Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 236 The Eighth Form of the Regency Funder

Chapter 236 The Eighth Form of the Regency Funder (20)

Zijue frowned: "You are a girl, how can you be emperor forever?"

Li Qingbao immediately asked back: "Uncle Huang thinks that women should marry and have children? Serving parents-in-law, spending a lifetime in the backyard, can't do anything?"

If this benefactor really thinks so, then she, absolutely, absolutely, yes!

It's better not to be with this benefactor.

Zi Jue looked at Li Qingbao in surprise: "Why do you think so?"

"I said you can't be an emperor forever, not because you have to marry and have children, and you don't have the ability."

"It's just that you shouldn't work so hard, um... being an emperor is very tiring, you just need to have someone to protect you, and that's it."

Said that in the end Zijue felt a little uncomfortable, thinking that if Li Qingbao lay in someone else's arms and let others protect him, he would want to kill someone.

As soon as Li Qingbao's eyes lit up, she knew that her benefactor was still the benefactor, and she would never let herself down.


Li Qingbao raised his voice suddenly, his eyes were full of solemnity.

Zijue stared at Li Qingbao with starry eyes, earnestly waiting for the other party's next words: "What's wrong?"

"Uncle, can you protect me?"

"I just want Uncle Huang to protect me alone."

In Li Qingbao's eyes, there is naked love, and a passion that makes people dare not look directly at him.

Zijue suddenly had the feeling of tearing this person away.

Put it in a place that others can't see, so that she can't see a ray of sunshine outside.

"I am your uncle."

Zi Jue refused, an emperor who disguised himself as a woman, and a powerful regent.

It's definitely troublesome for two people to be together.

Zijue is not afraid of trouble, but...

He worried that this was just a little girl's momentary joke.

But Li Qingbao didn't give up, the benefactor is big, and the benefactor is still big.

Never ignore yourself.

I don't know why, but Li Qingbao has the confidence.

Li Qingbao moved closer, and his voice was a little soft, sweet and greasy, almost sticking to Zi Jue's heart: "What is the emperor afraid of? We are not relatives, and you and I have no blood relationship."

"Uncle, do you know what I'm talking about?"

"Uncle Huang, are you interested in having an exciting time with the little emperor~"

That painting appeared in Zijue's mind again.

Exciting what?
Exciting wild?
No, no, no.

"Do you know what you are talking about?" There seemed to be a storm gathering in Zijue's voice.

It made Li Qingbao want to run away for a moment.

Single dog, seems to be a bit unprovoked.

Very angry.

Li Qingbao sneaked two steps behind: "Hehe, hehe, Uncle Huang, Uncle Huang."

"Uncle, I'm joking,"

"Uncle Huang, don't be serious. I remembered that there are still some memorials in the imperial study room that have not been corrected."

"Uncle, let me first..."

Zijue grabbed Li Qingbao's hand!

Pulling the person directly into his arms, he locked him tightly.

Li Qingbao received a huge impact, and he almost thought that his forehead was about to slam into this hard chest, but he never thought that the warm palm blocked all the damage.

Li Qingbao was just so dazed, not knowing what to say.

No matter when it's a big move or a small one, his own benefactor will always move him differently. As long as it is about himself, he is always so careful and considers everything well.

A hoarse voice sounded above his head: "It's too late to regret!"

Chapter 237: The Eighth Form of the Regency Funder (20)

Zijue frowned: "You are a girl, how can you be emperor forever?"

Li Qingbao immediately asked back: "Uncle Huang thinks that women should marry and have children? Serving parents-in-law, spending a lifetime in the backyard, can't do anything?"

If this benefactor really thinks so, then she, absolutely, absolutely, yes!

It's better not to be with this benefactor.

Zi Jue looked at Li Qingbao in surprise: "Why do you think so?"

"I said you can't be an emperor forever, not because you have to marry and have children, and you don't have the ability."

"It's just that you shouldn't work so hard, um... being an emperor is very tiring, you just need to have someone to protect you, and that's it."

Said that in the end Zijue felt a little uncomfortable, thinking that if Li Qingbao lay in someone else's arms and let others protect him, he would want to kill someone.

As soon as Li Qingbao's eyes lit up, she knew that her benefactor was still the benefactor, and she would never let herself down.


Li Qingbao raised his voice suddenly, his eyes were full of solemnity.

Zijue stared at Li Qingbao with starry eyes, earnestly waiting for the other party's next words: "What's wrong?"

"Uncle, can you protect me?"

"I just want Uncle Huang to protect me alone."

In Li Qingbao's eyes, there is naked love, and a passion that makes people dare not look directly at him.

Zijue suddenly had the feeling of tearing this person away.

Put it in a place that others can't see, so that she can't see a ray of sunshine outside.

"I am your uncle."

Zi Jue refused, an emperor who disguised himself as a woman, and a powerful regent.

It's definitely troublesome for two people to be together.

Zijue is not afraid of trouble, but...

He worried that this was just a little girl's momentary joke.

But Li Qingbao didn't give up, the benefactor is big, and the benefactor is still big.

Never ignore yourself.

I don't know why, but Li Qingbao has the confidence.

Li Qingbao moved closer, and his voice was a little soft, sweet and greasy, almost sticking to Zi Jue's heart: "What is the emperor afraid of? We are not relatives, and you and I have no blood relationship."

"Uncle, do you know what I'm talking about?"

"Uncle Huang, are you interested in having an exciting time with the little emperor~"

That painting appeared in Zijue's mind again.

Exciting what?
Exciting wild?
No, no, no.

"Do you know what you are talking about?" There seemed to be a storm gathering in Zijue's voice.

It made Li Qingbao want to run away for a moment.

Single dog, seems to be a bit unprovoked.

Very angry.

Li Qingbao sneaked two steps behind: "Hehe, hehe, Uncle Huang, Uncle Huang."

"Uncle, I'm joking,"

"Uncle Huang, don't be serious. I remembered that there are still some memorials in the imperial study room that have not been corrected."

"Uncle, let me first..."

Zijue grabbed Li Qingbao's hand!

Pulling the person directly into his arms, he locked him tightly.

Li Qingbao received a huge impact, and he almost thought that his forehead was about to slam into this hard chest, but he never thought that the warm palm blocked all the damage.

Li Qingbao was just so dazed, not knowing what to say.

No matter when it's a big move or a small one, his own benefactor will always move him differently. As long as it is about himself, he is always so careful and considers everything well.

A hoarse voice sounded above his head: "It's too late to regret!"

(End of this chapter)

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