Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 234 The Eighth Form of the Regency Funder

Chapter 234 The Eighth Form of the Regency Funder (18)

And in this way, Li Qingbao also put an end to these people's thoughts of trying to cheat.

Many of the officials here are actually well-off and well-to-do, and they have a lot of money, which is just a drizzle.

I don't know how much money I have earned by taking advantage of the convenience of officials, so I should give a little in return.

"But there is no need for officials of the fifth rank or lower. I already know your intentions, and I believe the common people also know."

Why don't you need to donate if you are below the fifth rank?
Because most of them are new officials with no background, they can’t afford too much, and they feel embarrassed if they are given too little.

So Li Qingbao simply avoided it.

Just like that, for the first time, the Jinluan Hall of the Shang Dynasty became lively.

Countless courtiers stood in front of the dragon chair and began to witness the sky one by one. Even when the emperor was in a good mood, he could still say a few words.

It also made many courtiers excited.

The matter was finished little by little, the courtier felt very comfortable, and Li Qingbao felt even more comfortable.

According to a rough estimate, these people donated nearly tens of millions of taels of silver.

What does this mean?
This means that this amount of money is almost enough to cover the national treasury's income for a year.

This time, the victims of the disaster were saved, not only can they give out porridge and medicine, but also rebuild after the disaster. The money is enough.

When Li Qingbao got excited, he bent down and bowed to all the courtiers: "Once again, on behalf of the common people in the world, I would like to thank all my lovers for their generosity."

All the courtiers, Cheng Cheng, knelt down in fear: "I dare not,"

"I see all the lovers, love each other, and even love the common people. The excitement in my heart is beyond words. I have decided that tomorrow the regent will go to Feng County. I will go together and come in person!"

Li Qingbao waited with big eyes and looked at Zijue.

Uncle Huang, if you don't let me go, I have plenty of ways to go.

All the ministers couldn't close their mouths.

What happened today is really a bit much, let them change it.

The emperor is going to the disaster area?

Hardest hit area?
What about the disaster area?
There are disasters, assassinations, refugees, riots, and even plagues!

All the ministers quickly shook their heads and knelt down again. Their knees were going to be purple today. They had knelt too many times.

"No, no, please think twice, Your Majesty!"

The voice of opposition from the ministers almost toppled the roof.

"I have made up my mind, and I will go on tour in low clothes, without guards of honor, and all my loved ones should stay in court and wait for my return!"

With a big wave of Li Qingbao's hand, he left without waiting for his courtiers to stop him!
No one really dared to stop the emperor.

How to do?
How can you be so capricious?
Isn't the emperor very afraid of death?
I was afraid that I would be assassinated, I have never seen an emperor rushing outside, how dangerous it is.

"How to do?"

All the ministers, you look at me, I look at you, and finally everyone looks at the prime minister and the regent.

The regent, Zijue, walked towards the back of the hall with a sullen face.

Ignore the people behind him.

This little guy is such a nonsense!

Simply bullshit!
Is it just a matter of one sentence for the emperor to travel?

In ancient times, when the ancestors went on tour in micro-clothes, it took them a year to prepare.

Traveling for a month consumes manpower and material resources, a total of 1000 taels of snowflake silver.

When the emperor travels, there is no simple matter, no matter how micro-serviced he is.

"You're just fooling around!"

When Zi Jue came to Li Qingbao's bedroom, he pushed the door open and went in.

Originally, there was anger in my chest, but...

Li Qingbao quickly pulled up his clothes, but Zijue was dumbfounded! ! !
what! ! !
Very! !
what is that??
what did he see ?

(End of this chapter)

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