Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 119 Buddha Cultivation Gold Master Fifth Form

Chapter 119 The Fifth Form of the Golden Master of Buddha Cultivation (4)

"Love tribulation?" Yuan Hui was shocked, feeling a bad premonition in her heart.

"My lord... I can't keep this girl." Yuan Hui's eyes flashed a trace of ruthlessness. Everyone knows that the calamity of love is the most difficult calamity to experience.

It's either crazy or stupid, or it's a loss of cultivation, or death.

No one can get by at all, if they kill people at the beginning.

Sect Master Shuiyan twitched the corner of her mouth, showing a touch of sarcasm: "The Buddha Tianzong has the most incense and beliefs, and claims to be compassionate, but he never thought that for a love disaster, he would kill an innocent girl."

Yuan Hui's face was punctured, and she was a little out of breath: "Sect Master Shuiyan, don't make sarcastic remarks, your ancestors have been through love and calamity, and you can still remain indifferent?"

Xun Xin raised his hand to stop the two people from arguing: "Needless to say, I, Buddha Tianzong, cannot casually determine the life and death of an innocent person."

"It's calamity, so it can't be solved by killing. The past is fate, and the past is just a failure of the Buddha's heart."

Yuan Hui was even more anxious: "Honorable..."

Others don't understand at all what that love calamity means to their Buddhist practice.

People in Buddhism need the six senses to be clean.

"I will accept this child as an apprentice first, and you all should step back."

After saying that, Xunxin disappeared, along with that girl.

Only the imprints of golden lotuses are left one by one, where the venerable stood.

The suzerains looked at the expression on Jinlian's face even more horrified: "Lotus grows every step of the way?,?"

"Verun Xunxin's path and deeds are probably approaching the level of holiness." Above the Mahayana stage is the venerable, the king, the emperor, and the saint.

No one would take the initiative to waste spiritual power, just for the beauty of the lotus flower on the feet, and Venerable Xunxin is not so boring.

Then there is only this step-by-step lotus, which is self-contained, communicates with the laws of heaven and earth, and appears at any time.

To what extent is Venerable Xunxin so powerful? The lotus flowers on the ground linger for a long time, and the lines are clear and vivid.

Yuan Hui was surprised and delighted again.

Venerable Xi's strength is strong, and their Buddha Tianzong can be superior to others.

Surprised, the stronger the strength, the sadder the doom.

"Several suzerains, I am afraid that such important events in the sect cannot be entertained."

Yuan Hui clasped his hands together, ready to discuss important matters with the elders.

Several major sects also fought openly and secretly, so seeing that Venerable Xunxin might not be able to survive the calamity of love, they couldn't stand it anymore. If this chance was one point, then they had to turn this chance into ten points. .

Otherwise, you won't be able to stand up anytime.

"Sect Master Yuanhui is busy first, and I will take my leave."



Compared to Venerable Xunxin, any kind of beast is not important.

They all left in a hurry.

Yuan Hui's face was full of sorrow.


Li Qingbao on the other side was dragged farther and farther away, and when she saw that the situation was safe, she began to receive materials.

The original owner was an orphan, but he had spiritual roots. He went to participate in the selection of the sect by mistake, and became an outer disciple of Buddha Tianzong.

Became a little nun.

Being a little nun, having food to eat, and cultivating immortality is much better than being a beggar, so the little guy is naturally willing.

But in the world of cultivating immortals, one needs resources, talents, contacts, backing, and more importantly, one's own strength.

The girl has nothing, she learns the most basic skills, and does cleaning work.

During a trial mission, he was killed by someone.

Just a poor little one.

When he died, he still thought that he must become a strong man, a top strong man.

And the gold master is the ancestor of the Buddha Tianzong. I don't know how old he is, but he has always been there anyway.

He has been devoted to Buddhism and Taoism since he was a child, and has shown unparalleled talent.

3-year-old Jianji, 10-year-old Jindan.

(End of this chapter)

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