Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 153 Star Wars God of Gold Lord 6th Form

Chapter 153 Star Wars God of Gold Master Sixth Form (9)

Snow rolled his eyes, but he couldn't say much about Gong Qing.

"Li Qingbao, a member of the Yi clan."

Lin Chen looked very polite.And he has been exuding kindness towards Li Qingbao: "Hi, my name is Lin Chen."

"Li Qingbao."

"I'm going to repair the mecha, do you want to go and have a look?" Lin Chen warmly invited.

Li Qingbao is bored here anyway: "Is it okay?"

"Of course, let's go."

Snow also followed behind: "Don't look at Lin Chen as soft and weak, but Gong Qing's battle armor, Qingtian, came from Lin Chen's hands."

"Lin Chen is the only mecha master in Interstellar who can make 5S mechas."

"So once something happens to Qingtian, Lin Chen has to go to fix it, and other ordinary repairers generally can't fix it."

When Snow spoke triumphantly, it seemed that he was the one being praised.

"Arnold, you are exaggerating too much. I am just a mech maker, what kind of master."

Judging from his speech and demeanor, Lin Chen was very humble.

When I walked into the interior of Qingtian, I was still introducing it to Li Qingbao: "I made Qingtian without stopping. I only ate nutrient solution every day and slept for only two minutes. I have been working on Qingtian for 10 years. Genius is accomplished."

There is still some pride in Lin Chen's words.

Li Qingbao gave Lin Chen a thumbs up: "It's really good."

Although this Qingtian is in the eyes of Li Qingbao who has seen many high-tech, it can be regarded as top-notch.

And Lin Chen looks so young, as long as she is given time, she can make a better mecha than this one.

"Let's go and show you my kingdom."

Lin Chen pushed open the hatch, and even Snow was a little excited, because this was also his first time entering Qingtian's interior.

"It is said that Qingtian is the only 5S-level mecha outside, but it is not."

As soon as Li Qingbao entered the interior, he actually saw the difference.

The placement of the energy core, and the engraving of the mecha's lines, are almost a bit close to the formations in the world of cultivating immortals.

And it's growable.

"Is this a growable mech? The higher the master's strength, the higher the level it will grow."

Lin Chen's eyes lit up, and he looked at Li Qingbao in surprise: "You also have research on mechas?"

"A little."

"You're right, this is a growable mecha, and the most unique thing about this mecha is that it doesn't contain many weapons."

"Like a general mecha, there may be thousands of types of high-tech weapons such as particle laser cannons and particle launchers."

"But Qingtian doesn't need it. Qingtian is only equipped with 18 types of large-scale particle killers, mainly for sweeping large areas. Other Qingtians don't need it at all."

"Because Qingtian's own speed can reach 10 points, its agility is 8, and the maximum power it can generate is 1098."

"For such a mecha, it would be an insult to equip it with any weapon."

"Its defense is strong enough to withstand the latest laser cannon K98."

Only when Lin Chen saw Qingtian could he see the frenzied light in his eyes.

Snow opened his mouth wide in surprise, not that he was too ignorant, but that Qingtian was really against the sky. You should know that not to mention ordinary mechas, his mecha is considered top-notch, and his mecha speed is only It is 7 grains, agility is 5, and strength is 700.

(End of this chapter)

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