Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 240 The Eighth Form of the Regency Funder

Chapter 240 The Eighth Form of the Regency Funder (24)

Li Qingbao didn't expect the guards to say that, and felt ashamed immediately.

At this time, the county magistrate also arrived in time, covered in sweat, afraid that something might happen to this incomparably noble person here.

"Feng Qing, magistrate of Qu County, kowtow to the emperor, long live my emperor!"

As the county magistrate knelt down, all the noisy and crowded crowd fell silent, and then there was the sound of kneeling down, plop, plop.

The faces of the people on the ground were full of panic.


They have never seen an official bigger than the county magistrate in their life!
He actually saw the emperor with his own eyes.

They are really honored, looking forward to, mixed with fear and panic.

"Kowtow to the emperor, long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

At the first sound, it was still a mess.

There was a cross.

But gradually the sound became more orderly and louder each time.

"Long live the emperor, long live, long live!"

"Your Majesty, long live, long live, long live!"

Everyone on the ground knelt down.

Only Li Qingbao and Zijue were standing.

Zijue was about to kneel, but Li Qingbao held him back.

At a time like this, she wants someone by her side to stand with her at this height.

Experience this feeling with her.

Be admired by this pair, with hopeful eyes, admired by so many people, trusted by so many people.

Why are their voices getting louder and more excited.

Because they know that this is their emperor!

This is the only emperor who is willing to save them when disaster strikes.

Don't think they are dirty, don't think they have plague, the emperor came to save them.

This is their emperor!
their king!

How can I make them disrespectful and not love?
Li Qingbao really has thousands of thoughts in his heart, being respected and loved by so many people, what is more in his heart is not excitement.

Not complacent.

But endless heaviness.

From this moment on, she no longer cared about the profession of the emperor as a joke at the beginning.

She really felt, her territory, her people.

Her every word and every action may have unpredictable changes on them.

They will live a happy life because they have enough food and clothing, or they may be displaced because they have no home anymore.

Li Qingbao couldn't help being grateful to the benefactor.

When the original owner was so scumbag before, it was the financial owner who carried it with all his strength, the banner of the whole country.

Only then can the people feed their stomachs.

Li Qingbao got out of the car and stood among the common people.

She suddenly lowered her head and bent over.

He bowed deeply to the common people.

"I'm late!"

"It's because I didn't do well that I made you suffer so much!"

Li Qingbao turned four directions and bowed four times.

Finally said: "I am incompetent, I'm sorry."

Li Qingbao's three words suddenly seemed like a switch to open Pandora's box.

All of a sudden, it pierced the lacrimal glands of the common people.

Many people couldn't hold back their tears at once.

Fleeing so much time, panic, sad.

All hit my heart and turned into weeping.

"Your Majesty, our home is gone..."

I don't know who said that.

Suddenly, many people just started crying.

Yes, their home is gone.

Not only the family is gone, but many people and family members are also gone.

A disaster may separate their wives, make them homeless, and make everything they have worked hard for the first half of their lives into nothingness.

(End of this chapter)

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