Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 118 Buddha Cultivation Gold Master Fifth Form

Chapter 118 The Fifth Form of the Golden Master of Buddha Cultivation (3)

Yuan Hui and all the suzerains present were terrified.

this sound...

All hurriedly bowed and lowered their heads, appearing extremely respectful: "Honor Xunxin."

In the next moment, a figure slowly appeared in front of them. The simple white clothes on him did not look like dandruff at all.

On the contrary, it was unusually cold and holy.

It seemed that the white clothes were born for him, only suitable for him to wear alone.

It is really like a jade tree being blown by the wind, and a chrysanthemum wrapped in snow, it really deserves to be "cold and melted into the moon".

The voice is clear and soft, like hitting jade.

The voice is as gentle as the wind, but there doesn't seem to be any warmth in listening carefully. The gentle words have a majesty of their own, which makes it difficult to defy.

Xun Xin's graceful chin slid gently across the arc in the air, and put his hands together: "Ani Tuo Buddha, all the lords are safe."

"Jie'an, I don't know why Venerable Xunxin left the customs this time?"

"For doom." Xun Xin's gaze was empty.Looking at the ground not far away.

"Doom is coming?" Yuan Hui looked at Xun Xin with surprise.

"My lord, is this event a thing or a person?"

Yuan Hui was very nervous. This Venerable Xunxin is the ancestor of their sect, the only ancestor of the Mahayana period.

This is also the reason why their Buddha Tianzong overwhelmed everyone and became the number one sect, because the ancestors of other sects have already ascended, only their Venerable Xunxin has been in the sect and has never ascended.

It's been 5000 years.

No one knows the strength of Venerable Xunxin anymore.

But everyone knows that the Venerable Xunxin has never ascended because he has not experienced a calamity, and Xunxin said that his heart has never been found.

So unable to ascend, the opportunity has not yet arrived.

For thousands of years, everyone thought that Venerable Xunxin was lying and just wanted to stay in the lower realm to protect the sect.

but never thought...

This catastrophe has really come.


The other suzerains also looked at Venerable Xunxin curiously, wondering who it was.

Xunxin raised her hand slightly, and those gleaming fingertips seemed to be glowing with holy light.

The fourth elder found that among the group of disciples who were sorting out, a body that had passed out was slowly drifting away.

The direction of drifting is exactly the direction of the ancestors.


The fourth elder quickly saluted.

"It's her."

Xun Xin put Ren Ling Kong flat in front of him: "It's her."

Several suzerains looked at each other, and they all had some doubts in their hearts. Could it be that Venerable Xunxin saw something? Could it be that the divine beast is related to this girl?

Could this be another conspiracy by Buddha Tianzong?

Have you discovered that the beast wants to swallow it all?

Otherwise, why did Xunxin search for an opportunity for thousands of years suddenly appear?

What Yuan Hui was thinking about was not about the beasts. After all, there was no sign of this matter, but the calamity was real. Everyone knew that Venerable Xunxin never lied. If he said it was a calamity, it was a calamity.

"My lord, do you know what catastrophe it is?"

"Love Tribulation." Xun Xin said calmly, looking at the girl in front of him.

Very young, not because his face is not old, but a kind of youthful vitality that can be felt even with eyes closed.

On the palm-sized face, the facial features are amazing. If you open your eyes, you don't know how magnificent it will be.

Even in the eyes of Xun Xin who has seen many appearances, this girl is the top group of people.


This girl is naturally charming.

Lying here quietly, you can feel a natural charm.

(End of this chapter)

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