Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 113 Milk Dog Gold Master Form 4

Chapter 113 The Fourth Type of Milk Dog Gold Master (22)

"So have you finished your work?"

The question was light and cold, with some coldness and hoarseness, and the blade inside seemed to be going towards Song Qian in essence.

Song Qian turned around with a stiff face, and saw the boss standing upright behind her.

She couldn't help but cast a blaming look at her colleagues, it was really abominable, none of these people reminded her when the boss came.

"No, President, I saw them chatting together, and I'm reminding them."

However, Li Qingbao was so unrestrained, how could the poacher be generous?

Li Qingbao is not such a big-bellied person.

"Since when is it within your scope of responsibility to remind your colleagues? Do I have to give you a seat as the president?"

Song Qian was overwhelmed by her boss's wire and words.


"President, I..."

"What are you? Who assessed you at the beginning? You stuttered without even speaking. Why did the company recruit you? Did you go through the back door?"

Li Qingbao's words were continuous.

When all the colleagues heard this, they all looked at the president in surprise. Is the president a fortune teller?
Even know all this.

This Song Qian is the younger sister of a boss, so she has been domineering in the company, which is why no one dares to mess with her.

Song Qian gritted her teeth: "President, I entered the company relying on my own strength, and I will go to work right away."

Li Qingbao was so unreasonable and sharp, "No need, pack your things and get out."

Song Shi looked at his little baby without saying a word, like a puppy protecting food, occupying his own territory, tearing everyone who dared to stretch his claws to pieces.

Song Qian looked at Li Qingbao in astonishment, with an expression of disbelief: "Why...why?"

Just such a small thing?This is about to be fired?

The colleagues around also looked at Li Qingbao in surprise, wanting an explanation.

Everyone is joking, everyone will be fired, so can you stay in this company in the future?Do I have to wear a sealer?

However, Li Qingbao raised his slender palm, raised Song Shi's chin, and bit it hard.

A small tooth mark appeared on Song Shi's chin between his lips. It was small, cute and pink.

"Why do you say?"

Everyone looked like they were struck by lightning. They looked at Song Shi and then at Li Qingbao.

Surprised eyeballs are about to pop out of the frame.

There are already many people who can't help but secretly reach out to their phones.

Song Qian suddenly went crazy, all fear of her boss disappeared, she pushed Li Qingbao away: "What are you doing?"

The voice was sharp and crazy: "What are you doing?"

"Song Shi is mine, it's mine, how can you touch a hair on him?"


The shrill broken sound sounds like it makes people's ears stunned and buzzing.

Li Qingbao didn't check for a while, but she actually pushed him straight.

Fortunately, Song Shi quickly reached out to support his little baby, and then he looked scared.

Song Shi stabilized his little baby, and then took a step forward to look at Song Qian, with an indelible smile deep in his eyes: "I don't know if you have heard a sentence?

Song Qian was taken aback by Song Shi at this moment, and she didn't know how her mind turned: "What, what?"

"As long as the facial features are good, Sanguan will follow the facial features, and the heartbeat will follow the appearance."

"Girls can be divided into three grades according to their appearance, one from heaven, one from earth, and one from hell."

"Coincidentally, you happen to be at the level of the underworld. Apart from being scary, there is nothing good about you."

Song Shi pointed to Li Qingbao: "Are you richer than her? Are you more handsome than her? Are you more talented than her?"

"I don't want anything, only the smell is full, I don't understand, even if you keep it upside down, it can also replenish the ozone layer, why bother to rush people around,"

(End of this chapter)

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