Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 250 The Eighth Form of the Regency Funder

Chapter 250 The Eighth Form of the Regency Funder (34)

"Why did you suddenly have such an idea?"

Zijue peeled a grape for Li Qingbao.

The little guy wasn't fat in the first place, but he became skinny when he was busy recently, but Li Qingbao had a stubborn temper.

I have to eat the same as others every day, just a simple vegetable and a little white rice.

If it wasn't for the white rice that Zijue definitely requested, Li Qingbao would probably follow him to eat coarse grains.

But how can the little baby I hold in my hand suffer.

He couldn't bear it and didn't allow it.

"I want to give Uncle Huang a title. Does Uncle Huang not want to marry me?"

Li Qingbao's eyes widened, as if to say that if Zijue dared to say no, he would cry for him.

"miss you!"

Zijue clenched his hand tightly.

"miss you!"

More than just thinking, thinking is going crazy.

He couldn't wait to have the baby in a fair way, and even announced to the whole world that the baby belonged to him alone.

"But Uncle Huang can only be my queen, hahahaha."

"I'm here to marry the uncle, hahaha."

Li Qingbao was inexplicably happy when he thought of Zijue walking towards him shyly wearing a red wedding dress and a red hijab.


I can't stop laughing, the picture is so beautiful that I dare not even think about it.


Zi Jue obediently stuffed the grapes into Li Qingbao's mouth: "Okay!"

"I will be the baby's bride."

Zijue suddenly approached Li Qingbao and said something softly.

Li Qingbao's face instantly turned red.

Pointing at Zijue, trembling and speechless.

Sure enough, the patron is the master, the patron is the master.

The driving is still top-notch and has never lost.

He even said that the bride is the one below.

! !
Pooh! !

Stinking rogue!
The next journey.No matter how much Zi Jue teased Li Qingbao, Li Qingbao stopped talking.

"Then I'll arrange your identity."

Li Qingbao just nodded.

Anyway, Li Qingbao doesn't need to worry about the arrangement of the sponsorship conference.

Soon, they entered the mountain, which looked very tall, and there were some families at the foot of the mountain.

It was also affected by the disaster, but there were not many refugees. Li Qingbao asked the local farmers, and they said that here they rely on the mountains to eat and are supported by the mountains, and they have not yet reached the point where they need to flee famine.

In the mountains, weeds, trees, everything can be eaten, and the mountains are treasures.

Bless them to survive this period of time, there is still no problem.

Li Qingbao told them a little about the situation outside the mountain, and the imperial court's policy, allowing them to collect good seeds and even open up wasteland. Everyone is very grateful.

On the contrary, Zi Jue asked curiously, "Is there no one here coughing?"

Such a big village is not a minority. There are so many infected people outside, and it’s not like they don’t go out completely here, and it’s not like none of them are infected.

The elders of the village nodded: "Of course, but we are protected by the mountain god. We only need to go to the mountain and we won't cough anymore."

Li Qingbao was very surprised after hearing this.

The mountain god must not exist, because she didn't feel any spirit breath here.

That is what they mistakenly thought was the mountain god, and this might be the key point for them to solve the disaster.

"Old man, can you tell me carefully, what is going on with this mountain god? How can it cure cough?"

The simple reason is that the people in the mountains are very simple and not so thoughtful, and they didn't hide it, so they told Li Qingbao all about it.

(End of this chapter)

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