Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 112 Milk Dog Gold Master Form 4

Chapter 112 The Fourth Type of Milk Dog Gold Master (21)

Although the killer was dead, Li Qingbao was not in the mood of not taking revenge.

Li Qingbao thought about her actions in the past few days. She lowered her head, played with her phone, pressed it a few times, and sent a text message.

Song Shi, who was working, felt the phone vibrate, picked it up to look, and saw a message from the baby.

"Great Lord, do you have time to have a family dinner together tonight?"

Through the mobile phone, Song Shi seemed to be able to see the little guy, with his swaying feet and pouty red lips, cute and cute.

"Meeting the parents so soon? I need to prepare well. What do the baby's family like?"

Song Shi rubbed his chin, he didn't expect the baby to love him so much, and couldn't wait so much.

Naturally, he couldn't disappoint the little guy's love.

Seeing the news that came back almost in seconds, Li Qingbao smiled: "You don't need to prepare anything, I have everything prepared, and the benefactor just needs to go back to the theater with me."

Song Shi raised his eyebrows: "Okay!" What does this mean?
It seems that there is some conflict with the family.

Not very cordial.

The cell phone rang again: "You actually neglected your duty today and deserted secretly. The boss found out and wanted to deduct money."

"Deduct the perfect attendance award."

Song Shi replied helplessly: "Baby, are you going to let me eat soft rice?"

"Why don't you want to?"

"Do you think that anyone who wants to eat my soft rice can eat it?"

Song Shi: "( ), it just so happens that I have a bad stomach. Boss, I ask you to deduct all of my salary and let me eat soft food."

Li Qingbao snorted and didn't continue talking.

Song Shi was also ready to continue working, but because of the news just now, his whole body was exuding joyful information.

"Hey, Ah Shi, have you been in a relationship recently?"

"There is a sour smell all over my body every day."

A colleague next to him watched Song Shi's movements and joked.

"That's right, that's right, I think so too. Recently, she has become more and more provocative. Ah Shi, if you have a daughter-in-law, you can't forget to invite your mother's family to dinner."

As soon as everyone talked together, they made a bunch of them.

Talking and laughing is so lively.

Suddenly a girl came over with an unexpected expression, and put her hand on the back of Song Shi's chair: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Song Shi has just graduated, and his grade is still young, how could he fall in love, you hurry to work, so much nonsense."

The girl's long hair looks immature, but the tiny wrinkles at the corners of her eyes still betray her true age.

When everyone saw Song Qian coming, they stopped talking. Ever since Song Shi joined this company, Song Qian started chasing Song Shi.

Various means emerge in an endless stream.

In the end, everyone knows it, but Luohua has intentions and flowing water is ruthless.

Song Shi never expressed it from the beginning to the end. He always said that he didn't like it, and he refused it neatly.

But Song Qian seemed to be on the bar, and never gave up.

"And! It's none of your business!" A man said carelessly, he had already found Song Qian very unpleasant.

"Zhao Jun!!! Have you finished your work yet?"

Song Qian's gloomy eyes swept across the other party, and the people around her quickly lowered their eyes and lowered their heads, pretending to be serious about their work.

Song Qian thought that everyone was afraid of her, so she was very satisfied with this situation.

Unexpectedly, an equally cold voice came from behind her, more majestic and intimidating than hers.

There was also a moment of panic on Song Qian's face.

(End of this chapter)

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