Chapter 230
Thinking of this, Xu Feng unconsciously looked at the breasts of the woman in front of him. He really didn't pay attention before.

This is unbelievable, although it is obvious that the woman in front of her is dressed as a man and must have corseted her breasts, but even so, she still can't stop the bulge on her chest, it is simply, very obvious.

The woman originally opened her arms to block Xu Feng angrily.

However, she originally wanted to explode, but the moment she saw Xu Feng, she was also slightly absent-minded, because Xu Feng's entire spiritual temperament was really completely different from ordinary people.

Cultivation has made his spirit completely detached, that invisible temperament, when you see his eyes, it is easy to be attracted unconsciously and fall into the trap.

After being slightly absent-minded, she woke up and couldn't help blushing a little and her heart beating. Naturally, she didn't know that Xu Feng was caused by cultivation.

But immediately, she found that the man in front of her was not looking at her face.

She followed the other person's gaze and moved her gaze down, only to realize that the other person's gaze actually stayed at her own position.

His face became more and more red, and he quickly covered his chest with his hands, and yelled: "Dirty"!
This sound had the aura of a lion roaring in the east of the river, and everyone on the first floor all looked sideways.

In this way, this place has become the focus of the audience.

Xu Feng also looked away, thinking that since he is a poor man with big breasts and no brains, he is not common sense.

So once again ignoring the obstruction of the person in front of him, he prepared to make a detour upstairs.

The woman was not willing to suffer, she opened the fan in her hand with a swipe, and pressed it against Xu Feng's neck.

It turned out that the fan was actually a weapon, and it was made of refined steel.

Xu Feng didn't take this woman seriously, but he knew that such a young lady who didn't know her identity would definitely not want to go out alone.

He didn't turn around, but after a little sensing, he found that two steps behind him, two very powerful qi were firmly locked on his body.

These two are definitely masters, and they are still very confident. If they dare to stay two steps away, they are confident that they can protect their master no matter what happens within this distance.

Strictly speaking, Xu Feng estimated that these two people were indeed top experts in this plane.

The feeling they gave him was even a little stronger than that of Yu Wenhuaji from Yangzhou.

No wonder these two are so confident, but obviously they have a wrong perception of Xu Feng's strength, and they are not to blame. After all, as long as Xu Feng wants to hide his aura, no one in this world should be able to perceive his true strength .

Xu Feng felt a little bit about the strength of the woman in front of him. She was the most common kind. Strictly speaking, she probably hadn't even started yet, and it was far from the Wanwan she met in Yangzhou.

Looking at the fan on his neck, Xu Feng finally got a little impatient.

He opened his mouth and said, "Miss, do you think this is still your home? Didn't your parents teach you the principle of first come first?"

"I want you to care," the woman's face was still red because of what happened just now, she stared at Xu Feng, "You have to give me this seat today, this girl finally came out, is it easy? "

"Oh, really?" Xu Feng shook his head, "Then what if I insist on not letting go?"

"Then you just toast and don't eat fine wine, don't worry about my politeness."

"You're welcome? Haha" Xu Feng was really amused by the silly and brainless girl in front of him, "Okay, if this is the case, then I will teach you a lesson for your parents, although I really don't want to fight with women."

Hearing this, the woman started to fight first, and a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers.

She pushed forward with her fan, intending to cut off Xu Feng's neck.

But in Xu Feng's eyes, her speed was too slow, like 960 frames in slow motion.

Raising his hand lightly, he strangled the woman's wrist, and the next second, the fan was in his hand.

The two people who were two steps away behind them only realized it at this moment, and attacked Xu Feng's back one after another.

Sensing the murderous aura behind him, Xu Feng slapped back lightly. At the same time, he stretched out his other hand and slapped the woman in front of him directly.

With this slap, he controlled the strength very well, and the slap was very painful, but it didn't really hurt Miss Jiao.

After all, he is not a violent person, and he doesn't want to kill people just because of this little time.

The two palms of the two people behind were all released by Xu Feng's light slap with his back to his body.

It's so clever that it doesn't work, it's really like flowing clouds and flowing water, and it dissolves invisible.

Those two obviously didn't expect Xu Feng's strength, and their faces were full of shock, but their master had already been beaten, and they had no choice but to launch an offensive again.

On the other side, the woman was slapped in the face, and was also blinded for a while.

She has been held in the hands of others since she was a child. Since she was a child, no one around her dared to disobey her, and no one even spoke to her loudly.

But at this moment, she was actually slapped firmly by the person in front of her.

She really couldn't believe it, but covering her face that was still burning and hurting, she had to believe it again.

It took a long, long time before she recovered from the shock, covered her face, and tears flowed down unconsciously.

She looked at Xu Feng, choked up, and said, "You... you... unexpectedly... dare... dare to... hit... me, I... I... I..."

She was really sad, and she was crying too hard, and she couldn't even say what she choked up.

Xu Feng played with the two behind with one hand, while waiting for the eldest lady to finish her words.

"What are you, I beat you, what do you want?"

"Woo... woo..., I... I... will definitely not... let go... your..." Dressed in a heroic manner, she was crying like a little girl at this moment.

Xu Feng unexpectedly saw a kind of contrast and cuteness in the big and brainless woman in front of him.

"Okay, I'm going to eat now, I'm waiting for you to settle accounts with me, I won't run away."

After finishing speaking, Xu Feng used force behind his back, and easily sent the two masters flying upside down.

"Xiao Er, let's go, lead the way, I'm going upstairs for dinner."

The second child was just watching and stayed aside, but now he came back to his senses and had to lead the way according to his words, but there was more awe in the eyes looking at Xu Feng.

That woman, after being slapped in the face, was really honest. When she saw Xu Feng walking by, she didn't dare to stop her, and she automatically moved out of the way.

When Xu Feng walked past her, he sent a sentence to the woman's mind with a spiritual method.


The woman who stood there dumbfounded with tears in her eyes suddenly became complicated.

Those two subordinates barely got up from the ground at this moment, and came to the woman: "Miss, please punish, my two brothers are not effective in protecting the Lord, and they are willing to be punished!"

The woman shook her head and said, "Let's go, let's go back."

After finishing speaking, he left the restaurant first.

The diners on the first floor were also people of some status in Chang'an City. After the woman and Xu Feng left, they whispered and guessed the identity of the woman and Xu Feng. For a while, the discussion in the hall was very lively.

On the other side, Xu Feng followed Xiaoer to the ninth floor.

The roof of the building is divided into three separate cubicles by screens, and the screens are painted with exquisite landscapes, which look like the handwriting of famous masters.

And there are many inscriptions on it, which are of extraordinary style.

The private room that Xu Feng was in happened to face the north of Chang'an City, and he could see the imperial city.

The design of the private room is very distinctive, the table stands by the window, the window sill is low, you can enjoy the scenery of Chang'an City while eating, and the Zhongnan Mountain outside the city in the distance can be seen faintly.

"This idea is good. The design is a bit like a modern tourist restaurant on a high-rise building. It seems that the business acumen of the ancients is not weaker than that of modern Earthlings."

Xu Feng ordered a few of the most expensive and classic dishes. His skill is actually not far from Bigu, but the delicious food in the world is sometimes not only for filling the stomach, but sometimes eating delicious food is a kind of enjoyment.

Xu Feng felt that even if he was completely bigu in the future, he would not give up the joy of eating.

(End of this chapter)

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