Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 245 The Eighth Form of the Regency Funder

Chapter 245 The Eighth Form of the Regency Funder (29)

"But this doesn't mean that the emperor will keep supporting you all the time. The porridge here will stop after 20 days."

"At that time, you can all choose to go to work, or go home and prepare to farm. Those who go to work can go to work. Priority is given to the youth labor force."

"The elderly, weak, sick, or those with only women in their families can choose to return to their hometown, and they can receive 3 taels of severance pay at that time."

"A family can only receive it once..."

Follow the guards to explain these things to them one by one.

The common people present are getting more and more excited.

They thought that their life would become more and more difficult in the future, but they didn't expect that once this series of policies were implemented, they would instantly feel that the porridge in their hands was tasteless.

What I used to look forward to day and night is enough to eat, and I can have a little food, but it has gradually transformed into a huge ambition and motivation.

No longer satisfied with a kind of tender and full food.

They can't wait to go back and build their new home.

"Really? Is it true?"

It's not that everyone didn't believe it, but they were all stunned by the huge surprise.

"Really! What the emperor said is golden words. This document is overwritten by the jade seal. This is equivalent to an imperial decree. All officials who say it must be executed immediately."

"Is it just our place? Or all the places affected?"

someone asked suddenly.

Their family members may be separated, or there are relatives and friends who are not with them.

If there was only one place, they would find a way to notify their relatives and friends to come over.

"Of course not! All the disaster-stricken areas will implement this. The documents have already been sent down by the emperor, and the guards rushed to send them to various areas."

Everyone was finally relieved.

"Then everyone understands, so let's quickly set up tents. After all, we will live for many days. It looks like it's going to rain again, so don't get wet."

The guard explained a few more words and left.

The rest of the common people are full of enthusiasm. This house is built for themselves, and they must work harder.

The whole mental outlook is different. It used to be lifeless, but now it is full of vitality and positive.

When Li Qingbao had a good rest and came out to watch with Zijue, everyone even wore smiles on their faces and were doing things together.

They were all very grateful to see Li Qingbao, without the slightest fear, they all looked grateful, and even greeted Li Qingbao with a smile.

"Your Majesty is auspicious."

"The emperor is a very good man."

"The emperor will live a long life."

Li Qingbao responded with a smile one by one.

The guards still separated a vacuum around Li Qingbao, after all, the emperor's safety was really important.

Li Qingbao walked slowly to the isolation area. Compared with the laughter and laughter over there, the momentum here was obviously low, filled with a dead air.

Although the people here have light in their eyes, they are not bright.

It wasn't until Li Qingbao brought a group of imperial doctors and doctors that their eyes really lit up.

After all, no one wants to die if they can live.

There is no one who is not afraid of death.

Although Li Qingbao can help these people heal quickly, it is a natural disaster.

What is a natural disaster? It is a kind of causal reincarnation of heaven.

She cannot forcefully interfere, she can use all available local resources to save people.

But it cannot cure people directly.

(End of this chapter)

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