Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 246 The Eighth Form of the Regency Funder

Chapter 246 The Eighth Form of the Regency Funder (30)

Interfere with the operation of one side of heaven.

These disasters will only intensify, not disappear.

To put it bluntly, if Li Qingbao intervenes with forces that do not belong to this world, the disaster will disappear quickly.

It is very possible that the way of heaven will be on the other side, bringing down a more serious disaster than this.

Therefore, even if Li Qingbao had the ability, he could not intervene.

Before the imperial doctor came, he had already started to study these diseases, and there were also some senior letters before, which were researches on these diseases.

They all watched too.

This kind of infectious disease can be said to be relatively serious, and it only takes 7 days from onset to death.

And the first two days are asymptomatic, or mild symptoms, may be feeling more fatigued.


Kind of like anorexia.


On the third or fourth day, when the cough suddenly intensifies, it is already in the middle or late stage of the infection.

What about this time?

Basically it's too late.

Without strong and effective medical treatment, it will die soon.

The spread of the disease is also very widespread, through contact, liquid transmission.

This is why Li Qingbao insisted on isolation.

"Don't be afraid, I will not give up every citizen of the Purple Heaven Kingdom."

"I brought a lot of medicinal materials and a doctor, and I will definitely cure you."

"Won't give up on you."
Li Qingbao went to appease everyone's panic.

Although Li Qingbao has a little bit of experience in medical skills, he is not a professional. Maybe he does not have these imperial medical specialties.

So with professional knowledge, she can't help a little bit.

The main purpose of appearing is to appease everyone.

On the first day, there was basically no progress in the condition.

Death toll, 68.
The death rate was horrific.

The next day, with little progress, the death toll dropped to 57.
On the third day, the death toll, 48.
On the fourth day, the death toll, 47.
The fifth day and the sixth day are almost the same, and there is not much reduction.

It seems that the research has entered a bottleneck.

Li Qingbao looked at countless people, and looked at himself with hope in his eyes, but died abruptly.

The patient in front of him was dying too, he even had difficulty breathing.

He grabbed Li Qingbao's hand vigorously, opening and closing his mouth non-stop.

He can't make a sound.

But Li Qingbao already knew what he was talking about.

He said, help me.

help me.

Please help me.

I don't want to die...

But Li Qingbao had nothing to do.

The man's hand holding Li Qingbao gradually loosened and slipped from Li Qingbao's hand.

The wife next to him burst into tears.

"The head of the house?"

"The head of the house?"

"Respond, you are dead, what will Gen'er and I do?"

"Aw!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, what should we do if you die."

"Head of the family, I don't live anymore, you wait for us, we will go to you right away."

Li Qingbao walked out in a daze, and there was a sound of commotion from inside the tent, it was the woman who was about to commit suicide and was stopped.

This family, she knew, was a family that was warm to her after she came, and the hostess of this family was also very strong.

But in this disaster, their parents and brothers all died, and even an older child also died.

There were only three of them left.

Now the man is dead too.

Only the two girls are left.

The enthusiasm and hope before have all turned into crying, wailing, and despair.

(End of this chapter)

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