The most powerful mobile phone ever

Chapter 232 Flood Dragon Egg

Chapter 232 Flood Dragon Egg

"Flood Dragon Egg?"

Xu Feng wondered if his ears heard it wrong. How could there be dragons in this world?Although this is the world of high martial arts, there is still an essential gap from the fantasy world.

Seeing Xu Feng's surprise, the waiter was also a little proud. Basically, every guest had this reaction when they ate this dish.

Xu Feng quickly sobered up. There is absolutely no such thing as a dragon in this world. He sensed the egg with his mind, and it was very ordinary. There was no aura in it.

So he asked: "Xiaoer, you are a restaurant as big as Yaoyue Tower, are you going to smash your own signboard? The dragon from Datang?"

Xiao Er didn't panic, and explained: "Master, how dare we deceive customers, this is indeed a dragon egg, this dragon lives in the big river, it is very rare, and it is even more difficult to find its eggs, so this is absolutely It is a delicacy that you can only eat in our Yaoyue Tower."

"Dajiang? By Dajiang, do you mean the river that passes through Yangzhou?"

"That's right, sir. This flood dragon only exists in the big river, and there is no such thing in the big river." Xiaoer explained patiently.

Xu Feng knew that in the Tang Dynasty, jiang specifically referred to the Yangtze River, and the river referred to the Yellow River. Only the Yangtze River had it and the Yellow River did not.

Is it the alligator?

In this way, Xu Feng remembered that the ancients often regarded crocodiles as dragons.

So the one in front of you is the crocodile egg?

Just as Xu Feng was thinking about the function of crocodile eggs and whether they were really edible, the system voice sounded in his mind again.

"Crocodile eggs are natural, healthy and high-grade nutritious foods that contain lecithin, collagen, taurine, and protein among the eggs in the world.

Function: Crocodile eggs can help children increase brain nutrition and improve memory; they can prevent the "three highs" of middle-aged and elderly people, arteriosclerosis and Alzheimer's disease, and at the same time can improve immunity; in addition, pregnant women eating crocodile eggs can also supplement fetal nutrition and improve fetal intelligence and physical development. "

"So awesome?" Xu Feng was really a little surprised, after all, he had never heard of anyone eating crocodile eggs in modern Earth.

I didn't expect this thing to have such a high nutritional value, and the ancients would play and enjoy it.

In this era without mythical beasts and fairy beasts, it is estimated that crocodile eggs are really a great tonic.

Xu Feng picked up the egg, peeled off the shell and ate it, but there was no difference in taste from ordinary eggs.

It doesn't taste like eggs, it's a bit like goose eggs.

He was very satisfied, this trip to Yaoyuelou was worthwhile, and he ate something new that he had never eaten before.

The egg chef did not do any other processing, it was boiled directly in white water.

For truly top-notch ingredients, any extraneous seasoning is superfluous.

The truly top-notch ingredients are the most nutritious and delicious in themselves.

The chefs here are really knowledgeable.

In the following time, one dish after another will be served in turn.

Every dish is exquisitely crafted, and it takes a lot of thought to see it.

Some ingredients are very rare, and some cooking techniques are very special.

But every dish has very little portion.

Less but better.

Yaoyuelou is also very clear that people who come here to eat are not eating food.

Come here to eat, not to satisfy your hunger, but to taste the taste of the food.

So after more than 20 dishes were served, Xu Feng also finished eating, his stomach was just right, and he didn't feel full.

Eat and drink enough, and the beautiful scenery of Chang'an is almost the same.

The meal lasted until the afternoon, but when Xiaoer told the price, Xu Feng knew that his meal was really expensive.

A total of 500 taels of silver, think about 20 taels of more than 500 dishes.On average, each dish has close to 20 taels.

And 20 taels, even in Chang'an City, is the annual income of an ordinary family.

One dish eats up the income of an ordinary person for a year.

Xu Feng calculated in his mind, if this meal is converted into modern RMB, it would be around 30.

In fact, this nine-story building, although it is the most luxurious dining place in the entire Yaoyue Tower, even the entire Chang'an, and the entire Tang Dynasty.

500 taels is also a bit expensive, and other people who usually come to the ninth floor to spend will not get this price.

The main reason is that Xu Feng eats all the signature dishes, each of which is ingenious, and the ingredients are precious, so the price is still acceptable.

Xu Feng took a look at his storage space, and it happened to be left over from the bandits, no more, no less, 500 taels.

He laughed at himself, "I'm going back to pre-liberation in one night, and I've made myself poor with just one meal. Where will I go to make a living next?"

Looking at Chang'an under his feet, although it is the most luxurious capital city in this era.

But in the afternoon, there were not many people on the main road, Suzaku Street.

The population of 100 million in the entire city is nothing in modern times.

Modern super cities have populations in the tens of millions.

Looking along Suzaku Avenue, you can see a carriage with a very luxurious decoration.

Pulling the cart were four tall horses with flushed skin and manes that shone brightly in the sun.

"The legendary sweaty BMW?"

Xu Feng's eyes were involuntarily attracted by this carriage, and it was hard not to be attracted by it.

On the entire Suzaku Avenue, it stands out from the crowd.

Apparently, there was a commotion on the street, and pedestrians gave way one after another.

The decoration of this car is gorgeous and has a touch of femininity. Many details of its body are exquisitely decorated, such as the gauze sprinkled on the outside, the gauze as thin as cicada's wings.

It is not difficult for people to guess that the person sitting in this car is a woman, a woman of great power and status.

Passers-by looked sideways, watching the luxury car slowly pass by in front of their eyes.

The sound of horseshoes resounded on the bluestone slab, crisp and loud.

But in the dark, not only passers-by on both sides of the street were watching the carriage, but also Xu Feng who was looking down from the ninth floor of Yaoyue Building.

In a certain inn on both sides of the street, there was another mysterious person staring at the carriage.

The mysterious man stood in the window on the second floor of the inn facing the street. The window was opened with a small gap, looking out at the carriage.

She wears a hat on her head, which is made of reeds, and the gauze around it hangs down to her feet, covering her whole body.

The gauze is white gauze, but it is opaque. It is obviously specially made to make it difficult for people to see her face clearly.

She fixed her eyes on the carriage, watching it slowly pass by her window.

In an instant, she moved, the window was directly broken by her, and she jumped down from the second floor.

He rushed to the carriage, and there were two drivers sitting in front of the carriage. Seeing the sudden change, he quickly reined in the horse.

He flew up to stop this assassin who came out.

Suddenly, the crowd was in a commotion, and the people watching the excitement dispersed in a rush.

The street suddenly emptied.

The two coachmen intercepted the assassin in mid-air.

The two sides fought in the air instantly, but in a blink of an eye, the two drivers flew upside down.

Unable to resist for a moment.

The assassin continued to kill the person in the carriage with his sword.

(End of this chapter)

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