Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 154 Star Wars God of Gold Lord 6th Form

Chapter 154 Star Wars God of Gold Master Sixth Form (10)

You must know that the more you go up, the more difficult it will be. For example, if your mech's agility is 3 and you want to become 4, you may be able to upgrade it with a little money, but for someone like Snow, 7, if you want to become 8, It is almost necessary to search all over the interstellar, and only a few people can realize it.

Snow's own mechas are also very top-notch with these configurations. Most of the ordinary mechas may have an agility of around 3.

"Lin Chen, have you been researching mechas since you were in a test tube? Why are you so monstrous?"

Lin Chen pursed his lips and smiled embarrassedly.

Li Qingbao frowned and looked at some lines on the mecha wall.

There is something wrong with these textures.

"Look around, I'll start repairing first." Lin Chen waved her hand, and her simple mechanical platform appeared in the space.

Started to fix the loopholes one after another on the mecha.

"The scar doesn't look like it was caused by a fight, but it's man-made, with internal damage." Lin Chen felt a little puzzled.

A mecha only recognizes one owner, and no one can get in without the owner's permission. If forced, the mecha may self-destruct the system.

Moreover, the mecha also requires mental power. If the mental power cannot be met, it is even more impossible to get in. Even she is going through the maintenance channel.

It is only possible to enter after layers of permission from the owner of the mecha.

"Impossible, Qingtian mech, who can get in." Snow's eyes darkened.

"Maybe I was wrong in my judgment."

Lin Chen shook his head, thinking it was impossible.

"What's wrong?" A deep male voice rang slightly, and the eyes of several people turned to the door.

"Ah Qing." These are Lin Chen and Snow.

"Brother Qing~Hello~" This was Li Qingbao's cheerful voice, and he ran all the way to Gong Qing's side, and jumped directly onto Gong Qing.

Gong Qing naturally caught the opponent.

When they reacted, both of them felt a little hot.

"Ahem, I'm fine." Gong Qing didn't know where to put his hand.

The tool in Lin Chen's hand suddenly fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

She always thought that this girl was Snow's girlfriend.

Looking at this scene, Snow's eyelashes trembled twice.

Clenched hands slightly.

"Brother Qing, I miss you..." Li Qingbao hugged Gong Qing's neck and did not let go.

Although Gong Qing was taken aback by this action, he didn't reject it at all.

The little girl saved herself, and she felt good. Since she led her out, she said she would take care of her for the rest of her life.

Then you have to take care of it for a lifetime.

Only husband and wife can take care of each other for a lifetime.

Gong Qing understood this, so although he felt a little sudden about these movements, he had to get used to them sooner or later.

", okay, come down." An outsider was a little uncomfortable in Gongqing, and pulled Li Qingbao down, from hugging to holding hands.

Looking at the surprised eyes of the two friends, Gong Qing covered his lips with his fist and coughed twice.

"Cough cough,"

"Well, let me introduce. This is my girlfriend, Li Qingbao. She is a member of the Yi clan. She saved me in the wilderness before. I have no family anymore, so I brought her back. I will arrange things in a few days. I'll take her to register."

When Lin Chen heard the shocking news, he was shocked for a moment and didn't recover.

His hands trembled slightly, and he failed to pick up the tools after picking them up several times.


"I... this is so shocking, I might need to take a break."

"I'll come back later."

Lin Chen's voice was slightly low, and he turned around swiftly, tears streaming down his eyes, and now he can give up.

(End of this chapter)

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