Chapter 227
Xu Feng and Kou Zhong bid farewell, and started on the road with Wan Hou.

In this world, to be honest, I don't know how long I have to wait until Kou Zhong is firmly seated on the throne. According to the time span of previous dynasty changes, about ten years is normal.

Walking in this world is sometimes very lonely, because he is not a person of this world, and everything, including relatives and friends, is on the earth.

Human beings have a social nature that is related to their body, that is, they will depend on social relationships. This is also the secret and the power of unity that human beings can eventually dominate the natural world despite their small size.

But recently, Xu Feng not only felt loneliness, but also realized that the journey of cultivation is actually contrary to the nature of human beings.

Because of practice, the strength of the individual is getting stronger and stronger, so the kind of unity as a human being is actually unnecessary.Moreover, due to the strength of the individual, it actually tends to be alone, occupying a territory by itself, as is the case with lions and tigers in nature, monopolizing the hills, because the strength of the individual is accompanied by the strength of plundering resources.

But after all, people are born weak, and it is difficult to change their psychology. This kind of mentality will be a big test.

Cultivation and the like, walking against the sky is really not just talking, the sky here can be regarded as the limitation of human beings as living organisms.

Cultivation is to break through this limitation and to deviate from it. As the essence of practice, the construction of human psychology is very important.

Xu Feng sometimes thinks that one must first cultivate one’s heart in practice. Only those with a strong mind can go further on this road. When returning to the earth, he really needs to study psychology carefully, maybe it will help him practice.

Of course, these are all random thoughts in Xu Feng's mind.

After separating from Kou Zhong, in fact, he didn't think about the next step. He helped Kou Zhong to conquer the country and work as a coolie. He didn't know how to do it, it was too boring.

But if he doesn't care about anything, according to the original logic of this world, it is impossible for Kou Zhong to become emperor, after all, there is Li Shimin, the son of destiny.

The crux of the problem seems to be how to change the destiny and win Li Shimin's fortune,

Killing Li directly is not too difficult for Xu Feng. After all, in this interface, his current strength is already at the critical point, which is the limit that this world can accommodate. There should be very few people who can be his opponent .

But the reason why destiny is destiny is not because of a certain person, but a historical trend.

The reason why Li Shimin is Li Shimin is not because he is unique, but because the historical trend chose him.

If Li Shimin is simply and rudely erased, then the general trend of history will definitely let another person replace him.

As Xu Feng was walking, he kept thinking about these things in his mind.

Wan Wan followed him, seeing that he just ignored her, she felt more and more disappointed in her heart, but somehow she couldn't lose her temper, because the person in front of her had no special relationship with her.

The reason why people lose their temper with another person is because sometimes, you know that the other person has you in his heart and he cares about you, so losing his temper and small emotions at this time are useful.

And if you are a stranger, or someone who has no ties, how can the other party care about your emotions?

So this kind of thing is often seen in life. When a person faces his family and his lover, even a small matter may cause anger.

But if the same thing happens between colleagues or strangers, it may be polite to smile at each other and pass.

This is a subconscious choice of people, knowing which ones they care about and which ones care about themselves.

But sometimes this kind of presumptuousness in front of the loved one will hurt the closest relative.

Houhou, at this moment, her heart is full of twists and turns, she has her pride, she is a witch who is not afraid of anything, she has killed many people, and she has made many men fall under her skirts.

She is very confident in her own charm.

But here with Xu Feng, what she thought and what she had seemed to be useless.

She felt a deep sense of powerlessness, as if at this moment, she had changed back to the little girl she was when she was a child.

She was an orphan when she was a child. Before she met Master, she was alone, wandering, and was bullied by many people.

So after following the master, she seized every opportunity to strengthen herself, and she wrapped herself in layers of shells.

She hides her heart carefully, and she is very successful in doing so, so successful that she has almost forgotten the feeling of being weak and helpless.

But in front of this man, she once again realized the hidden heart, that weak self like an ordinary girl.

She was flustered, and she was very uncomfortable with herself.

So when she followed Xu Feng to the nearest town, she left without saying goodbye.

She was afraid, in front of Xu Feng, she became a weak person again, she could not control herself.

And Xu Feng was also immersed in his own world, and he didn't spare more attention to the witch beside him.

When he found out that she was missing, he was not worried, because he knew how terrible she was. In this world, this woman would live a good life, and few people would be better than her.

Xu Feng continued to walk without a carriage or skill, just like an ordinary person, measuring the land with his feet, he didn't have a destination, he just chose a direction at random.

His body is walking, and his mind is undergoing another trial.

When he came to the town, he would rest. Sometimes when it was dark and it was wild, he would sleep in the wilderness.

Time passed without him feeling it.

Before, time would be slow.

When you were a child, you could feel the passing of every minute. Children are the most sensitive to time, and their whole brain is full of curiosity about the world.

Every day seems to have something new to explore, something new to discover, the world is so big.

So every day when I was a child, in my impression, is full, and I can do a lot of things in one day.

At that time, I always hoped that I would grow up quickly.

But time seems to be very slow, and we seem to never grow up.

Those running in the sun, those teenage years of laughing unscrupulously.

But ah, time, it is passing after all.

Slowly, the former teenager, the former child, he also grew up.

Finally, the time came to the time he wanted the most, but he realized that growing up is really not so beautiful.

The human mind is filled with more and more messy things.

Most people have also lost their curiosity about the world.

Time starts to go fast, because every day is a meaningless repetition.

Many people can't find the meaning of existence, time begins to become insignificant, every day is like running water, year after year.

(End of this chapter)

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