Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 235 The Eighth Form of the Regency Funder

Chapter 235 The Eighth Form of the Regency Funder (19)

Zi Jue froze on the spot, not because he didn't want to move, but because...

Don't know what to do?
For the first time in his life, Zijue suffered such a big shock.

He doesn't know what behavior he should have, what should he do?How to react?

Or say something?Do something?


"How do you have it??"

Zijue could hardly think of words to describe it.

He pointed to his own parts and asked a very silly question: "Are you sick? Do you want me to call you the imperial doctor?"

Zi Jue would rather believe that the little emperor was sick than believe that the little emperor had changed gender.

Li Qingbao: ...

"Are you sick? How about uncle Huang come to touch it? See if it's real?"

No one can match Li Qingbao's driving.

Zi Jue's face seemed to have been scalded.

The red never goes away.


"You!! It's actually a woman!"

Zijue realized the seriousness of the matter and quickly closed the door.

"What? Uncle Huang isn't going out yet? Come in? Do you want to do something?"

doing what?
Zijue's mind is still a little muddy.

But I suddenly thought of the last painting, it was so lifelike,...

"Uncle Emperor~~"

Li Qingbao walked a little closer and approached gently.

Zijue took a big step back all of a sudden!

Turn around and go out the door: "Hurry up and change your clothes, I'll wait for you outside the door."

Zijue rushed out, originally wanted to leave, but was afraid to wait until the door came again.

I could only stand impatiently at the door and wait, and the cold wind blew on my feverish head many times, and calmed down.

little emperor?


Thinking about the ensuing turmoil, Zijue felt even more headache.

Why did the first emperor and first empress leave such a big hole for him?Why did he hide it like this before he died, and didn't tell him, so that he wouldn't be unprepared at all.

But Zijue really wronged the first emperor. The first emperor thought that Zijue was still young, so he only told the general, and the three of them died together.

I didn't even have time to explain my last words and clarify this matter, so...

Li Qingbao changed into a pink robe. Originally, a man would wear a somewhat feminine robe, but on Li Qingbao's body, it was more suitable for a young man like Ruyu, a young man from Moshang.

Zijue looked at the little guy who came over, and sized him up carefully.

In fact, I should have discovered it a long time ago. The little emperor's figure is actually more obvious, not flat, and always a little more curved than a man.

And the Adam's apple is only obvious from time to time.

Sometimes you can't see it at all.

The voice has not changed, and it has been a juvenile voice until now, and it has not become thicker.

There is also a palm-sized face and jade-like skin. Zi Jue used to always say why this little emperor looks so good, but he never doubted his gender.

Now this time, everything really makes sense.

Zijue pulled Li Qingbao to stand in the open and flat yard, and there was no place to eavesdrop around.

"Shouldn't you explain this to me?"

Zi Jue felt that he should be angry now, but deep down in his heart was another kind of joy that he couldn't hide no matter what.

"Explain what? Didn't you see everything, uncle?"

Zijue gritted his teeth angrily.

"What are you going to do?"

"Just pretend like this for the rest of your life?"

To be a man all your life, not to get married, not to have children?

Li Qingbao nodded: "Of course, this is the only way to become emperor."

"Uncle Emperor, don't worry, I won't break my promise, I will definitely become a good emperor." Li Qingbao said while clenching his fists.

(End of this chapter)

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