Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 241 The Eighth Form of the Regency Funder

Chapter 241 The Eighth Form of the Regency Funder (25)

How many people should enjoy their old age comfortably, how many people should be carefree but because of this disaster, they are all ruined.

"Uh &... woo..."

"My child is gone. He is only 5 years old. When I found out, his legs were cooked and eaten by others..."

Everyone seems to have found someone to turn to for help, someone to confide in.

They want Li Qingbao to know all the hardships and sorrows and help them.

The sound of crying, the more and more sad atmosphere.

Li Qingbao stood in the very center and accepted them all.

The heart seemed to be tightly grasped by an invisible hand.

Following everyone's complaints one after another, Li Qingbao took a step back, almost relying on Zi Jue to keep himself from losing his composure.

Li Qingbao pursed his lips, stood up again, followed Zijue, and helped the common people up one by one.

"I know all about your grievances, and I'm here to solve them."

"We can't predict natural disasters, but in the future, I will definitely let you have a home to return to, fields to cultivate, and light to see."

If Li Qingbao had some doubts about those decisions when he was going to talk about it, now Li Qingbao is gone.

No matter what, these people must be saved.

What knocked them down was not a natural disaster, but a failure to see the future.

After Li Qingbao said these words, the ordinary people who had just been lifted up fell to their knees again.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"The emperor is the real dragon emperor, save us from the fire and water."

Thank you one sentence after another.

They don't have so many flashy words to praise themselves, and they may not even know how to write, but they use the most sincere and heartfelt words to bless Li Qingbao.

Li Qingbao didn't waste any more time here, she didn't just talk about saving these people.

"Feng Qing! Open a warehouse, give out porridge, and don't break it every day. No matter what material you use for porridge, the standard must be that the chopsticks will not fall over."

"If there is even the slightest slack, you will be killed."

Li Qingbao walked forward with a cold face.

"Provide the victims with the simplest branches and canvas, let them set up camp outside the city, and divide all the sick people into one area and isolate them."

"Tell the victims clearly the reason why they are not allowed to enter the city. Now that the plague is raging, their entry will only cause more people to get sick. Let them stay outside the city, but they have not given up on them."

"Arrange all the doctors in the city to come out for free consultations. It is an incumbent duty to save lives! Those who dare to refuse will be killed without mercy!"

"Arrange an independent water source for people outside the city. Every day, the water must be boiled and used. Unboiled water is not allowed."

"Pass on my order, let all the disaster-affected cities do as I say!"

Li Qingbao spoke very fast, and Feng Qing followed quickly while writing down what Li Qingbao said.

But after Li Qingbao finished speaking for a long time, he still couldn't hear anyone speak.

Li Qingbao frowned, turned around, and looked at Feng Qing.

Sweat trickled down Feng Qing's face.

Seeing Li Qingbao dare not speak, it seems that there are many embarrassing things.

"What's wrong with Aiqing, just tell me, I'm here to solve the problem."

The master next to Feng Qing looked nervously at his county magistrate.

Feng Qing gritted her teeth and plopped down on her knees.

He didn't know what the emperor's character was like, whether it was good or bad.

However, Feng Qing felt like taking a gamble just because the opponent could come to the disaster area.

"What the emperor said, I can't do it!"

Li Qingbao raised his eyebrows: "Who can't do it?"

"I can't do any of them!"

Feng Qing regards death as home!

(End of this chapter)

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