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Chapter 239 Looking for a Racecourse

Chapter 239 Looking for a Racecourse
Xu Feng stopped talking, and said directly: "I do know a ranch, it's called Pegasus Ranch."

Song Yuzhi's eyes widened when he heard this, and he said in surprise, "How could it be! You, you, did you also overhear my brother and dad's conversation?"

After the words had been spoken, she felt that this was absolutely impossible, but it was too coincidental.

Li Shimin laughed: "It seems that Yuzhi and brother Xu are talking about the same ranch, so I'm really curious. It seems that this Pegasus ranch must be extraordinary."

Xu Feng said: "I didn't expect that the two of us were going to talk about the same thing, so you can talk to them about the pasture in person."

It's not that Xu Feng didn't want to talk about it on purpose, but he found that although he knew about the existence of this Pegasus Ranch, he didn't understand the specific things and details about this ranch at all.

There were too many mistakes, so I simply sold my favor to this silly girl and let her continue talking.

Song Yuzhi didn't think too much about it either, she recovered from her surprise, she became more and more curious about Xu Feng's identity, she was absolutely sure that Xu Feng was definitely not an ordinary person.

But it's a pity that I haven't been able to find out what happened, and I haven't caught him in this month.

She put all these aside temporarily, and said to Li Shimin: "Second brother Li, what I want to talk about is indeed this Pegasus Ranch. According to my father, it is quite large in scale, and it should have thousands of good horses. Yes, and the owner of this horse farm is very low-key, he has long expected that the world will be in chaos, so he has been secretly raising horses since more than ten years ago, and is ready to sell for a price."

"Oh, in that case, it's no wonder I've never heard of this racecourse, but the owner of this racecourse is really a character who can see the general trend of the world. I don't know, sister Yuzhi, where is this racecourse located?"

Li Shimin was already sure in his heart that this racecourse really existed, but what he was most worried about now was how to find it.

After all, Song Yuzhi only eavesdropped on some of them, so it was all for naught in the end.

"I really want to hear that they probably mentioned it. I really think it's on the south side of the Qinling Mountains. They say it's between the two tributaries of the Yangtze River. I don't hear the details clearly."

Song Yuzhi said that her voice became smaller and smaller, and she herself was quite embarrassed. She thought she could help Brother Li, but if she was not sure about the location, she immediately saw Xu Feng beside him.

Immediately pulled Xu Feng forward and said, "By the way, don't you know its information? Do you know where it is?"

Xu Feng never expected that this little girl kicked the ball to him again.

Where is Pegasus Ranch?He really didn't know, who would remember such irrelevant information.

But right now, he was bragging just now, if he wants to gain Li Shimin's trust, he must know the location of this Pegasus Ranch.

"Well, of course I know, but, some people still rely on me in the end."

As he said these mocking words to Song Yuzhi, his brain was quickly deferred. Since his strength became stronger, his brain has become better than before, as if he had been upgraded.

According to the information provided by Song Yuzhi, south of the Qinling Mountains, the tributaries of the Yangtze River, and his vague image of the original work, this place must be in the south, and it is a plain sandwiched between the Yangtze River and its tributaries.

From Sichuan in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, Xu Feng checked all the qualified ones in his head, and soon Xu Feng determined the target.

This pasture is likely to be in Hubei, and the largest tributary of the Yangtze River in Hubei is naturally the Han River, and it is a plain between the tributaries.

Then it is very likely that it is the Jianghan Plain, and the Jianghan Plain is Jingzhou.

The most likely place is Jingzhou.

No matter what, just take a gamble, even if you make a mistake, who can do anything to yourself?

"Do you know? Hmph, I don't think you know, so just fool around here." Song Yuzhi, a kitten, would fight back if she was teased.

No matter what, this girl will never lose her mouth.

"The Pegasus Ranch is located in Jingzhou."

Xu Feng didn't compare much, and announced the answer directly.

In this way, Song Yuzhi was completely speechless, although she still doubted whether Xu Feng made up this place.

"Okay, Jingzhou is not far from Chang'an, so let's go to Jingzhou tomorrow, this time I will go in person."

Li Xiuning was on the side, and said at this time: "Second brother, let me handle this matter for you. You just came back from the front line. There must be many things waiting to be dealt with in the court."

Li Shimin thought for a while, looked at Li Xiuning with relief and said, "Okay, Xiuning, I really don't know how to thank you."

"Okay, second brother, should we still be polite?"

"Okay, then I'll send some people to go with you, it might be dangerous to go on this trip."

Li Xiuning did not refuse, she said: "I want to take Mr. Xu with me."

Li Shimin didn't object this time, "Okay, since this Pegasus Ranch is the clue provided by Mr. Xu, it's natural to follow."

"I, I'm going too, and I also provided clues." Song Yuzhi heard it from the side and shouted quickly.

Li Shimin looked at her and smiled: "Yuzhi, it might be dangerous to go on this trip, do you really want to follow? If something happens, I can't explain it to Uncle Song."

"It's okay, I'm not a child anymore, I can take care of myself, besides, what's the danger if I follow Sister Xiuning?"

As Song Yuzhi said, he stepped forward and hugged Li Xiuning's arm, and began to act like a baby.

Li Xiuning looked at her and didn't say anything, so the matter was settled.

And Xu Feng had no objection. Although Li Shimin didn't want to go, since the purchase of horses was related to the cavalry strength of the Li family's army, he definitely wanted to go. Maybe he could find a way to disintegrate the Li family without bloodshed.

The next day, the group left Chang'an and headed for Jingzhou.

Li Xiuning dressed lightly and did not bring many attendants.

In addition to the two masters beside her, she also brought more than a dozen people in the army assigned to her by Li Shimin, plus Song Yuzhi and Xu Feng, a team of less than 20 people.

From Chang'an to Jingzhou, the distance is about 600 kilometers, passing through the Qinling Mountains.

Xu Feng and his party rode horses and could travel hundreds of companies a day. After seven days, they arrived at the boundary of Jingzhou.

Jingzhou has been the site of the Four World Wars since ancient times, and this place is an endless plain.

The Yangtze River is gurgling, irrigating the fertile fields on both sides of the bank, creating an idyllic scenery.

When they came to the ancient city of Jingzhou, the group stayed.

But it took a lot of effort to find the Pegasus Ranch. After all, Xu Feng only made a rough inference in his head.

But seeing this scene in Jingzhou along the way, he was already 90.00% sure that this Pegasus Ranch must be in Jingzhou, so it shouldn't be difficult to find out.

(End of this chapter)

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