Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 248 The Eighth Form of the Regency Funder

Chapter 248 The Eighth Form of the Regency Funder (32)

Li Qingbao cried in real sadness, sobbing softly.

It is the sorrow that is endured.

It's because I don't want my weakness to expose my strength in front of others.


"Uncle Emperor..."

A pair of small hands tightly clutched the shirt on Zijue's chest.

Zijue could only keep patting Li Qingbao and comforting him.

"I'm here."

"I'm here."

"Baby, I'm always here."

Zi Jue's distress almost drowned himself, he had never felt so distressed before.

The clothes on his chest were wet, and he could already feel it.

But the little guy refused to raise his head, just buried it firmly in front of his chest.

Zi Jue was also afraid that Li Qingbao would not be able to breathe.

He wanted to raise Li Qingbao's face, but the little guy refused to let him.

The drops of tears, the sobbing and trembling, were almost like handfuls of awls stirring in Zi Jue's heart non-stop.

The heart will be broken into pieces.


Can't go on like this.

If it goes on like this, I will feel sorry for myself to death.

Zi Jue violently picked up Li Qingbao.

Li Qingbao screamed, and quickly grabbed Zijue's neck, fearing that he would fall, and then quickly buried his head in again, like a quail.

Zi Jue forcefully kissed away every tear on Li Qingbao's face: "Don't cry anymore, if you cry any more, my heart will die of distress."

"I'll take you to rest."

Zijue took Li Qingbao to rest.

But they didn't know where they had just left, two people stared wide-eyed in astonishment.

A series of actions followed.

If it was normal, Zijue would definitely find out, but now Zijue's full attention is on Li Qingbao, so he ignores some things and forgets to be vigilant.

Only then did some people have some opportunities to take advantage of.

The next day, Zi Jue walked into the room with the breakfast he made himself, and Li Qingbao was still asleep on the bed. His sleeping face was so beautiful that people couldn't look directly at it.

Zi Jue stepped forward to press a kiss on Li Qingbao's forehead.

"Baby, get up and eat."

"The sun is drying your ass, little slob."

Li Qingbao wrinkled his nose, and slapped Zijue's hand off: "You are the slob, you are the idiot."

Seeing that Li Qingbao had regained his former vitality, Zi Jue finally heaved a sigh of relief. The little guy was finally fine.

I almost didn't worry him to death yesterday.

"I've already done almost everything about the reservoir, and I can leave the rest to them. Today I'll take you to find the blue blood grass, and I can also go to relax by the way."

Zi Jue asked Li Qingbao for his opinion.

Li Qingbao nodded after thinking for a while, she couldn't help anything, she was just depressed here.

It's better to get rid of the poison on the gold master first.

"it is good!"

The sweet smell permeated the air, making Li Qingbao's almost recovered mood even better.

"What breakfast, so sweet?"

"Uncle, what delicious food did you cook?"

Li Qingbao had an intuition that Zijue made it himself, because the delicious food made by the master of gold has a special fragrance, which she can tell the difference in one bite.

He rushed to the dining table without even wearing shoes, and saw something that looked like cream.

Li Qingbao's eyes widened in surprise.

Pick it up with your fingers and put it in your mouth, it's so sweet.

It's delicious again.

"Uncle Emperor~~How did you do it~"

"so smart!"

Zijue looked at the little baby who looked like a kitten that was stealing food, and couldn't help but went forward with the clothes, and dressed Li Qingbao bit by bit.

(End of this chapter)

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