Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 237 The Eighth Form of the Regency Funder

Chapter 237 The Eighth Form of the Regency Funder (21)

Li Qingbao's heart was full of something called tenderness.

There are also sweet and sour bubbles, all produced by something called love.

"No regrets!"

Li Qingbao tightly hugged the benefactor's big waist, listening to the uncontrollable heartbeat under his ears, as always, every time he confessed, his heartbeat would be violent.

"Qing Bao will stay with the emperor forever and die together."

Zijue is not good at words, and he is only good at poisonous tongue.

At this time, the novice really can't think of what to say.

It's just that the hands and feet are shaking with excitement, as if something is about to overflow from the chest cavity.

It is very difficult to hold on to oneself.

"it is good!"

In the end, thousands of words turned into one sentence, you will never leave, and I will never give up.

If you leave, I will chase after you!
Anyway, in heaven and earth, you are all my people, and you must be with me.

"The emperor's uncle protects me. I believe that the emperor's uncle will not let me get hurt. The emperor's uncle asked me to go to Feng County together."

"I am the emperor, I will go, and it will be more stable for the people."

Zijue opened his mouth, not knowing how to refuse.

"Uncle Emperor~~"

"Zi Jue."

"Brother Jue~"

Li Qingbao's voice was sweeter than each other.

The begging coquettishness in it somehow reminded Zijue of the kitten who was next to the queen before.

When she wants to eat, she licks your fingers so flatteringly, and then whimpers softly.

After all, it is still a hero who is sad and beautiful, and no one can refuse the lover's prayer.

"it is good!"

"Hey! Uncle Huang is the best!"

"The emperor's uncle is the best! I like the emperor's uncle the most!"

Li Qingbao jumped up and down happily, completely ignoring the man who was so touched, the darkness in his eyes became more and more serious.

"Then you should repay me."

Zijue didn't wait for Li Qingbao's reaction, and directly picked him up.

Li Qingbao cried out in shock: "Uncle Emperor!! 1"

"Uncle, I'm still very young!"

"Uncle Huang, you can't be so shameless!"

"Uncle Huang, I still can't bear the pain that I shouldn't have to bear at my age."

Li Qingbao groaned and struggled non-stop.

A row of black lines almost slid down Zijue's forehead, what does this little guy really think of him?

Is he that hungry?
He just wanted to show the little guy a little color, but he wasn't that crazy yet.


"Otherwise it will really hurt you!"

Li Qingbao fell silent for a moment.


The next day, Li Qingbao sat on the carriage to Feng County as she wished, and all the guards of honor were pushed away by her.

Only the simplest and simplest are kept.

She just took the clothes in a modest way, without any extravagance and waste. She just rushed to Feng County with a large number of imperial doctors and medicinal materials.

Li Qingbao was sitting on the carriage, and Zijue was peeling a crystal clear grape, jade-like purple, with slender and fairer fingers.

Gently peeling off the astringent coat of the grapes, Zi Jue handed the pulp to Li Qingbao's lips.


The magnetic male voice, slightly seductive, made Li Qingbao's ears itch.

"Baby, eat grapes."

Li Qingbao looked at the man's aggrieved and flattering face, and couldn't help wanting to go up and bite him to death.

My thigh was still hot and uncomfortable, and I couldn't stand up no matter what.

What should she do?
Li Qingbao snorted and turned her head away.

I hate it, the benefactor is big, hum! ╭(╯^╰)╮

don't eat! !
eat nothing!

Sweet grapes are not eaten either!
Li Qingbao is very ambitious.

(End of this chapter)

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