The most powerful mobile phone ever

Chapter 228 Chang'an is in sight

Chapter 228 Chang'an is in sight
Only then did you discover that there really is a theory of relativity in time, not the theory of relativity in physics, but the theory of relativity in psychology.

On the macro-Earth scale, time does pass evenly, whether it is a child or an adult, it is passing at a constant speed.

However, the connotation of time, or the thickness of time, or the content of time, in short, the content you use to decorate this time, is different.

When you were young, you were born and just came into contact with this world, everything is novel, and your brain is like a sponge, absorbing everything continuously.

The time at that time was full of thickness, and it was the same when I was in school. I was absorbing it every day and traveling in the history of mankind.

When you grow up and work, your time is filled with mechanical repetition, which is a meaningless waste. You start to become numb, and time begins to be filled with day-to-day repetition.

Ten years are like a day, because there is no difference, and you as an individual have no new growth.

As far as time is concerned, this is meaningless filling, garbage time, and a kind of fast.


Xu Feng didn't know how long it had passed, nor how long he had been walking.

On this day, his heart finally returned to his body, to this shell.

Then he realized that he was walking in a forest. The forest was so dense that he couldn't tell where he was at the moment.

Flying up a tree, checked it out, and found a mountain stream.

When he came to the stream and took photos by the water, Xu Feng realized that his appearance had become extremely sloppy, and he could hardly bear himself.

The beard has grown all over the face, the clothes are tattered, and the face is dirty. The whole person looks like a savage, but there is only a pair of eyes in the messy hair, like an abyss, like a clear spring, black and Bright, the strength and clarity of these eyes give people a soul-stirring power.

After Xu Feng's experience for an unknown period of time, his strength has finally improved further. He had faintly reached the threshold of strength before, but this time the psychological experience has easily crossed the threshold.

After smelling his body, Xu Feng couldn't bear the stench on his body, so he jumped into the mountain stream and started a big cleaning.

Wash off the dirt, shave off the clumps of hair, and become a new person again, take out new clothes from the storage space and put them on.

Xu Feng felt refreshed all over his body.

"Cool, hahaha, I've been completely reborn after washing off all the dust."

Feeling the power of Dantian, Xu Feng is very confident in himself at this moment, as if he has more control over the world.

"There is no sun and moon in the mountains, and I don't know what day it is. This time I have passed the bottleneck, and all my demons have been eliminated. Before the next bottleneck, I should not need to worry too much."

After pondering for a moment, "Then go out of the mountain and go directly to help that Kou Zhong solve the biggest problem on his way."

Xu Feng felt that his brain became much better, his thinking was clear, and he aimed for the Li family's base camp.

If you want to solve a problem, you must first understand the problem. If you want to solve Li Shimin, you must first go to the Li family to meet Li Erlang.

After leaving the mountain and finding the nearest town, Xu Feng realized that he had already walked into the mountains of the Qinling Mountains.

I walked all the way from Yangzhou, walking casually, and I don't know how long it will be. Now it seems to be just right.

Li Shimin's Li family, Guanlong, happened to be in Shaanxi, and he passed the Qinling Mountains, which is not far from Shaanxi.

The Qinling Mountains are more lush with trees than the modern Earth. During the Tang Dynasty, the climate of the Qinling Mountains not only had giant pandas, but even elephants. The richness of species was unimaginable.

The trees are also unusually high, and towering trees of [-] meters are very common.

Xu Feng asked the mountain people, found the official way, bought a carriage, and drove to Chang'an alone.

Along the way, at the post station, I heard the words of the travelers, and got some information.

It turns out that I have been away for about half a year, and the world at this moment has become a mess.

Both Yang Guang and Yu Wenhuaji of Yangzhou died, and the supreme power in the world lost its authority for a while.

Powerful people from all over the world started to compete one after another, and no one wanted to aspire to the top.

It is still in a state of melee, and there is no clear situation yet.

However, the world is in chaos, and it is the most ordinary people who suffer.

That's why there are so many fleeing people on the post road deep in the Qinling Mountains. In troubled times, these poor ordinary people can only hope to escape the catastrophe by hiding in the deep mountains.

Xu Feng also witnessed many tragedies along the way.

In troubled times, the laws of nature collapse, everything is ruled by the fist.

These bottom-level people have no force and no wealth, they are really fish and meat.

Although they escaped with their families, there will still be robbers on the road.

These people escaped the disaster of the army, and had to go through the looting of the bandits. They escaped by chance and had no money to go on the road. Many people began to sell women along the way.

In troubled times, the civilization and order established by human beings will collapse so quickly.

Human life can be as humble as an ant.

Xu Feng also had a lot of intolerance and feelings in his heart.

He has been in a modern civilized society for a long time, and he has not seen war for a long time.

Although on earth, the era he lived in was not far from war, no matter how civilization developed, could it not escape war?

Will human beings really be destroyed in their own hands?

I can't bear to see these miserable scenes. Along the way, as long as Xu Feng encounters these, he will still help. ,

At this moment, he suddenly had a different understanding of the peace and unity of the world.

Some things are different. Although this is a different world that has nothing to do with me, as a human being, I really can't be indifferent.

I should be able to help end this troubled world as soon as possible.

At this moment, he was thinking of the task of the system, helping Kou Zhong to unify, and suddenly felt full of meaning.

If there are fewer tragedies and scenes in a peaceful world, then I am willing to work hard.

With the whip whipping, he hurried on his way to Chang'an, to the core that determines the direction of this troubled world.

There, he can really help this world, help this chaotic world at the end of the Sui Dynasty, quickly find its true destiny, and end all of this.

After leaving the Qinling Mountains, Chang'an is already in front of you. This place that has been the capital since the Han Dynasty has a long history.

Xianyang in the Qin Dynasty was not far from Chang'an, and its age is really old enough.

Coming to the city, although it has experienced troubled times, it is still mighty and domineering. The city wall is ten feet high, enough to stop any invading enemy, and it is as impenetrable as gold.

But no matter how strong the city wall is, it will eventually decay from the inside and be breached. After all, it is people and people's hearts that determine everything.

With a carriage, passing through the city gate is Chang'an.

(End of this chapter)

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