, what she said is right, she is a weak woman, and it is indeed very dangerous in this wilderness. My brothers and I are going to Wagang, why don't you take care of me, benefactor?" She took it to settle nearby?"

Xu Feng had a terrible headache, but he couldn't tell the two brothers about the identity of the woman, so he had to agree first, "Okay, then follow me first."

Seeing that she had succeeded, she immediately burst into a smile, with a few drops of pearly tears hanging on her dimple, which was extremely beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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