Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 247 The Eighth Form of the Regency Funder

Chapter 247 The Eighth Form of the Regency Funder (31)

Li Qingbao just stood outside the tent, looking down at his hands.

For the first time, I doubted what I had done.

One by one, the fresh lives disappeared in front of him.

Recently, people in these isolation areas have watched their eyes turn from hope to despair, and the atmosphere is even more desperate than before.

Those who give others hope, but go to despair, are the cruelest.

Zijue followed the people below to inspect the location of the reservoir and inspect the terrain, wanting to see where the reservoir can be built and how to build it is the most convenient.

I have been busy with this matter in the past few days, and I haven't had a good conversation with Li Qingbao for several days.

The plan for this reservoir has been finalized.Zijue only felt that he missed Li Qingbao very much, thinking about whether the little guy had a good meal and a good sleep recently.

Zijue hurried back.

But he didn't expect to see Li Qingbao in this state.

She obviously didn't do anything, just looked down at her hands.

I don't know why Zi Jue just saw a strong disgust in the other party.

dislike of oneself.

Zijue has seen fierce babies, gentle babies, naughty babies, and weird ones.

Powerful, all kinds of things, but Zi Jue has never seen Li Qingbao like this.

Almost the whole body is speaking a word.

Ask for a hug.

It hurts to be vulnerable.

Almost without hesitation, Zi Jue stepped forward to give Li Qingbao a big hug, and pulled him into his arms forcefully.

"what happened?"

Zijue asked softly.

Li Qingbao sniffed Zijue almost greedily.

Almost autistic, he buried his head into Zijue's chest.

The voice seemed a little muffled: "Uncle Huang, I suddenly feel that I am useless."

No one can save it.

"No one can save my hands, they are all dead."

Li Qingbao didn't cry.

It's just that the body is shaking a little.

The voice was small, but it was more distressing than any crying.

Zi Jue held Li Qingbao tighter.

"Do not blame you."

Zi Jue grabbed Li Qingbao's delicate hands: "Your hands have already saved many people."

"Do not blame you."

"You've done your best."

Zijue touched Li Qingbao's head repeatedly.

I don't want to make the little guy so uncomfortable.

"Baby, you need to rest."

"When you rest, everything will be new."

When someone tolerates all their fragility, wraps up all their softness and comforts them, it will really make people particularly squeamish.

Li Qingbao sobbed slightly.

Zi Jue hugged the baby even tighter, and gently comforted Li Qingbao's back with his hands: "Cry, cry."

Li Qingbao has experienced too much fighting against the weak and too much fighting before.

But they are all alone, the whole family will not be hungry if they are full, and they will not be afraid of death.

But it was really the first time that he was under such a great pressure, and it was the first time that so many people regarded him as heaven.

As a life-saving straw.

She was afraid that she was not doing well enough, and that the light in so many people's eyes would disappear.

While she was afraid, she also put too much pressure on herself.

But I forgot that I am also a human being, who suffers from pain, hunger, and cold.

will be tired.

I will watch these lives disappear, feel uncomfortable, and blame myself.

"It's good to cry."

Zijue's brows and eyes are full of self-blame and distress.

I didn't stay with the little guy when he needed him the most.

(End of this chapter)

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