The most powerful mobile phone ever

Chapter 240 Pegasus Ranch

Chapter 240 Pegasus Ranch
Jingzhou has been the core area of ​​the Chu State since the Warring States Period. After more than 1000 years of development, the people in this place were very wealthy in peacetime.

In the ancient city of Jingzhou, the city walls were also very tall and majestic, as solid as gold.

The business in the city is very prosperous, and the streets are also full of troubles.

Xu Feng and his party chose the most luxurious inn in the city. Originally, Xu Feng didn't want to be so eye-catching and imposing, but Li Xiuning was a princess after all, and she still had the habit of pampering her. It's down, and it's the best rooms in the inn.

After resting, everyone came to Xu Feng's room to gather. This room is a large suite, the outside is a living room, and the inside is the bedroom for sleeping.

Li Xiuning brought Song Yuzhi to Xu Feng's room, but the two girls were not at all restrained.

"Hey, how do we find that ranch now?" Song Yuzhi asked as soon as he sat down.

Xu Feng didn't answer, but first poured her and Li Xiuning a cup of tea.

Then he sat down and said, "From the information I got back then, I only knew that the Pegasus Ranch is in Jingzhou, and I don't know the details, but the whole Jingzhou is so big, are you afraid you can't find it?"

"Hmph, it's easy for you to say, Jingzhou is still young? You have to know that there are only a dozen of us, if you want to find it, it's not much easier than finding a needle in a haystack."

"Yuzhi, don't be stubborn with Mr. Xu, I think what he said makes sense." Li Xiuning couldn't help but said, "Think about it, the Pegasus Ranch has so many horses and occupies an area of It must be very big, maybe it is well-known in Jingzhou, tomorrow we will split up and inquire about it, and we should find it."

Since Li Xiuning said this, Song Yuzhi naturally couldn't refute anything.

Xu Feng continued: "That's true, the princess sees it clearly."

The next day, according to the agreed plan, they split up to inquire about the Pegasus Ranch.

Xu Feng originally didn't want the two girls, Li Xiuning and Song Yuzhi, to go out, so he and his attendants went out to ask.

But unexpectedly, these two masters who refused to listen to the arrangement and refused to admit defeat, expressed that they would go out to find clues by themselves.

But Xu Feng knew that in this troubled world, these two girls could easily be in danger outside.

I had no choice but to take them together, and the three of them went together to find clues.

Unexpectedly, things were not as difficult as imagined.

They were the first to find a horse dealer in the city, and sure enough, the dealer knew where the Pegasus Ranch was.

Everything went much smoother than expected.

"Tch, I found it so easily, and let Miss Ben go for nothing." Who else could be speaking besides Song Yuzhi?

Xu Feng originally wanted to go back, but then he thought about it, this little girl might really be a little out of her mind, so it's better not to bully the weak.

Now that he successfully found out where the Pegasus Ranch is, just in case, Xu Feng paid the horse dealer to lead the way himself.

This horse dealer happened to be going to the Pegasus Ranch, and he was very happy to make some money for free.

Xu Feng didn't want to waste any more time, so he immediately went back to the inn to get his things and started on the road.

Li Xiuning didn't say anything, she was used to everything being arranged by Xu Feng along the way, and she was very relieved to let Xu Feng do these things.

As she herself watched Xu Feng busy, she was thinking about other things in her mind.

The horse dealer led Xu Feng and his group out of Jingzhou City, heading northwest of the city.

This journey is really not short. According to the horse dealer, this Pegasus Ranch is very mysterious. Xu Feng and the others are looking for the right person. If you ask ordinary people, they may really not know about it.

It is located in the northwest of Jingzhou City, closer to the edge of the westernmost virgin forest.

Starting from Jingzhou City, it takes two days' journey to get there.

I followed the horse dealer all the way west, and finally at noon on the third day, I saw a large green area in front of me.

This green really stands out.

Because of walking all the way, most of the Jianghan Plain is planted with rice.

It is the season when the rice is about to mature, so all you see along the way are golden yellow.

But it was green, a lot of green.

At the foot of the mountain, this place can be said to be very well chosen.

There is a river passing through it in front, a natural barrier.

To enter the racecourse, you have to cross a suspension bridge over the river.

There are guards over the bridge.

A group of people came to the river. The river is about ten meters wide, but its water cannot see the bottom and is very deep. It is obviously artificially deepened.

The horse dealer shouted to the opposite side, and a person came out from a small room by the opposite bridge pier. The horse dealer and him exchanged something in Jingzhou dialect.

The people over there seem to be confirming some things repeatedly, but they still haven't put the bridge down in the end.

Xu Feng asked: "What did he say? Did he not let us pass?"

Horse dealer: "I told him that you are here to buy horses, and he said he couldn't decide whether to let you go there, and he would go back and ask the owner for instructions."

Sure enough, the man over there left the house, got on a horse, and headed towards the depths of the grassland.

Looking from this side of the river to the opposite side is really shocking.

With this river as the boundary, there are green grasslands on the opposite side, and those grasses are obviously specially planted and cultivated. Some people's knees are high and they grow very lush.

The grass stretches like an ocean.

In the distance, Bukit Mertajam is small, and a group of buildings can be seen vaguely.

Looking at the spectacular scene of the racecourse opposite, the group was shocked speechless.

Song Yuzhi said: "The owner of this horse farm is definitely very powerful. Being able to occupy such a good place alone to raise horses is simply a blessing. It seems that we didn't make this trip in vain this time."

Li Xiuning's eyes were also shining with excitement. She did not disappoint her second brother's expectations. It seemed that there was hope for the future cavalry of the Li family.

Xu Feng looked at this pasture, and now he wondered if there were more horses than he imagined in such a large pasture?

And is the owner of this racecourse really an ordinary person?Will he really sell the horse to the Li family?
You must know that in this chaotic world, the owner of the racecourse owns so many horses that they can be sold for a price.

Just like in modern warfare, the owner of this horse farm is like an arms dealer, with thousands of tanks and armored vehicles, he must not worry about selling them.

Moreover, this transaction will also affect the trend of the world.

Xu Feng had to start to rethink his decision. It seemed that his original intention might have to be changed this time.

Originally, I wanted to help the Li family complete this matter, so as to gain their trust, and then plan other things.

Looking at it now, this horse must not be bought by the Li family. After all, my mission is to help Kou Zhong win the world.

And this racecourse is related to the future world!
(End of this chapter)

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