Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 251 The Eighth Form of the Regency Funder

Chapter 251 The Eighth Form of the Regency Funder (35)

The old man explained to Li Qingbao in detail: "There is miasma on this mountain all the year round, you should be careful when you go in."

"But our ancestors have lived here for generations. Others feel that the miasma will make people dizzy, but we will not. Instead, we will feel very strong and have endless strength."

"My grandparents told me since I was a child that this is the mountain god who is blessing us."

"Let us take care of every plant and tree on the mountain."

"Walking to the innermost part of this mountain, you will see a big stone that looks like a statue of a mountain god. The stone has a hole. If you go in through that hole and keep going, the miasma in front of you will become more and more White, whiter and whiter."

"Wait to the most intense place, you stop, stay there for a while, and you will find that your illness can be relieved a lot."

"Usually, we have some coughs, and we will go there for treatment, and we will get better."

What the old man said was sincere.

Li Qingbao nodded his thanks, left some money for the old man, and then led people up the mountain with Zijue.

The old man did not lie. Following the route the old man said, they soon entered a mountain that looked like a statue. Li Qingbao still didn't feel any aura here.

The medicinal materials did not say that the length was particularly obvious.

But the fog here is indeed getting thicker.

Li Qingbao and Zijue didn't feel uncomfortable because they took the pill, but some of the guards vomited.

Li Qing Baoran and the others stopped and gave them a pulse.

"What's the situation? Is it poison?"

Zijue didn't know why.

Li Qingbao shook his head: "It's very strange. Although their bodies have various symptoms, most of which are dizziness, nausea, and even feeling dizzy and weak, their pulse shows that they are very healthy now."

"And they're still very strong, there's even something nourishing their bodies, making them stronger, just saying..."

"It feels a bit like taking too much medicine and having a bad reaction..."

Li Qingbao asked Xiao Jiu in his heart: "Jiu, is the blue blood grass still far from here?"

Xiao Jiu's chirping voice rang in Li Qingbao's ears: "Master, I can already feel the breath of blue blood grass, it should not be far away, and there are many, many, many."

Li Qingbao nodded.

"They're fine. Let them step back and rest temporarily. The miasma is non-toxic and can make them stronger, so let them stay in the miasma for a while."

"The two of us go in."

After Zi Jue agreed, the two continued to walk in.

But before it came to an end, Zijue also had some symptoms, which could not be resolved even with the Miasma Pill.

"Can you still go?"

Li Qingbao quietly wrapped the green silk thread around Zi Jue's wrist to help him share some of the burden.

Zi Jue only felt that the palpitations were not so strong: "Yes."

The further you go, the more open the cave is, until you get out of the cave, even Li Qingbao is stunned by the beautiful scenery, it is really a paradise.

It is simply a good place to hide from the world.

The temperature here is suitable, and there are strands of sunlight on the top shining through the gaps, dyeing the flowers of various colors in a beautiful color.

The singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers, this scene alone makes people feel refreshed.

The birds here are not afraid of strangers at all.

(End of this chapter)

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