Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 239 The Eighth Form of the Regency Funder

Chapter 239 The Eighth Form of the Regency Funder (23)

Li Qingbao hesitated for a moment, then shut up and stopped asking.

It's just that there is more or less sadness and sympathy in the eyes.

There are more and more refugees as we go forward, and there are many cities along the road that do not allow refugees without household registration to enter.

There were even officers and soldiers chasing them away.

Some mothers, with their children the size of a full moon, watched the passing vehicles eagerly, hoping that some kind-hearted people would give them something to eat.

Even when Li Qingbao saw a carriage passing by in front of him, some pastry crumbs were missing, and a group of people rushed up to snatch it.

Grabbing the mud on the ground, the pastry crumbs are actually pitifully small.

Most of them eat soil.

They looked satisfied.

A haggard old woman tightly held a child who looked to be six or seven years old, but the child had no flesh on his face, only a pair of big protruding eyes that looked unusually energetic.


"Master Qingtian, you are a kind-hearted person, please take this child in, he doesn't need a copper coin, as long as you give him food, he can do any job."

"There are eighteen members of my family, large and small, and now there is only one single seedling left after fleeing the famine. I pray to Guanyin Bodhisattva!"

While the old woman was speaking, she kept coughing.

He covered his mouth again, not daring to disturb the nobleman.

Such a poor person is not the only one, who wants to sell the child to a wealthy family, even if he becomes a slave, he will not starve to death.

Anyway, if people are alive, there is still a glimmer of hope.

Looking at the people around, Li Qingbao knew that as long as she had agreed to what this woman said.

Then those refugees would swarm over, hoping that she would reward her with some food.

Not troublemakers.

It's that people are extremely hungry and pitiful, and they just want to grasp every straw in front of them, and they will not let go of it.

This is already very close to Feng County.

Li Qingbao took a deep breath.

"Stop the car first."

Zijue has seen this kind of scene a lot, but he is afraid that Li Qingbao will feel unwell.

After all, the little guy is still young and has been living in the palace, so I'm afraid he hasn't seen these things.

"You are in the car, let me handle it for you?"

The purpose of their coming is these disaster victims and these disaster situations.

It's the same where you start the solution.

Li Qingbao shook his head: "My people, I will see myself."

"It is actually my incompetence that makes the common people suffer so much!"

What belonged to the original owner belonged to her!

Zi Jue saw that Li Qingbao was not frightened, and his attitude was firm, so he didn't stop him anymore.

Just standing beside Li Qingbao, with the sharp sword out of its sheath, to ensure Li Qingbao's safety at any time.

The carriage stopped slowly.

When the people in the surrounding streets saw that the convoy had stopped, their eyes lit up immediately, and they rushed towards the carriage in hope.

They begged together.

"Good-hearted people, the reincarnation of Guanyin Bodhisattva, good-hearted people, please give me something to eat, I haven't eaten for three days."


"I beg you."

There are also some people who have already knelt down and bowed their heads.

Hoping for some sympathy.

Li Qingbao strode out of the car.

The guards around him hurried forward, creating a vacuum in front of Li Qingbao, preventing these people from touching Longwei.


Some seriously crowded people have been pushed to the ground by the guards.

Li Qingbao was originally a micro-clothes, and he really didn't want to reveal his identity.

But at this time, she really wanted to say it.

Li Qingbao played tricks on his subordinates.

Immediately, someone said: "Everyone, don't squeeze, this is the emperor, the emperor is here, the emperor knows that you are not full to eat, and you have suffered a disaster, the emperor has come to save you."

(End of this chapter)

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