Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 110 Milk Dog Gold Master Form 4

Chapter 110 The Fourth Type of Milk Dog Gold Master (19)

The brain was also dizzy for a while.

"Damn!!! My brain hurts."

The second boy of the thin monkey tried his best to shake his dizzy head.

"Made, you son of a bitch, you're actually making a fool of yourself."

But whether it's Scarface or the second child, they both know that this is not the time to swear, they are grabbing the gun, and they are ready to get out of the car to arrest people.

But he never thought that the person from the opposite car door got down first and seized the opportunity. Two 98Ks with dark holes were facing the two people.

The viciousness in Scarface's eyes was even more serious.

"Bah, it really capsized the boat in the gutter."

But Scarface winked at the second child lightly. The two of them didn't give up struggling because Song Shi and others were holding guns. Instead, they picked up the gun more quickly and shot first.


There was a muffled sound.

Scarface and the second child hurried down to hide.

They have seen this kind of young people a lot. There are many people with guns, but few dare to shoot, let alone kill people, so they are not afraid at all.

Song Shi and Li Qingbao's appearances are too deceptive, a delicate little girl and a sunny boy, people will believe that they are college students.

But almost at the same time as when they shot.Two crisp sounds sounded: "Bang!"


The second child closed his eyes unwillingly, with a big hole in his chest, and slightly stretched his hand towards the scarred face.

If you look closely at the shape of your mouth, you can still see that he seems to be calling big brother.

The unwillingness and pain in those eyes made people extremely uncomfortable.

Scarface looked at his brother's body in astonishment.

In addition to the pain, there was also a trace of panic. He and the second child had experienced many lives and deaths, but they had never felt like this moment. They felt that they were in front of life and death.

So close to death.

Scarface gasped violently for a few times, took a deep breath, and suppressed the pain in his eyes.

Then the two people looking outside burst out with infinite hatred in their eyes.

"Bang bang!!!"

The extremely fierce gun battle started the sniper battle.

In fact, Li Qingbao could end the battle in an instant, but looking at Song Shi's eyes full of fighting spirit and excitement, she silently retracted the silk thread stretching towards the scarred face, and then wrapped it around Song Shi's body.

Whenever Scarface's bullet wanted to hit Song Shi, it would always sneak up a little bit for various reasons, and it couldn't hit Song Shi anyway.

And Song Shi couldn't hit Scarface from the very beginning.

Hit the leg from the back, hit the arm, hit the stomach.

After firing more than a dozen shots, Song Shicai shot through his eyebrows for the last time, and a plum blossom of death bloomed.

If there is a target number display at this time, it must be 10 targets.

Song Shi grinned happily, without the haze of killing someone for the first time, as if he was used to this kind of thing, and looked at Li Qingbao with a big smile.

Seems like a boy who needs admiration.

Warm and flamboyant.

Li Qingbao also smiled and gave Song Shi a thumbs up.

"I said, I will protect you and not let you get hurt."

"Yeah, I believe in the patron."

"How does this end now?"

Song Shi scratched his head.

To kill is to kill, but how to collect the corpse?He hasn't activated this skill yet.

Li Qingbao touched the silk thread impatiently in his hand: "I'll do this one, the gold master, please turn around."

Song Shi shook his head: "I don't!"

"I want to learn."

Li Qingbao: ...

(っω)っI love learning
"You can't learn..."

(End of this chapter)

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