Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 252 The Eighth Form of the Regency Funder

Chapter 252 The Eighth Form of the Regency Funder (36)

Presumably it was because the villagers in the village did not hurt them and often fed them. As soon as they saw people coming, they flew around Zijue and Li Qingbao.

Zijue obviously liked this place very much, so he immediately took Li Qingbao's hand: "If we both get old and don't want to care about the mundane world anymore, we can also come here to live and build a small wooden house. "

"Just the two of us."


Li Qingbao was also very happy: "Good!"

"But the emperor's uncle will be responsible for cooking delicious food for me every day."

Zi Jue held Li Qingbao in his arms: "Of course."

The two of them enjoyed this moment of silence in a rare way.

But Li Qingbao suddenly saw something.

"Uncle Huang, look, isn't this a blue blood grass?"

The appearance of the blue blood grass is very strange, the leaves are flat and jagged, and there is a small dark blue flower on the top. It looks like ordinary wildflowers, unremarkable, but its most other place is at the stamen.

Open the closed petals, and you will see that its stamens are blood.

The reddish stamens are intertwined to form a bottle-like thing, and then inside is a dark red, blood-like thing, and you can see it seems to be flowing.

This is also the origin of the blue blood grass name.

This blue blood grass is a very precious medicinal material that can upgrade spiritual pets, but it does not grow in places with spiritual energy.So there are very few in the world of cultivating immortals.

But there are many planes without aura.

There is no spiritual plane but no spiritual pet, so the value of these blue blood grasses has not been discovered.

That is to say, Li Qingbao was able to go to various planes and was well-informed, so he fed Xiao Jiu a lot of these things.

But it is extremely difficult for the blue blood grass to mature, so the stock of blue blood grass in Li Qingbao's space has been exhausted.

Zijue took a few glances and was instantly overjoyed.

"It really is!"

"The genius doctor said, just pull out two and eat them."

Li Qingbao nodded: "Then uncle, hurry up."

In fact, this is just a cover that Li Qingbao asked the imperial doctor to say. In fact, the most important thing is Li Qingbao himself. Xiao Jiu wants to eat the blue blood grass, and then detoxify Zijue.

The blue blood grass was right in front of him, and things went smoothly. After Xiao Jiu ate the blue blood grass, he detoxified Zi Jue.

Zijue only felt that his chest was hot, and his whole body felt refreshed, as if all the blockages in his body for many years had dissipated.

Although there is a large area of ​​blue blood grass here, Li Qingbao didn't pull out too much. He pulled out a few for Xiaojiu, and pulled out a few more, and put them in the space to raise them. When it grows in the future, there will be a lot of blue blood grass up.

However, Zijue suddenly lowered his body and looked at the roots of the blue blood grass.

"Baby, come and see."


Li Qingbao lowered his head along with him, and looked along where Zi Jue pointed.

There were little white bugs there.

The worm's body is transparent, and the internal structure of its body can almost be seen. The blood vessels and blood inside are all green.

They are actually eating the grass pulp of the blue blood grass, which should be the accompanying insects of the blue blood grass.

"Is this the companion insect of the blue blood grass?"

Zijue was very surprised.

"should be."

Li Qingbao saw that this blue blood grass was rarely seen, and he had never seen this companion insect in other places, so he was not sure.

Li Qingbao stretched out his finger, wanting to touch the bug, but didn't want Zijue to say nervously: "Be careful!!"

(End of this chapter)

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