Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 109 Milk Dog Gold Master Form 4

Chapter 109 The Fourth Type of Milk Dog Gold Master (18)

The scarred face in the car behind scolded my mother severely. ,

I thought it was a very simple task, after all, it was only a woman who was arrested.

After watching for several days, I realized that today is a better time to do it, and that kid looks like a little boy.

There is no danger at all.

They just decided to do it.

But I didn't expect that I stumbled as soon as I started.

The other party obviously already had an escape route, and the other party still had a gun in his car. The other party didn't hesitate, and didn't even install a silencer gun, just kept firing.

Scarface could even hear the sirens.

He wiped his face fiercely, the task has been done, so he has to keep doing it, and he can't give up halfway, a fierce look flashed across the face of the scarred face: "Second brother, you call the customer and tell him, Add [-] to the price, otherwise I won’t do it.”

"This task is difficult."

A thin, monkey-like man sitting in the co-pilot responded and started talking on the phone with a voice changer pinned to his throat.

I don't know what the other party said, but the monkey just said: "If you don't pay more, don't do it."

What did the other party say again, a trace of disdain flashed across the second child's face: "Make money first, then do it."

"You'd better hurry up, people are right in front of us, or run away and don't care about our business."

Even without a loudspeaker, the other party's scolding voice could be heard by the scarred face here.

He frowned fiercely, and said in a low voice: "If you scold me again, I will add one hundred thousand more."

The voice was clearly transmitted to the other side of the phone, and the other party hung up the phone abruptly.

After a while, the phone rang with a message, and the second child casually put the phone back in his pocket: "Here we come."

"Damn it!" Scar's face spat out the betel nut in his mouth, and an uncomfortable taste came out of his mouth.

The car accelerated suddenly. The performance of this modified car is much better than that of the previous Daben. It was reserved just now.

Now, people die for money and birds die for food.

No matter what the curve is or not, no matter how narrow the road ahead is.

Scarface stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom, with crazy cruelty in his eyes, this is the foundation of their standing.

People are not ruthless, and their positions are unstable.

Song Shi watched the car behind him gradually move away, thinking that it would be no accident to get rid of the other party.

But he never thought that the car, which was driving steadily, suddenly started to speed up, and the purpose was obvious, which was to crash and stop himself.

Song Shi frowned. The opponent's speed was obviously inferior to his own car. Relying on the advantage of the terrain, he could only maneuver around, but it was more difficult to get rid of the opponent.

Li Qingbao couldn't understand, she ate a piece of chocolate leisurely, and she smiled with two dimples: "My Lord, they want us to stop, so we will stop."

After finishing speaking, Li Qingbao blinked cutely.

Song Shimiao nodded understandingly, while holding the 98K tightly in his hand.

"Baby, sit still."

Li Qingbao had a cute smile on his face, but he couldn't hide the madness and evil in his eyes.

She likes the exciting speed of the car very much.

I don't know if the people in the back like it or not.

With a scarred face, the gas pedal went over, but he never thought that the car in front would brake suddenly.

He wanted to hit the car in front of him to stop, but the other party stopped by himself.

Song Shi slammed on the brakes, Scarface had no time to react, and the entire front car crashed into it.

The airbag popped out, and both Scarface and the thin monkey's second child were disfigured, leaving some blood on their foreheads.

(End of this chapter)

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