The most powerful mobile phone ever

Chapter 231 Signature Dishes

Chapter 231 Signature Dishes

Nine is a number with special meaning in ancient times.

Nine is supreme, and nine is extreme, representing a kind of supremacy.

Therefore, the nine-storey Yaoyue Building is indeed of extraordinary significance.

Especially in this feudal era, it stands to reason that if ordinary people use the number nine, it may be risky.

After all, the imperial power generally wants to be exclusive to things related to the Supreme, and the Emperor is the Ninth Five-Year Supreme.

Yaoyue Tower can actually use the number of nine extremes. It may indeed have a very large background background, or it may be that in the Tang Dynasty, the social atmosphere was still very open.

After Xu Feng sat down, he ordered food for a table. Anyway, his money was his shortcoming.

Along the way, the autumn wind was blown from the hands of the robbers, and most of them were scattered to the refugees along the way, but the rest was enough for him to have a serious meal.

He is not familiar with Yaoyue Tower, and he is even less familiar with the food of the Tang Dynasty, so he directly asked Xiao Er to serve the same according to the signature dishes.

He was also a little curious about the food on the most luxurious floor of the most luxurious restaurant in Chang'an.

"Tang, although I've been here for nearly a year, this is the first time I've had such a grand meal in a serious way. Before that, I spent half a year walking in the wilderness."

At this time, don't know if chili has been introduced?
Just as I had this question in my mind, the system's voice suddenly sounded:
"About the end of the 16th century, pepper was introduced to China. At that time, it was called "Fanjiao". , which proves that pepper has been introduced into China and successfully cultivated at this time, but it has not been used in food and drink, only for ornamental purposes. During the Qianlong period of Qing Dynasty, pepper began to be eaten as a vegetable by Chinese people. According to records, the Chinese who first ate pepper were all in the Yangtze River Downstream, the so-called "Xiajiang people". Because peppers were first introduced from overseas, Xiajiang people became "the first batch of people who ate crabs."

Xu Feng was taken aback, the system hadn't appeared for a long time, why did it appear suddenly?
"Hey, why did you run out? I thought you were dead. If you don't come out again, I will almost forget about you."

"Hehe, I only show up when you need me, I'm watching you secretly, goodbye!"

The cold mechanical sound disappeared after it finished.

"Hey Hey hey!??"

"Damn, it really disappeared. You can come and leave whenever you want."

Xu Feng is also very depressed, the system is watching me secretly?Just thinking about it makes my spine feel a little chilled.

Think about it, no matter what you are doing, whether you are eating or sleeping, drinking water or going to the toilet, or even doing things that are invisible to people, there is something watching you in the dark. Who can feel this feeling? Accepted?
Since his realm has been further improved, Xu Feng actually feels that this system is unfathomable.

Think about it, it can easily take itself through various planes.

This kind of ability is simply terrifying. Although my current strength is at the top of this Datang plane, even in this low-level world, I can't break even a single crack in the space.

Even if you try your best, you may not be able to make the space send out a wave.

But this system can transcend time and space, allowing itself to descend into myriad realms.

This is at least something that can only be achieved by completely mastering the power of space and time.

Just as Xu Feng was thinking about the system depressedly, all the dishes had already been served.

The first dish served was served on a very delicate porcelain plate.

The porcelain plate is as clear as ice, crystal clear and moist as jade, and its color is greenish-green and tea-green in color.

Could this be the legendary Yue Kiln?Xu Feng has only seen it in the Palace Museum on modern Earth, and now he is lucky enough to be able to use this Yue Kiln as a utensil for eating.

The Yaoyue Building is indeed worth the price. You must know that this Yue Kiln, even in the Tang Dynasty, was specially provided by the royal family, and ordinary people should not even think about using it.

And in this dark blue porcelain plate, there is a small piece of white square tofu.

Xu Feng was very curious. Could this first appetizer be a piece of white tofu?

Tofu here in Yaoyuelou is definitely not just as simple as tofu.

"Xiao Er, is this tofu different from other places?"

There are four or five people who are dedicated to serve Xu Feng. Since it is the top restaurant in Datang, this kind of service is normal.

One of the handsome young men stood up and introduced; "For Master Hui, the first dish is indeed a piece of white tofu, but the difference between it and other tofu lies in its material."

"Oh, what's the difference in the materials?" Xu Feng humbly asked for advice.

"The beans used in this tofu are all grown on Zhongnan Mountain outside Chang'an City. According to legend, it is a soybean variety cultivated by Jin Tao Yuanming himself. Its yield is very small, and it can only grow on the sunny slopes at the foot of Zhongnan Mountain. The annual output is not large. More than 500 catties."

Xu Feng thought to himself, the beans that Tao Yuanming planted?Breed?It sounds really bluffing, and it's limited. The ancients also understood hunger marketing.

"Another thing is that the water used to make this tofu is different. We use the unique dense spring on Tongshan Mountain. This spring water is very suitable for making tofu. It is very difficult to get water in the deep mountains of Tongshan Mountain. We invite Yuelou to use it every day. Only less than five buckets of water can be carried back manually."

Xu Feng nodded, "That's right, a simple tofu, using the beans grown by Tao Yuanming and Tongshan Miquan, I'll come and taste the difference."

Use a spoon to scoop it into your mouth, and the tofu will melt in your mouth, leaving a fragrance in your mouth, which is the fragrance of soybeans.

Xu Feng couldn't help stretching out his thumbs, "I would like to give you a thumbs up, what you did is indeed okay. It's just too little, it's not fun."

The boy smiled slightly, as if everything was under control, "Master, as long as you are satisfied."

Just then, the second dish came up.

The plate for the second course has changed again, this time it is a pure white porcelain plate, like white jade, with walls as thin as a cicada's wings, without any decorations, it is a work of art.

Xu Feng recognized it at a glance. He also saw this thing in the Forbidden City. It was the famous Xing Kiln in Tang Dynasty.

If he remembers correctly, when he was looking at it in the museum, it seemed that there are very few Xing kilns on the modern earth.

These two plates alone, if you get the modern earth, are priceless treasures, and it is no problem to sell one or two hundred million each.

And in this white jade plate, there is an egg.

Xu Feng touched the minibus and felt that there was something really interesting about this Yaoyue Tower, at least it could surprise people. It was difficult to guess each of these food items.

The boy who was waiting next to him was really well-behaved, this time he stood up automatically without waiting to be asked;.

"Master, let me introduce you to this second dish—Jiaolong eggs."

(End of this chapter)

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